State Dingji

Chapter 296 Strange Fragrance

"What do you call me... Miss Ling Fei?" Ling Fei's eyes flashed with a trace of sadness, and a pair of big autumn water-like eyes suddenly filled with water mist, and muttered softly word by word, just like suddenly hearing her husband's little wife change of heart. It's heartbreaking to look at it without believing it, but with the last bit of hope.

", it's Fei, Fei... Fei, son..."

Linshang was stunned and immediately wanted to slap herself in the mouth. Just now, she had been calling her Fei's Fei'er. When she saw that she was fine, she suddenly called her Ling Fei's girl. How could this not make her sad? She should be called Fei'er. If she encounters this situation in her previous life, just a few sweet words can make Ling Fei smile. But looking at her eyes, all the sweet words Lin Chang learned in his previous life disappeared in an instant. Originally, it was just two simple words, but suddenly stuck in his throat like a fish bone, making him unable to say a smooth word.

"Idiot!" Looking at Linshang's embarrassment, the water mist in Ling Fei's eyes suddenly disappeared, and she glanced at Linshang angrily. The seductive appearance was as charming as it was.

"Hey... How do you know I'm here?" Lin Shang touched his nose awkwardly, smiled awkwardly, and returned to the problem just now. Since the two people "Fier" couldn't say it, they were automatically omitted by him.

When Ling Fei heard the words, her pretty face immediately cooled down and was silent for a while. She turned her head to look at the east side of the cloud and said faintly, "If I say that fate wants us to meet here, will you believe it?"

"...I believe it." Linshang was silent for a while and said decisively.

"Say you're dumb, you're really a nerd..." Ling Fei scolded angrily, and a complicated look flashed in her eyes, and then she laughed again. She looked at Lin Shan's eyes brightly and said word by word, "The reason why I'm here is exactly what you're here, isn't it?"

"Well...yes." Listening to Ling Fei's easy-to-understand words, Linshang wanted to make fun of her and say something like "This is the so-called thousands of miles of marriage". However, looking at Ling Fei's serious eyes, Linshang said what she really thought in her heart. As Ling Fei said, the reason why he came here is because Ling Fei and other demons are here.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? You know I can't but answer your question. Ling Fei continued to ask with bright eyes.

Why does this girl always say something heart-threateling? Doesn't she know that if she says too much of these words, she will make a man degenerate?

However, although the questions I want to ask are in your mind, how can I ask those words?

Lin Shang sighed secretly, then looked around and said with a serious look, "Fei... Go quickly. I know that most of you demons are here, but I have also sent a lot of masters here. Fortunately, we met each other, otherwise I'm afraid the war between the two demons has begun now."

"Are you worried about me?" Ling Fei's eyes lit up and replied without asking.

Linshang's face suddenly changed, and her face suddenly changed. She frowned and said, "Don't play with your childish temper. Although Jiuding Zhenren, the leader of the Demon Sect, is profound, my decent monks are not bad. Not to mention the other monks who are about to come, even our pioneers are also more cultivated than yours. If you don't leave, you will be in danger. It's dangerous."

Ling Fei stopped talking and just stared at him silently. Linshang felt vaguely uneasy, but he couldn't say anything, but he thought that the sky was about to get dark. Standing in the air like this with her, whether it was seen by decent people or demons, it was unreasonable. He frowned and urged, "Let's go quickly."

Ling Fei did not answer. Linshang frowned even more, wiped away the dried-up blood from the corners of his eyes, and turned around and flew to the area under Su Yuqing's charge.

But just as his figure was about to disappear into the clouds, behind him, in the clouds, suddenly her voice came.

"Lin Lang!"

Lin Xiang was stunned and stopped in the clouds, but still did not turn his head to look at her, but her voice continued to ring in the clouds behind her.

"I teach everyone in Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea... And I won't tell anyone what you said!"

Linshang was stunned, and at the same time as a warm current flowed through his heart, a feeling of powerlessness enveloped his mind, like a person walking in the night. Even if he carried a lantern, he could only illuminate himself, which had no effect on the endless darkness.

"Bear care."

After being silent for a while, Lin Chang nodded slowly and whispered in a hoarse voice. In the cyan light flashing on his body, lightning flew in the direction of Su Yuqing.

Every time she met, Linshang couldn't help sinking into it. Gradually, Linshang became vaguely scared.

In this case, it is the best choice to look at each other and then leave silently, right?

In the clouds, raindrops accumulate faster and faster, and the rain clouds shrink significantly. At the same time, a sharp and upright breath gradually appeared in the rain and clouds, rapidly expanding with each lightning and thunder.

Lin Shang has disappeared, while Ling Fei still quietly stepped on the moonlight piccolo, motionless, as if she could not feel the growing breath beside her.

Half a day.

Looking at the direction of Lin Shang's figure disappearing, Ling Fei's big eyes quickly blinked a few times. A crystal tears dripped from the corners of his eyes and silently integrated into the rain clouds under him, turning into a drop of rain that I don't know whether it was tears or raindrops falling on the ground and disappeared without a trace.


I'm really not suitable to be a good person...

Feeling Ling Fei's breath in the rain clouds go away, Linshang sighed gently, her eyes flashed a few times, and resolutely cut off the connection with the surrounding world, and Ling Fei's breath suddenly disappeared into heaven and earth.

Well, although I don't know where she has gone, at least I know where the demons are.

Liubo Mountain? Isn't it the place where the cattle in the East China Sea are going to be born?

Although I don't know where Liubo Mountain is, the other brothers are well-informed people. Maybe they know.

In time... it should be too late.

Ling Fei appeared here to warn my decent disciples from raiding. However, looking at her appearance, the Donghai Kui Niu must not have been born yet, so that I can have more time to ease.

After going back, as long as you inquire about the location of Liubo Mountain, and then sneak in to explore the reality of the demon religion, then this task will be successfully completed!

However, I hope it won't cause her trouble if I do so...

Thinking of Ling Fei, Linshang suddenly became silent. The woman who dared to love and hate always made it difficult for him, an "old man" in his 40s.

He can easily deal with Su Yuqing, but in front of Ling Fei, he is always a little impulsive.

Perhaps, this is the so-called one thing drops one thing.

"Huh? Who? Hasn't she left yet? But when did she fly in front of her?

When I was distracted, suddenly a broken sound of the flying sword came to Linshang's ears, and the sound showed signs of getting louder and louder. Linshang was stunned, narrowed her eyes and looked carefully. In the distant sky, a green light over the area Su Yuqing was responsible for quickly approached her, as fast as a green lightning.

Sister Su?!

Lin Xiang's eyes lit up, but then flashed a few complex colors, and his eyes looking at Su Yuqing also became Ai Ai.

Sister Su flew close to her so quickly that she must be worried about her safety. After all, the breath she just emitted was really too conspicuous. Not to mention her, I'm afraid that people in the demon religion other than Ling Fei also noticed it.

I had just been with another woman. At this time, Sister Su was going to appear beside me again. How can I bear this scene?

Fei'er and Sister Su are both rare women in the world. Generally speaking, everyone they favor should be the happiest people in the world, but why do they feel so uncomfortable?

Although Sister Su looks cold, her heart is simple and cute. It is estimated that every man who knows her true temperament will have a ripple in her heart. And Fei'er is a strange woman who dares to love and hate. If it hadn't been for her identity as a demonic religion, she was afraid that the monks who pursued her could line up from Shushan to my Xuantianzong...

Two such excellent women favor themselves at the same time, so how can they choose?

The blessing of all people?

This idea is not unshakable. I believe that most men will also have this idea in their hearts, but is the blessing of all people really good?

Although I traveled here from the 21st century, Kyushu is so big that I can only be regarded as an ordinary monk at best. At the same time, what I like is just an ordinary and plain life. It is said that love is boundless, but I only have one heart. How can I put it on two people at the same time?

It's not that fraternity is not wrong, but there is only one person who can give happiness.

I still can't enjoy the blessing of Qi people in the novels of my previous life...

In the rapid turn of mind, Lin Zhang has already turned into a blue light to greet Ling Fei. In a moment, the two have flown together.

"What's wrong with Sister Su? Have you found the trace of the demon?" Looking at the worry in Su Yuqing's eyes, Linshang sighed secretly and asked knowingly.

"No, it's just now that I suddenly found a very powerful breath here, and I was curious and flew over. Brother Lin, are you all right?" Su Yu's fair face flashed a trace of red glow, and then regained her frosty appearance.

"It's okay." Linshang touched his nose awkwardly and suddenly said, "Sister Su, I think I have found the clue of the demon cult."

Seeing that there was nothing strange on Linshang's body, Su Yuqing glanced around with her consciousness. After finding that there was nothing abnormal, the worry in her eyes slowly disappeared, and then she quickly asked, "What clue?"

"Ryubo Mountain!" Lin Shang's eyes flashed quickly and continued, "I heard from the old people in the nearby village that there was a Liubo Mountain somewhere in the East China Sea, on which there lived a monster called a cow. Although I don't know if the cow in their mouth is a cow in the East China Sea, this should also be a clue. If you find the place where the cow was born in the East China Sea, you will naturally find the traces of demons.

"Ryubo Mountain? I haven't heard of it. It's better for brothers to know something. As he said, Su Yuqing was suddenly stunned and quickly approached Linshang. His nose sniffed gently a few times, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face. "Brother Lin, why do you have a very strange fragrance?"


The first update. I went out yesterday and came back at noon today. During that time, a lot of things happened, some of which were related to men, some of which were related to women. After thinking about it, there were banquets all over in the world. In the past, it was better to let it really pass... After all, there is still a long way to go.