State Dingji

Chapter 311 Confrontation

Have you arrived?

Looking at the empty mountain walls around, Lin Shang was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Su Yuqing and others behind him, but saw that they also stopped like Yu Lianzhou.

"Is it an illusion?"

When Lin Shang was puzzled, he saw Yu Lianzhou pinching the formula with his hands. After a series of complex formulas changed, he saw a pale yellow light shining on the mountain wall in front of him.

The pale yellow light suddenly stopped before touching the mountain wall, flashed a few times and disappeared. At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding circle fluctuated, and the scene in front of Lin Shang suddenly changed, and palaces made of various rocks appeared in front of him.

The palace covers a very large area. Dozens of palaces can be seen just in the gap of Zhang Xu Fangyuan, but beyond Zhang Xu Fangyuan, it is still a mountain wall. Obviously, the magic formula just opened a gap in Lianzhou's array. However, dozens of palaces can be seen just by the gap of the square circle, and there are hundreds of palaces in the whole illusion array?

Lin Shang was surprised, but he was relieved when he remembered that there were hundreds of sects and nearly 2,000 monks from various factions who came to Liubo Mountain.

Although all factions are decent monks, after all, there are sects, and it is normal for them to build palaces.

When Linshang turned his head curiously and looked around, Yu Lianzhou had already carried him into the illusion array, and others also followed him into the illusion array. After everyone entered, Yu Lianzhou played another series of magic formulas, and saw that the gap of the illusion array suddenly disappeared, but surprisingly, after the illusion array was gathered again, something outside the illusion array could still be seen in the illusion array. If Lin Shan notices it, he will definitely be surprised and one-way illusion!

The so-called one-way illusion array means that the illusion array can only block one side*, that is to say, you can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside. Not only the picture, but also the sound is blocked by the illusion array.

To set up this kind of illusion array, it needs to consume a lot of true money from monks, and there are many natural materials and treasures as the base, otherwise it will be difficult to set up successfully. If it is set up by a single sect, even if the monk has enough true resources, I'm afraid he will be reluctant to give up so many natural treasures. However, at this time, all the decent factions in the world of cultivation gathered, and each sect contributed a little, and the materials needed were enough.

In order to block the spying of demon monks, it is worth paying this price.

Of course, Lin Shang did not notice these scenes, but was attracted by hundreds of palaces all over the mountains in front of her. At the foot of the mountain, on the mountainside, on the top of the mountain, and on various hills, there are palaces of various shapes. Of course, some of the houses made of stones are a little simple. Although they are not a palace, they are also masterpieces beyond the reach of mortals.

Many strange palaces were placed in front of him, which immediately surprised Linshang and couldn't speak. Among them, what puzzled him the most was that these palaces added up to more than 200.

"There are less than 100 sects participating in the decent alliance exchange conference, and there are only 21 people at most in each sect. One palace is enough for them to live in, but how can there be so many palaces? Is there anyone else here?"

Lin Zhang was stunned for a moment and frowned to look at Yu Lianzhou, but saw that while controlling Xuanwu's flight, he pointed to the palace under him and said, "Brother Lin, a lot of things have happened during your disappearance. Let me talk to you slowly."

"First of all, on the way to Liubo Mountain, many decent monks have joined. Now there are more than 3,000 monks in our decent alliance. Among them, many closed elders came out of the mountain, and they were all strong in the later period of the congenital golden elixir.

"Secondly, I have launched a war with the demon demons. Originally, I should have been able to beat the demons with my decent strength, but I don't know where the demons have found so many monks above the solid elixir realm, and even some old demons who have been closed for a long time have come out of the mountain. Under the defense of the decent alliance, I can draw with them.

"Well... So that's it. No wonder there are so many people on this mountain." Looking at the many palaces that kept passing under him, Linshang nodded and suddenly asked, "How about the cultivation of Jiuding, the leader of the magic religion?"

"This..." Yu Lianzhou's eyes flashed a few times and whispered, "It's very strong. Uncle Zhao and Uncle Wang of the Five elements can only haunt him..."

"So awesome?! When did the Demon Sect come out with such a character?

Linshang was stunned when he heard the words. Although he said that, he said in his heart, "It seems that the suspicion that Jiuding Zhenren is Brother Liu. Although Brother Liu is talented, it is absolutely impossible for him to break through to the realm of God in such a short time. Moreover, the cultivation of Jiuding real people is not in the early stage of the divine realm, which can resist the attack of two strong people in the early stage of the divine realm, so his cultivation is at least in the middle of the divine realm.

"Well, the demon of Jiuding Zhenren is indeed profound. I'm afraid that only the head of my decent five sects will have a chance of winning." Yu Lianzhou nodded and said.

"Except for the first war, I didn't fight with the demon religion again?" Thinking of the bombarded and unsightly mountains she saw along the way, Lin Shang couldn't help asking curiously.

A big war, no matter how many people there are, it won't destroy Liubo Mountain like that, will it?

Yu Lianzhou smiled, and a deep meaning flashed in his eyes and said slowly, "After the first war, both my two factions understand each other's strength and know that they can't swallow each other, so they can endure it. After all, the purpose of his demon religion is the cattle in the East China Sea, and I am decent is to destroy them. Plan. At this time, the cow in the East China Sea had not yet been born, and it was too early to fight.

With that, a meaningful smile appeared on Yu Lianzhou's face, "Although the predecessors do not participate in the fight, the disciples of all factions are young and vigorous. How can they be idle? In order to combat the arrogance of the magic religion and hone my own cultivation by the way, I often went out to fight with the magic monks. Just now, our group went out to practice and met the demon girl of the magic religion, otherwise we couldn't find you, Brother Lin. But where have you been these days, Brother Lin?

Linshang was stunned and touched his nose awkwardly. He cried secretly in his heart. He hesitated for a moment, suddenly gritted his teeth and said quickly, "I've been underground. The news I've been searching may be useful to your uncles."

"Well, I hope so." Yu Lianzhou's eyes lit up and shouted softly. Feijian Xuanwu suddenly accelerated and instantly left Su Yuqing and others behind, while Su Yuqing and others did not follow, but fell towards a square palace.

"Brother Yu?" Linshang asked curiously.

"There is the residence of our disciples of Xuantianzong." Yu Lianzhou pointed to the palace where Su Yuqing and others fell, and then pointed to the largest and most quaint palace on the top of the mountain. "Where are they?"

"Hmm." Lin Shang nodded, stared at Su Yuqing's silent back disappearing in the square palace, sighed, and turned her eyes to the palace on the top of the mountain.

The palace covers a vast area, as big as two football fields. In this mountain palace, it is indeed a unique brother. Although the material for building the palace is also a rock taken from Liubo Mountain, the stone is obviously different from the stones of other palaces.

The most gorgeous and beautiful stones in other palaces are just plainly cut byyong fa bao, which looks more pleasing to the eyes. However, the stones of this palace on the top of the mountain are not only cut flat, but also engraved with countless tadpole-like runes on the surface of the stone. From afar, it looks like countless tadpoles swimming. , a very simple and mysterious atmosphere naturally emanates from the palace.

Looking at the runes on the palace, Lin Shang gradually frowned. She only felt that the aura in the whole illusion array gathered in the palace one after another, and then emitted on the stone at the top of the palace. The area covered the whole illusion array happened to be. The continuous operation of Reiki actually forms a perfect cycle in this illusion.

"The palace where your uncles are located is the eye of this illusion, which can make the demons unable to detect the reality of my decent alliance." Seeing Lin Shang's eyes staring at the runes on the palace, a trace of surprise flashed in Yu Lianzhou's eyes and explained casually.

"All uncles and uncles are so cultivated, and their methods are amazing, which is really admirable." Linshang praised and thought of the demon monks, and immediately changed his words, "Brother Yu, is there such a magic array in the gathering place of the demon monks?"

"Well, Brother Lin, you guessed right. The demons have also set up this kind of illusion array. Although uncles and uncles have been looking for such a position, they have no clue, just like the masters of the demons suddenly disappeared." Speaking of the demons, Yu Lianzhou frowned tightly again.

disappeared? Is it related to the underground cave that Phil said?

Linshang was stunned when she heard the words, and immediately thought of what Ling Fei said about the Jiuding real person taking people to the cave under the bottom of the sea. After pondering for a moment, she still decided to see all the uncles and uncles to talk again, and immediately stopped talking.

Seeing this, Yu Lianzhou shook his head gently and quickly fell to the palace on the top of the mountain.

The closer you are to the palace, the more you can feel the extraordinary breath exuded from the ordinary rocks, turning decay into magic. At the same time, Lin Shang is envious of the powerful man in the divine realm, but she began to worry about the profound Jiuding real person of the demon religion.

I hope things are not as serious as you think...

Before entering the palace, Lin Shang turned his head and looked down the mountain, sighed slightly, and then followed Yu Lianzhou into the palace.

If the palace gave Linshang a mysterious feeling before entering the palace, when he just stepped into the palace, he felt that he had entered a different time and space, and the scene in front of him was completely different from what he imagined.

There are no thick stone pillars, no flat ground like water, and no exquisite carvings. What comes into sight are just five polished stone chairs and five white-haired and white-bearded old men sitting on the stone chair.

"I've met your uncles!" Yu Lianzhou and Linshang saluted the five old men sitting at the end and shouted respectfully.

"Well, it would be good to see that Lin's nephew are fine. Otherwise, Brother Li will definitely come here thousands of miles to find an explanation." After carefully looking at Linshang for a moment, Li Jianfeng brushed his snow-white beard and smiled.

"Li Shibo's words are heavy..." Lin Shang smiled, but thought of the master's character in his heart. If something really happened to him, maybe he could really do that kind of thing.

"Ha ha, without saying anything, Lin's nephew naturally knows that you may know the character of Brother Li better than me." Li Jianfeng laughed, then straightened up and said slowly, "Nephew Lin, what have you found in the past few days of your disappearance? We old guys hope to hear good news from you."


The first update. Tomorrow is my uncle's birthday. I just got out of the hospital today. Tomorrow must be a lively feast. I hope a few brothers can come back early...