State Dingji

Chapter 313 Explanation


Over the Liubo Mountain, a blue light hovered strangely in the air, flying high or low. Looking at the circle, it seemed to be looking for something.

At first, when they saw the blue light, many demon monks surrounded them one after another, ready to take advantage of the fire. It's rare to meet a decent monk who is alone. How can he slip away like this?

However, before they could do it, they saw that the blue light disappeared in front of them in an instant, and some magic monks who were close to the blue light and saw it clearly retreated trembling all over, with a palpitated face, muttering something like "Jindan...Jindan..." and so on.

In this way, the green light is a decent monk in the realm of innate golden elixir!

Looking at the magic monks who were constantly surrounding him, Lin Shang couldn't help frowning, and a trace of impatience flashed on his face.

At this moment, he was looking for Su Yuqing crazily. He thought she would be besieged by the magic monks, but he didn't expect that without waiting for him to approach, the magic monks surrounded him like bees that smelled the fragrance. Seeing this scene, Linshang immediately guessed that Su Yuqing was not here. However, the eager eyes of more and more demon monks made him angry.

He is different from ordinary decent monks, and he doesn't have much hatred for the demon people. In his eyes, whether a person is a righteous or a demon does not look at all whether he is decent or demonic.

What kind of person does what kind of things? Only by looking at a person's behavior can we judge what kind of person he is!

Thinking like this, Linshang began to feel unbearable in the face of those demon monks. Everyone is a monk who cultivates the truth and enlightenment, but only because of the different ways of practicing true skills and the way of doing things, they stand in a relative position. However, all this does not mean that the other party should die. Ants are still alive, and how can a monk who cultivates the truth and enlightenment kill each other for the sake of the view of the sect?

Although Linshang thinks so, he is not that he has never killed anyone, and he is not alone. In the battle of soul refining, more than one person died at his hands. However, those people are all mortal people in Linshang's eyes.

Killers, people always kill!

It's not that Linshang is self-righteous, but that he can't help sending them to God in advance when he sees those who do evil are free. They confessed or not, and God did not forgive them. That was all their business, and Linshang was just responsible for sending them there.

At this time, looking at the demon monks who gathered from time to time and then suddenly dispersed, Linshang was irritable and wanted to kill him, but for the persistence in his heart, he still endured himself.

Moreover, he didn't come here to kill people.

Where is it? Where on earth can Sister Su go? The whole island has almost turned around, but she still can't find her trace. Is it caught by the highly cultivated monks in the demon religion? It's impossible. According to Sister Su's cultivation, I'm afraid that the other party is a master of Jindan's realm, and she can't easily let her comply. But where on earth did she go?

While flying, Linshang looked around. At this time, he suddenly missed his previous life of practicing qi, not because he could use magic weapons, but because at that time, he could control his divine consciousness and explore everywhere, instead of looking around with a pair of naked eyes as he is now. No matter how good his eyesight is, it is better than exploring a hundred feet or even farther in a short time. The divine consciousness, right?

Moreover, although he can detect the situation around him when he immerses himself in the surrounding world, that feeling can only detect whether there is anyone around, but the person's figure and face are invisible, so that even if he can feel everyone on the island What about the breath, but the problem is that Su Yuqing can't be found!

"Huh? Sister Su!"

Just as Linshang was depressed and wanted to throw herself into the sea, she suddenly saw a green sword light flying towards her from the corners of her eyes. Linshang was stunned and immediately recognized the green sword light.

In addition to Su Yuqing's blue shadow, who else can release such a pure green sword light?

Taking a deep breath, the cyan light on Linshang's body suddenly soared, accelerated in an instant, and faced the green sword light. At the same time, a loud voice sounded over the Liubo Mountain.

"Sister Su!"

The sound immediately caused bursts of echoes on this devastated Liubo mountain. The sound reached the green sword light and immediately made the green sword light pause for a moment. In the sharp roar, it turned a corner in the air and flew back like lightning.

Huh? Why did it fly away? Is Sister Su still angry with me?

Linshang was stunned, but the speed did not slow down. Instead, it accelerated with the departure of the green sword light.

In this way, a spectacle suddenly appeared on Liubo Mountain, which stunned many monks of the two factions who were fighting. There is no other reason. I have seen decent monks chasing demon monks and demon monks chasing decent monks. However, everyone has never seen two decent monks chasing each other...

Is one of them a decent/magic spy?

The monks of the two schools who saw this scene thought one after another.

No matter what they think, Linshang is a bastard at this moment. He is determined and will not stop until he catches up with the green sword light.

He has fully confirmed that the green sword light in front of him is Su Yuqing, and more importantly, Su Yuqing is still angry with him, which is the most important.

For Su Yuqing, he was just flirting and didn't expect that he would really be addicted to it. After all, when a man sees a woman who is as cold as a goddess of ice and snow, I'm afraid that he will have some kind of emotion that a normal man should have.

However, as the friendship between him and Su Yuqing deepened, Linshang was unconsciously moved by Su Yuqing's true temperament covered with ice and snow.

The more indifferent people are to the outside world, the simpler and more fragile they are!

As a person who crossed from the 21st world to this Kyushu world, Lin Shang can be described as an "old man" in his 20s. Although he has not experienced many things, he is already very mature for people of his age.

In short, Linshang is a person with a story. And people with stories are often attracted by that kind of pure woman, which is why Linshang can't help teasing Su Yuqing. Although at the beginning, he had the psychology of flirting with Su Yuqing, who knew whether he had been moved by the woman who was like the goddess of ice and snow in his subconscious?

No matter what it was at first, at least at this moment, Lin clearly understands that Su Yuqing has become an indispensable existence for him, just like water for fish and sky for birds.

In this way, the two walked quickly through Liubo Mountain one after the other. In a moment, it flew out of the range of the Liubo Mountains and into the boundless sea.

Looking at the distant Liubo Mountain, Su Yuqing's face finally became normal. Just now, after listening to Ruan Mei's advice, her anger towards Linshang had subsided, so she flew out to look for Linshang. However, when she saw Linshang, she was stunned by Linshang's roar.

There is Liubo Mountain, where thousands of monks exist! How can he shout at himself so loudly? Doesn't he know how to show his face in front of everyone?

Looking at Linshang, who was chasing closely behind her, a trace of anguish flashed in Su Yuqing's eyes, but the speed of flight gradually slowed down.

"Sister Su..."

Lin Shang's eyes lit up, and the speed that had been so fast suddenly increased, and she flew to Su Yuqing's side in an instant. Looking at the beautiful woman who was still angry in front of her, Linshang had just brewed thousands of words in her heart for a long time, but suddenly disappeared. She opened her mouth for a long time, but only said three words of Sister Su.

He is still very nervous about himself...

Looking at Linshang's embarrassment, Su Yuqing couldn't help but feel happy, but she still had an expression of refusing people thousands of miles away and said coldly, "What's the matter with you chasing me for so long?"

"Uh..." Linshang was stunned and immediately wanted to explain Ling Fei's matter to her, but after thinking about it carefully, wouldn't this kind of thing make Sister Su more disgust herself, and she couldn't speak at the moment.

"Do you have nothing to say to me?" Seeing that Linshang didn't say anything, Su Yuqing had just had a little warm heart and gradually cooled down, and the frost on her face gradually disappeared and replaced it with a sad expression.

"No, absolutely not without words!" Linshang waved her hand repeatedly and lowered her head involuntarily. "But, I don't know what to say..."

Su Yuqing was silent for a moment and asked softly, "Who is that demon woman?"

Unconsciously, Su Yuqing's name for Ling Fei has changed from a demon girl to a demon woman. Not only did she not notice this change, but she did not even notice it, but she didn't even notice it on her face.

"Ling Fei, he used to be a disciple of the Magic Palace, and now... it can be said that he is a demon monk..." Linshang replied honestly. Although he knew that girls generally needed to be coaxed, somehow, looking at Su Yuqing's watery eyes, he just wanted to tell her all the facts.

All the facts have not been modified!

"She...have you known her for a long time?" Su Yuqing's white teeth gently bit her lower lip and continued to ask.

"It's been a long time..." With that, Linshang slowly raised his head and looked into Su Yuqing's clear eyes. "Do you remember what happened before I lost my cultivation?"

"Hmm." Su Yuqing nodded.

"At that time, I was seriously injured in 100,000 mountains and fell into a coma. I was sent back to Xuantianzong by her." Lin Zhang said lightly.

Listen, a trace of doubt flashed in Su Yuqing's eyes, a trace of sadness, but in the end, it was covered by a cold light, took a deep breath, and slowly said, "What is her intention for you?"

"Attempt? She just saved me. What will she do to me? Lin Zhang replied in a stunned manner.

"Demon demons are all vicious and blasphemers, and they will never save people for no reason! She must have done this to you or to my Xuantianzong!!" With that, a trace of coldness flashed in Su Yuqing's eyes, and a faint murderous spirit naturally emanated from her.

Linshang was stunned when he heard the words, was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Sister Su, in your eyes, are all the monks of the magic religion like that?"

"Naturally that's it! Demon demons harm the world and do all kinds of evil. They all deserve to die!" Su Yuqing shouted firmly.



The third update. In the past two days, I have been thinking about the outline and the plot after that. My mind is a little confused. This chapter is very entangled. After thinking hard, there is no inspiration, so I have to write emotional dramas, hoping that tomorrow will be better. In addition, Xiaochen is going to quit smoking. Two packs a day can't afford to hurt... He has only smoked 12 cigarettes today, which is the best result in recent years... Maybe that sentence is true. Smoking is the source of inspiration... It's a problem whether to quit smoking or not...