State Dingji

Chapter 379 Searching for the Way

To the west of Yongzhou, there is a city called Fengxiang. Legend has it that there was a hermit playing the flute here, and the sound of the flute was gentle, like resentment, like crying like a complaint, and actually attracted the phoenix. Later, the hermit drove the Phoenix Flying Fairy away. The people of Yongzhou thought that there was a fairy spirit in this place, so they all moved here to live in and built a city named Fengxiang City.

To the west of Fengxiang City, there is a large desert. In the depths of the desert, there is the legendary Kunlun fairyland, where Emperor Yu killed the peerless monster nine-headed snake. Therefore, for hundreds of years, there has been an endless stream of people in front of Kyushu who have sought immortality and admired the demeanor of Emperor Yu. However, to go to the desert, we must start from Fengxiang. Fengxiang has a larger population and more and more developed trade. Over time, it has become a rare prosperous city in Yongzhou.

On this day, before the sun came out, the sky was still bright. Fengxiang's merchants opened the door early and returned to the small table of their home for breakfast. At this time, it is spring, and it is the golden time for Kyushu tourists to explore the desert every year. Although the sun is still early, the streets are already full of people, and merchants are naturally not afraid that their goods will not be sold.

You know, Fengxiang is the last stop to go to the desert. If you don't prepare supplies here, you can only go to the desert to drink wind and eat sand.

"Cracking Crackling"

When everyone enjoyed the rare spring, there was a crackling sound of firecrackers in the west corner of Fengxiang City. Hearing this, a new store opened. Although Fengxiang City has a lot of people, most of them are passers-by. The merchants are all locals. At this time, when they heard the sound of firecrackers, they put down their bowls and chopsticks one after another, greeted their wives and children to look at the shop, and listened to the sound of firecrackers.

When I walked to the west of the city, I saw from afar that the newly opened store had long been full of people. They were all local merchants and were talking about it.

"Isn't this the old Chen's leather goods shop? Why did you replace it?"

"Haven't you heard of it? Lao Chen's son made a lot of money in Jingzhou, bought a big house, and took Lao Chen to enjoy his happiness.

"Jingzhou? That's a good place! Green mountains and green water are much better than Yongzhou, which is either a desert or a desert mountain at a glance!"

"Jingzhou is good? Then why don't you go there? Can't you get there?

"Stop, talk about this store, don't insult the craftsmanship handed down from my ancestors! I don't want to go there. I don't want to leave our place. Of course, it would be better if we didn't have you, an old drunkard!"

"Fuck you, get serious! Do you know the details of the owner of this store?

"You asked me, didn't I just come here? Not to mention that I haven't seen this owner, I haven't even heard of what this store is running or what its name is.

"You don't know this, and you still call yourself my Fengxiang loudspeaker!"

"You know you said it!"


Everyone was talking as a smiling young man in blue came out of the store. As soon as the young man went out, he first arched his hands to the onlookers and said with a smile, "Neighbors, little brother Linshang, please take care of me when you are new to the treasure!"

"To put it easy, we have been neighbors since the past~"

"Mutual correlation, mutual correlation~"

"Brother Lin, what are you doing for a living?"

Everyone responded with a lot of words.

"Look, everyone, this is my business." Linshang took out a fist-sized wood carving from his arms, showed it to the crowd, and said with a smile, "I don't know anything else, but if you want to carve some gadgets or something, this is my ancestral craft. Since you have come to support my little brother, I will send each of you a sculpture. Small things are worthless and want to have fun.

With that, Linshang gave the wood carving in his hand to a middle-aged man closest to him.

The middle-aged man took it in his hand and took a closer look, and his eyes immediately widened. The size of this wood carving palm carved the image of a small monkey with the most common pine wood. Although the wood is worthless, the little monkey is vivid and hairy, and even the log-colored eyes are vivid and full of aura.

"Brother Lin is a good craft!" The middle-aged man sincerely praised, but did not accept the wood carving, but passed it to the people around him. It spread all the way, which caused amazement all the way.

The wood is ordinary and the craftsmanship is excellent!

Everyone who got it admired Lin Shan's craftsmanship, but no one put the wooden sculpture in his arms. In the end, it passed it to Lin Shan.

As businessmen, they can naturally see that although the material of this wood carving is ordinary, the carving technique is unique. Such exquisite carving is not cheap. Although the people present are businessmen, they are simple in nature and afraid that they will feel uneasy if they accept such a valuable thing for no reason.

Although the palm-sized exquisite wood carving finally returned to Linshang, everyone's eyes were extremely eager. Obviously, they really liked this sculpture very much. Lin Shu looked at the expressions of the people, smiled warmly and didn't say anything. She just reached out and grabbed the rope next to her and pulled it. The red cloth that had covered the plaque fell down, revealing a plaque made of logs.

Looking for a way!

On the three simple big characters horizontal plaque, the so-called iron-painting silver hook, pen dragon and snake, when you look at it, you feel a fresh atmosphere coming towards you, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Good word!"

Although I couldn't see the meaning of those three words, everyone still praised it.

Linshang looked at the plaque above her head, and her eyes were full of pleasure. Obviously, she was extremely satisfied with these three words. If someone had seen the three-character archway of Wanshou Palace in the Kuntong Mountain Prohibition on that day, he would definitely recognize that the three words Lin Shang are exactly the same font as the three characters of Wanshou Palace.

The font is the same, but the words are different, and the mood is also different, but it is also shocking!

"Gentlemen, please!" Linshang let go of his body.

When a new store opens, you always have to let your neighbors take a look first.

"It's disturbing." Everyone arched their hands and walked in curiously.

In the shop, there are about 40 square meters, and there is nothing in the middle except a set of tables and chairs made of purple wood. But around the store, there were rows of wooden shelves surrounding the whole store.

Purple tables and chairs with log-colored wooden frames are antique, which suddenly creates an elegant atmosphere.

There are not many carvings on the wooden shelf, only a three-foot-high wooden sculpture on the shelf facing the main door, a statue of a young man.

The man's face is jade, burly, and the corners of his mouth are upturned. Although his eyes are only woodcut, his eyes that can't see through his pupils sparkled with wild and unruly light, as if to make a hole in the sky.

The whole sculpture is not surprising except for those eyes, but as long as it is facing those eyes, even the strong man in his 20s can't help trembling all over and dares not look at it again.

Boutique! No!

is the best!!!

Seeing this sculpture, everyone understood why Lin Chang called the vivid monkey sculpture a small thing and promised to give a bottle to everyone present. Compared with the man's sculpture in the middle of the town, isn't the little monkey a small thing?

Everyone looked at it, exchanged names with Linshang, and left one after another with a few polite words. It's dawn, and they also have business to do. When everyone left, Linshang moved a large box from the back hall and let everyone choose at will.

The box is full of palm-sized sculptures, including not only monkeys, mountain pigs, but also some seemingly energetic flowers and plants. Seeing that Linshang was like this, everyone was no longer polite. Everyone picked one, thanked Linshang, and then left with satisfaction.

After everyone left, the Taoist temple became cold. Lin Shang sat on the purple wooden chair with a smile on her face and poured a cup of tea and tasted it slowly. Occasionally, someone came in, watched and was surprised, but no one wanted to buy anything, and then left with admiration.

Time passed a little by, and it was about noon to see the sun shining. Before the business of Xundaofang opened, Lin Shang didn't care at all. She got up and closed the door, took a few jars of wine from the back hall, and drank it herself.

While drinking, he muttered.

"Brother Ji Ming, don't bother to see me. I know that your cultivation has broken through to the late stage of the congenital Shidan realm, and I know that we haven't seen each other for a long time, but I have something to do. If I tell you that I want to open a store in Yongzhou, you still have to follow me? If you come, what other store do I have? When I get back, I'll make up for you~ A toast to you!"

Linshang looked up and took a big sip, and then turned his eyes, with a trace of uncomfortable look on his face, as if he was sitting opposite someone who embarrassed him.

"Sister Su, I know you are still waiting for me at Shuiyuefeng, but... I can't find you now! I'm not even sure what I really want now. Why do you ask me to follow me? Listen to Phil's, did you all take it? This is unfair, unfair! Wait for me, I'll come to you, give you, and give me an answer!"

With that, Linshang's temperament began to change quietly, and his breath became more and more restrained, and the inspiration in his eyes dissipated a lot. He looked like an ordinary young man.

Lin Zhang didn't feel the change in his temperament. He was still drinking and muttering.

After talking about Ji Ming, Su Yuqing, and then talking about Li Mubai, Yu Lianzhou and Liu Xiangzhen. I don't know how long it took. While drinking the two jars of wine, Lin Shang actually told all the people she knew.

His eyes are sometimes disdainful, sometimes tactful, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, as if someone is really sitting opposite him and listening to him.

After speaking of the last person he knew, Linshang's breath was completely hidden, and his eyes became just black, and there was no trace of aura. His smile on his face was faint, his eyes flowed, and his eyes were full of wine, and he really became an ordinary person. Drunk man.

With a bang, Linshang lay on the table, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were blurred, and his snoring suddenly stopped.

He was so drunk!

For a long time, a voice came from his mouth.

"Looking for the way... refining the heart..."

The voice is low, like a dream, like slang, which makes people unable to guess whether it is a vow from the heart or a drunken delusion...


Two fingers were scratched by the cat again... When typing, Xiaochen only used eight fingers...