State Dingji

Chapter 326 Man-eating Skills

"Brother Lin!"

Su Yuqing screamed and was about to reach out and open the stone beside him when he saw a flash of blue light, and Lin Shang appeared strangely in front of his eyes. Su Yuqing was stunned and suddenly realized that the moment she hit the mountain stone, Lin Shang performed her ground art and drilled into the rock.

"Brother Lin..."

Looking at Lin Shang's dim eyes and the miserable appearance of blood dripping from his right arm at this time, tears flashed in Su Yuqing's eyes and he was about to jump forward. However, as soon as his footsteps moved, he was blocked by Linshang's left hand.

"Don't..." With that, Lin Shan turned his head and looked in the direction where the red-haired man had just flown away, and a cold murderous intention flashed in his eyes. "That demon will definitely die!"

"Brother Lin" Su Yuqing was stunned and wondered how Lin Shang had such a cold murderous intention. However, when she followed Lin Shang's eyes, she was stunned.

There were only 12 people left where the 13 monks were located, and one of the monks was wrapped in a blood shadow group, and his body was visible to be seen by the naked eye in the heart-phirl howl.

In the blink of an eye, the originally strong body was left with a pale color, as if the skeleton that would disperse as soon as the wind blew, and the blood shadow of the red-haired man was thrown down casually.

The monk turned into a white bone, and the red-haired man's complexion improved significantly, like...

It's like a big make-up!

Linshang was silent, and a touch of blue suddenly appeared in her dark pupils, and the cold and ruthless murderous intention was undisguised. The trace of cold seemed to freeze the surrounding world. Contrary to his cold murderous intent, Linshang suddenly calmed down, and even his clenched fist gradually loosened, as if he suddenly gave up resistance.

"Brother Lin..." Looking at the white bone that had been torn apart, a trace of murderousness flashed in Su Yuqing's eyes. His eyes flashed a few times, but returned to Lin Shang. Seeing Lin Shang's silence, Su Yuqing's lips moved a few times, but he was still silent and helped the mountain stone beside him to hide carefully.

At this time, as a wounded person, all she could do was not let Linshang worry about herself.

"Hahahaha, junior, I advise you to give up resistance! If you die obediently, I will spare your sister's life, otherwise, there will be no mercy!" The red-haired man smiled, as if tasting the taste of the monk's flesh and blood just now. He stretched out his bright red tongue, slowly licked his blood-red lips, and his eyes slowly swept over everyone, and his eyes shot out a virilous color.

As soon as the red-haired man's voice fell, before Lin Zhang answered, the twelve monks of all factions became confused.

Just now, when the shadow of the blood pounced on them, they had directly felt the strong breath of the master of the natural golden elixir realm. Then, in front of them, their fellows who had just fought side by side with them were biochemicalized into white bones, which made them even more frightened. Among them, the most unbelievable thing for them was that after turning the unlucky Taoist friend into white bones, the breath of the red-haired man became obviously strong.

Eat people!

He actually eats people to supplement the power he consumes!!

This is the most frightening fact!!!

At this time, the red-haired man spoke and provoked the fear in their hearts.

spared your sister's life? Will you spare our lives?

Question, fear, suspicion...

All kinds of emotions rose in their hearts, making them slowly hesitate, look at each other, take a few steps back, and distance themselves from Linshang.

In the eyes, more or less hatred flashes without a trace.

"Brothers, don't listen to this demon demon man's nonsense. Do you think this man-eating demon may let you go after I die?" Seeing everyone's hesitation, Linshang smiled without anger, looked at the remaining twelve monks with contempt, and then turned her eyes to the red figure in the air. "You demon, dare to confuse the public when you die. Do you think my decent monks will be afraid of you?"

"Hahaha, junior, you still dare to show off in front of me. Just now, I just used a little trick. If you really make me angry, I will definitely suck you into a white bone!" With that, the red-haired man slowly licked his blood-red lips again, and his eyes were full of blood-red light, which looked like a shark that smelled blood.

"Suck us all into white bones?" Linshang suddenly laughed, looked at the red-haired man contemptuously, and slowly said, "You can deceive others with this, but you can't deceive Master Linshang! If you could suck the monk's cultivation at will, then the cultivation world would have been your world. What are we fighting for?!"

With that, a trace of coldness suddenly flashed in Linshang's eyes, and the left fist that had just been released suddenly clenched it. "Presumably if you suck the true yuan of my decent monk, it will cause you a lot of counterattack, right?" How long can you hold on?"

"Little, don't be presumptuous! Before he finished his words, the red-haired man suddenly exclaimed, and the blood-red light turned into a shadow and flashed aside, but Linshang punched him while he spoke.

After a punch, Linshang did not pursue him. Instead, he turned his head and shouted in the direction of the twelve monks: "Brothers, did you see? Although this demon has strange skills, he can't hold on for long. As long as we work together, we will definitely kill him!"

"What are you afraid of when I'm in front of you?! Don't you want to avenge the brother just now?!"

Linshang's face was decent, and her tone was even more solemn. Coupled with the flashing green light in the air, the peerless heroic posture that bombarded the blood shadow again and again, immediately turned into a warm sunshine, making the hesitation in the hearts of the twelve monks to relieve the ice and snow.

looked at each other and nodded together. In the shrill of the twelve empty screams, twelve magic weapons shimmered and enveloped the blood shadow and surrounded the blood shadow with Linshang.

"Jither, you are bad and disrespectful to me. I must smash you to pieces!" Several times, he was surrounded by twelve magic weapons by Linshang. The red-haired man in the blood shadow couldn't help getting angry. In the blood shadow rolling, he was about to cover Linshang in. However, the seemingly earth-wallowing attack was broken in front of Linshang's fists with the power of heaven and earth, and was bombarded back by Linshang again and again.

"Go to hell, you man-eating demon!" Linshang threw a sentence coldly, and then squeezed the corners of his mouth tightly, frowned, and the blue light in his pupils flashed like a dream, but with a chilling murderous intention.

In the fight just now, Linshang just wanted to repel him and did not want to kill him. Although he was a monk of the demon religion, he did not have to die, and Linshang was not sure of winning.

A master in the later stage of the realm of the innate golden elixir is definitely not so easy to be killed. If he is willing to escape, unless he is netned, he can only watch him escape.

However, Linshang was completely angry when he saw him turn a decent monk into a white bone to restore his lost power.

Killers, people always kill!

Since he killed a decent monk, he is ready to die at the hands of other decent monks!

Moreover, although it is said that there is no difference between good and evil in practicing true skills, this kind of skill, which relies on sucking the flesh and blood of other monks to restore its own strength, will not be regarded as a serious practice, right?

This kind of skill should be the forbidden law in the forbidden law!

People who have this skill may not all deserve to die, but those who rely on the strangeness of this skill to suck the flesh and blood of other monks must die!

Regardless of demons!


The second update. For some friends' questions, Xiaochen wants to explain the following: Xiaochen has been really busy and tired recently, exhausted, the output is low, and Xiaochen is also very unhappy. However, Xiaochen is definitely not perfunctory. This month's full attendance has not been available because of the interruption of update, but Xiaochen will continue to write. Xiaochen writes books for money, not just for money. Please support us!