State Dingji

Chapter 364 The Persistence of Monster

Leaving Jiuquan Town, Lin Shang stepped away and went straight in the direction of Kuntong Mountain that Wang Lao said.

Step by step, when it appeared, it was already a few miles away. As soon as she drank wine, Linshang was very interested and walked happily, but the scene of the sudden disappearance of this living adult was very strange. Fortunately, it was almost dusk, and the residents of nearby villages and towns returned home early and no one saw them.

Kontong Mountain is a hundred miles away from Jiuquan Town. If you let a mortal go, I'm afraid you can't walk for a day and a night. But for Linshang, Baili is just a few more steps, just like a walk after drinking.

In the wind and electricity, Linshang left the road and walked into the dense forest.

Kontong Mountain is a north-south mountain range, stretching for hundreds of miles. There are countless peaks, and there are all kinds of trees growing in the mountains, which make it difficult to see the whole picture of Kuntong Mountain. Lin Shang was too lazy to fly and didn't feel the breath of other monks nearby, so he walked around the mountains alone.

And be a night wanderer and live this mountain night life!

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the night sky was dotted with a few not very bright stars. A few rays of light looked extremely pitiful under the countless tall trees in the forest. The forest was already dark and could not reach out.

Those trees are varieties that Linshang has never seen in the previous life or even in this life. The leaves still do not fall in the cold winter in Yongzhou, but the leaves like maple leaves are a little yellow.

When the cold wind blows, the yellow leaves sway with the wind, but there is no intention of falling. Such strange trees make people sigh that the world is so big.

"Listen to nothing nearby. Are the monks of other sects on other peaks?"

After walking for a while, Lin Shang suddenly frowned at the creaking sound of his feet stepping on the hay.

"Impossible. The world of cultivation seems peaceful, but it is based on little competition. For thousands of years, no one in the whole Xiuzhen world has been as broken and empty as the ancestors of Yuhuang and Qinling. I'm afraid that those leaders have been crazy for a long time. At this time, the news of Yuhuang Cave suddenly came out. All the monks in the world turned red and wanted to find Yuhuang Cave and take the things in it for themselves. If there is no conflict, it is impossible!"

"In front of the broken void **, I'm afraid they have forgotten who they are for a long time. How can they tolerate others to grab themselves?"

But why is it so quiet here? Although there are few insects and no insects in winter, there are always some animals hunted at night in this vast mountain, right?

"It's strange to be so quiet..."

Stop in front of a big tree and touch the rough bark of the big tree. Linshang suddenly found several deep claw marks on the trunk above his head. Looking forward carefully, I saw that the claw marks were divided into four paths, about three inches deep, like four ugly scars growing on the trunk.

"Leave claw marks on the trunk of a tree more than three meters high, which is not something ordinary beasts can do..."

Flying next to the trunk, Lin Shang stroked four claw marks with her hand. A huge beast with sharp teeth and sharp claws appeared in her mind, with four front claws. The electric light generally scratched the trunk, leaving four deep claw marks on the trunk, and then went away with the night...


Linshang's heart lit up, and a trace flashed in her eyes, and she immediately understood the reason for being so quiet in this forest.

If there are monsters here, how dare beasts to approach?

Monsters are fierce beasts that can practice, equivalent to human monks with thorough means. Ordinary monsters have a strong sense of territory and must not allow other monsters or even beasts to exist in their territory.

"I'm afraid that the beasts around here were either filled with their stomachs or ran away early. Fortunately, I just wanted to catch a few to roast them to eat. I can't eat the game, but what about the taste of this monster?

Thinking of the smell of his barbecue, Linshang couldn't help licking her lips, and then thought of meeting the wind beast in the crouching tiger cave. His eyes darkened slightly, and the idea of roasting the monster was a little.

In Crouching Tiger Mountain, Lin Shang found that some common sense in the world of cultivation was not all correct.

Other than that, at least that monster can only have the wisdom to speak if it breaks through the realm of the innate golden elixir. Linshang disagrees with it. In Crouching Tiger Mountain, he saw a monster with no less than human wisdom.

Once a monster has human wisdom, it is no longer an ordinary monster. Except for its skin, it looks almost like thousands of monks in the world. How can a person with conscience eat the meat of intelligent creatures?

Since then, Linshang's impression of monsters has changed a lot. At least, Linshang can't do this kind of thing for him to roast a monster with human wisdom.

"Hey, such a big world of cultivation, why is there no place where people can really understand monsters? Are they born with wisdom, or do they have wisdom only after breaking through the innate realm of Shidan?

"If they are born with human wisdom, my dream of tasting monster barbecue will be completely shattered..."

"If not, at least... you can still eat those monsters below the realm of congenital elixir..."

"Ordinary beasts are already delicious, and the monster meat that has been baptized by the aura of heaven and earth is more delicious..."

Thinking about it, Lin Shang couldn't help swallowing, moved his body and eslid away in the horizontal direction of the claw marks on the tree.

At this time, Linshang has made up her mind.

If the monster in the forest has wisdom, he will wrong his stomach and not provoke it. But if the monster is a beast that only knows how to eat meat and drink blood, it is no wonder that Linshang roasted it to sacrifice to the Five viscera Temple.

The sky and earth are big, and the belly is the biggest!


"Where is it?! Where are you, my dear barbecue!!"

"Come out! My little baby!!!"

In the dark and silent forest, the forest clothes walked quickly while roaring loudly with their eyes shining.

Such an eager appearance has left the wise concerns of the monster behind.

For Linshang at this time, the night can no longer stop him!



When Lin Shang couldn't help giving up the monsters and went to other peaks to find some ordinary beasts to fight their teeth, a few short roars came to Lin Shang's ears from halfway up the mountain.

The voice is short and loud, like the cry of an ape.

"I found it!"

Linshang's eyes suddenly lit up, like two round light bulbs illuminating the darkness. He was eager to know whether the monster had wisdom, but he didn't notice that there was some anxiety and despair in the roar.

With a flash of his body, he has gone to the mountain!


The closer to the mountainside, the monster's roar became more and more rapid, just as the monster had found Lin Shang and knew his intention to eat himself. At the same time, Lin Shang also heard the anxiety in the roar. He frowned, and the flashing figure suddenly faded. His whole body was hidden and moved his footsteps gently, like a leopard on tiptoed in the night.

"What a big monkey? Er, no, is it an ape? Why are there three monks?

In a hill halfway up the mountain, Lin Shang squatted beside a big tree without a strong man, with a dry grass stem in his mouth, and his black eyes looked at the three monkeys in the col without blinking. No, it was three people and one ape.

The three stood empty in a triangular formation, and three magic weapons shuttled back and forth. The magic formula in their hands blocked the three-foot-high golden ape in the mountain pass. The golden ape's arm was thicker than Linshang's waist. At this time, several wounds on his body were bleeding, dyeing most of the golden fur red. Obviously, he was seriously injured. However, in the face of the fierce offensive of the three monks, the golden ape still showed fierce eyes, and his two thick forearms moved like lightning, resisting the magic weapon shot by the three.

The three monks are all monks in the realm of Jindan. If they are placed in the world of cultivation, they are more or less a figure. At this time, the three of them took action together and immediately smashed the rocks of the whole mountain. The golden ape is also a rare spirit. The three people's magic formula is enough to break the gold and gravel to hit it, and the ape does not move. Only when the magic weapon of the three people shoots comes, they wave their forearms to bounce the magic weapon away.

The three couldn't fight, and the ape did not retreat. For a while, the situation in the mountain pass was deadlocked.

"Monsters in the realm of the innate golden elixir! Now there is no barbecue to eat..."

Linshang sighed and got up to leave, but looked at the golden ape and squatted down again.

Although the golden ape was injured, it was not serious compared to its size. It clearly has the ability to break through the offensive of the three people, but it fights to the death here, which must be the reason for it to persist.

What does this monster in the golden elixir state insist on? Linshang's curiosity grew like a weed sprinkled with fertilizer.

The three monks wore the same robe and the same hairpin on their heads, and even the expressions on their faces were the same greed. The difference is that the appearance and magic weapons of the three people are different.

Lin Chang didn't care about the appearance of the three people and didn't bother to look at their magic weapons carefully. For him, the golden ape with obvious wisdom in his eyes was of interest to him.

Are you human, help those three monks? Linshang curled her lips and shook her head disdainfully.

Although Linshang doesn't think he is a bad person, he absolutely knows that he is not a bad person. The three monks lived well, one by one, and the golden giant ape had no grudge against Linshang and could not eat it. Linshang really couldn't find a reason to help the three monks deal with a monster.

Help that golden ape? Linshang rolled her eyes.

It's not a chivalrous man in the novel. Does Lu Jian draw a knife to help? This monster is rampant in the mountains. Maybe many mortals have been poisoned when they go up the mountain. If they don't kill it, it is already a love worthy of the equality of all sentient beings. How can they help it?

No help! Neither of them help!!

Lin Shang must have sat down on the ground with his buttocks, folded the grass stems in front of him and put them into his mouth, and watched the three people and one ape fighting in the mountain col.

In a trance, a voice sounded in his heart.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a dog."


No. 7, half of the first half of May~ How's your harvest?