State Dingji

Chapter 335 clue

Xuan Tianzong, Shuiyuefeng.

Shuiyue Peak is the lowest of the five peaks of Xuantian Sect, but it is also the most beautiful one.

She does not have the grandior of Longshoufeng, nor the simplicity and freedom of Youlanfeng. She is like a intellectual and graceful woman, or a veil covering her face and smiling frequently; or she bows her head and sprinkles freely as gentleness as water.

There are thousands of wonderful places, needless to say, if you are in it and understand it carefully, you can feel her charm that makes people addicted to it.

At this time, the sky was blue, the full moon was in the sky, and the moonlight was like water, quietly sprinkled on her, adding a mysterious veil to her.

On a boulder at the top of the peak, a slender woman in white stood in the wind, holding her head high to the east, with sad and Ai, like a petite wife looking forward to her husband's return.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on her, pulling out a slightly sad figure.

The night wind came, the white clothes moved with the wind, and the green silk floated back in the ears. The beautiful state was like a nine-day fairy who would go with the wind at any time.

Mountains and people, people and mountains are actually a harmony that makes people unable to pick out any flaws.

not far from the peak, in the shadow of a boulder, a woman in red looked at the beautiful figure standing in the wind, and her beautiful eyes were full of hesitation.

"The master asked me to take good care of Sister Su, but how can Sister Su have the heart to disturb her like this..."

"I am Sister Shui Yuefeng, and Sister Su is like this now, but I have no choice. I'm really ashamed..."

Ruan Mei, the eldest disciple of Shui Yuefeng, looked at Su Yuqing on the boulder, and her eyes were full of sadness, as if she was troubled, not her sister Su. In fact, in her heart, she is willing to stand on the boulder, only to be herself, but there is no worry about others.

At this time, it was the fifth day after they returned to Xuantianzong. Originally, Su Yuqing thought that Lin Sheng had lost his life in the self-explosion of the demon demon, and he was in a trance all day, as if the three souls had lost seven souls. It was not until You Lanfeng's first Li Mubai told everyone that Lin Shan's fate card was still broken and he was still alive in the world that Su Yuqing woke up. Ruan Mei thought that Su Yuqing would be fine when he woke up, but something unexpected happened to everyone. After Su Yuqing woke up, the first thing was to tell the master that she wanted to go down the mountain, but she refused to explain the reason anyway.

However, even if she didn't say it, Master Yuanzhen knew what happened. Master Yuanzhen had heard what happened in Lianzhou. Naturally, he knew that his beloved disciple was for Lin Zhang, the eldest disciple of You Lanfeng. Master Yuanzhen has been practicing for hundreds of years and naturally knows the worldly wisdom, but at this time, the demon war has just ended, and she dares not let Su Yuqing go down the mountain again anyway.

Lin Shang, a disciple of You Lanfeng, has put a strange atmosphere on Xuantianzong. If Su Yuqing doesn't come back after going down the mountain, won't Xuantianzong change his appearance?

Master Yuanzhen refused, but Su Yuqing was also an affectionate woman. At present, she no longer mentioned the matter of going down the mountain. However, since then, Su Yuqing has climbed to the peak of Shuiyue Peak and stood on the boulder, facing the East China Sea, motionless.

Don't eat, drink, and don't sleep. After a few days, the beautiful woman, like a nine-day fairy, seems to have become a sculpture.

Seeing Su Yuqing like this, Master Yuanzhen, who favored Su Yuqing, was naturally extremely distressed, but as a master, she couldn't help many things, so she had to send her eldest disciple to take care of Su Yuqing for fear that she would do something stupid on impulse.

After a few days, Su Yuqing was motionless, but there was no other action. Master Yuanzhen breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart became worried.

Su Yuqing has excellent talent. When he participated in the decent alliance exchange conference, he had already practiced to the peak of the late stage of the realm of innate Shidan. Moreover, after the experience of the Zhengmo war, I'm afraid he will break through to the realm of innate Jindan. However, Su Yuqing was sad for a Linshang. She didn't eat or drink, didn't sleep, and even forgot her daily practice. If it goes on like this, it can't be said that she will break through to the realm of Jindan, and she is afraid that her cultivation will regress. If Linshang really dies, I'm afraid that there will be eternal obsession in Su Yuqing's heart. If the obsession exists, the heart will not be complete. If you want to break through to the realm of golden elixir, it will be like ascending to the sky.

In this way, how can Master Yuanzhen not worry?

For Master Yuanzhen, what can be compared with watching a talented disciple indulge in obsession and make people sad in his life?

The idea of Master Yuanzhen, Ruan Mei, as a disciple of Shui Yuefeng, was intelligent, but she guessed seven or eight. She is not a jealous person. Naturally, it is a pity to see that Su Yuqing lost the opportunity to enter the realm of the congenital golden elixir because of Lin Shang. However, looking at Su Yuqing, whose mind drifted to the East China Sea, although she was close to her, Ruan Mei only felt that there was an invisible barrier beside her sister Su. Even if she reached the peak of the late stage of the congenital Shidan realm, she could not get a step closer at all. The only thing she could do was to guard it from afar.

"Men and women, men and women, a word of love, but how many people are hurt alone..."

When the night wind came, Ruan Mei's body trembled slightly, and her eyes moved from Su Yuqing to the full moon in mid-air. Her red lips trembled gently and muttered gently against the wind.

The sound is not loud. The mouth has just drifted away with the wind, but more or less sadness has begun to spread at the peak of the water and moon.


Kyushu has been late at night, and it is still banned during the day.

There is no sun in the sky, so Linshang and others naturally can't calculate what time it is now. The only thing they know is that they have been in this strange prohibition for nearly five hours.

Everyone agrees with Linshang's statement that he is looking for treasures while looking for a way out. At Linshang's suggestion, each group of two, divided into six teams and searched in six directions.

Everyone agreed that if they find a way out, they will send a signal to remind everyone. If you find the treasure, you will be free to decide, and everything will be safe.

More than four hours passed, and everyone returned to the origin before departure to exchange the information found by their group of people.

To Lin Shang's surprise, twelve people, including him, moved in six directions and did not find a similar exit. Along the way, there were not even a treasure, not even a slightly larger stone.

In the whole ban, except for the strange peaks and pavilions, it is like a deserted and abandoned place.

Everyone said that Linshang believed it and did not dare to believe it all. Believe it, there is no way out in this ban for the time being. If you don't believe it, everyone hasn't found anything. This prohibition is so strange that there must be something unusual around here. If they can't find it, Linshang will naturally have nothing to say, but if she finds it and doesn't tell others, Linshang thinks it's very possible.

However, Linshang doesn't bother to care about these. Whoever finds the treasures is their own.

Everyone's exploration seems to be just a waste of time, but they have indeed found something.

The existence of the end of prohibition!

In the six directions that people explored, everyone found a strange phenomenon. Obviously, there is still an open space in front of them, but people really can't move forward and reach out to touch it. They only feel that there is a transparent wall in front of them.


Everyone is an elite disciple of all factions. Naturally, they have dabbled in some basic knowledge of prohibition. They know that the existence of prohibition has been touched, and they also know that only by breaking the transparent wall can they go out. However, everyone tried their best and used all the magic powers, but there was nothing they could do about the prohibition. All the forces hit the past like a stone sinking into the sea, and the prohibition did not respond at all. Frayed, everyone had to go back to the starting point to discuss again.

In the six groups, Lin Shang and Wang Jingwei were divided into a group. When testing whether they could break through the prohibition, Lin Shang did not take action. Looking at the reaction of Wang Jingwei's flying sword hitting the prohibition, Lin Shang knew that even if he believed Brother Chun and resurrected in place, there was nothing he could do with the prohibition.

To Linshang's surprise, he originally thought that Wang Jingwei would let himself test. After all, his cultivation was obvious to all when he besieged the demons. But Wang Jingwei didn't seem to know anything and didn't say anything, which made Linshang's mind slightly more careful.

Tigers do not hurt people's hearts, people have the intention to kill tigers, rivers and lakes are dangerous, and multiple hearts are more lives.

Of course, the tiger among them is Linshang himself. Linshang thinks that even if he is seriously injured and can't mobilize Tianyuan, it is not so easy for Wang Jingwei to be unfavorable to him.

"Brother Wang, Brother Lin, the ban can't be broken. What should we do now?" After the communication, when everyone was silent, Lu Renjia suddenly asked.

When he said this, the other people's eyes also focused on Wang Jingwei and Linshang. Among the twelve people present, the two of them had the highest cultivation and naturally suffered the expectations of everyone.

Wang Jingwei quickly glanced at the peaks in the distance and was silent. Everyone focused their eyes on Linshang again.

Linshang bit her lip, turned to look at the peaks and pavilions, and was silent for a moment before slowly saying, "Guys, if I guess correctly, the hope of going out is only in the peaks and pavilions."

Wang Jingwei's eyes flashed with a trace of appreciation and unknown light. Obviously, he had already thought of this, but he did not say it. The other ten people turned pale. Obviously, they had a fresh memory of the mountain and pavilion. Under doubt, they asked one after another.

Lin Shang turned around and smiled, looked at Wang Jingwei with bright eyes, and said slowly, "Brothers, wait a moment. I suddenly saw that Brother Wang suddenly guessed my intention. Why don't you let Brother Wang tell you?"


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