State Dingji

Update Delay Announcement

I don't know how to say some words. After struggling for a long time, I can only tell everyone like this.

To be honest, Xiaochen encountered a bottleneck that is difficult to break through. Although it was not updated yesterday, Xiaochen coded more than 20,000 words, but at the moment of finishing the code, Xiaochen hated ALT+A, then SHIFT+DEL, and then he was drunk with a bottle of Erguotou...

Today, I just finished the chapter PASS...

It's like a text that is half asleep and half awake, and Xiaochen doesn't want to upload it!

Since the beginning of this book, Xiaochen has coded more than 900,000 words, so in any case, Xiaochen should write this book well!

Whether it has been on the street or not, this is Xiaochen's first book, and Xiaochen will never give up!

Here, I want to swear to my readers and friends, to myself, to a certain promise:

Xiaochen will try his best to finish the book "Ji Ding Ji"!

Unconsciously, there are a lot of codes. Everyone should also understand what Xiaochen means. Continue to ask for leave today and be updated tomorrow!


To be honest, every time I ask for leave, it is the most uncomfortable time for Xiaochen, not because the collection will be sharply reduced, nor because my friends will be dissatisfied, but when I ask for leave, Xiaochen feels like a deserter running away on the battlefield, a cowardly deserter because he dares not face the enemy!

Shameless deserters!!!

That's all, let's not talk about it. It's just a matter of asking for leave. After saying so much, forgive me for drinking too much