Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 1 Transnational Mother Search

Cheng Jingwen, who has lived for 16 years, never thought that she would have a mother living in this world, and she was so capable that she could get into that fashionable and popular South Korea.

A phone call came, and the mother who had never met asked her to go to South Korea, saying that she wanted to make up for the maternal love she had not had since she was a child.

What a bullshit!

When she was a child, she didn't fulfill her responsibilities as a mother. Now that she has grown up, what else does that mother do?

It's just that she is very unwilling. She hasn't seen what that woman looks like at such a big age?

She wants to see her so much.

Remember that when she was a child, she often asked her grandmother, "Why don't I have a father or mother?"

The kind grandmother always answered her kindly: "Your parents left when you were a child. Although you don't have parents, grandma has left!"

From then on, she identified a fact in her young heart that her parents were dead.

When she grew up, she also learned from other people that her father did not die of illness, but was killed by cheating while gambling, and died young.

As for her mother, she really couldn't find out anything, so she decided that she was indeed sick and died.

Unexpectedly, after living for so many years, a mother appeared. In order to confirm whether her mother was still alive, Su Ying learned the truth from her grandmother that her mother was still alive in the world and did not die.

What's going on? Grandma didn't say anything, just asked her to ask her mother by herself.

In the final analysis, Cheng Jingwen herself was not reconciled. In order to know what happened 16 years ago and to meet her legendary mother, she fostered her grandmother in her own uncle's house, then pulled her luggage and went to South Korea to find her mother.

Her mother had already prepared the travel expenses and the green card for going abroad, and sent it to her, just waiting for her to leave for South Korea.

Cheng Jingwen is a native of Chengdu, Sichuan. She has never stepped out of Sichuan Province, and suddenly crossed directly to South Korea.

Sitting on the plane and looking at her hometown farther and farther away, Cheng Jingwen felt sad and reluctant to leave her hometown and go to a strange country. Although there is her biological mother there, she doesn't know what is waiting for her.

After sleeping for a few hours on the plane, I finally stopped at the airport in Seoul, South Korea. It was past 4 p.m.

When I got off the plane, I heard authentic Korean everywhere. Cheng Jingwen was lucky that she had been attending foreign language cram school for three years, and now it is a small matter to understand Korean.

Thinking of the first year of junior high school, grandma inexplicably helped her sign up for a Korean tutoring class. At that time, she wondered what Korean she had to learn.

It seems that three years ago, grandma had contact with her mother, and learning Korean is likely to be required by her mother.

Well, her mother is really careful. She planned this matter three years ago and always planned her. When she saw her, she insisted on conciling with her after autumn.

However, it is not a bad thing for her to learn Korean. At least she can communicate with Koreans normally now. Although she is not particularly fluent, she can still communicate.

When I got off the plane, I didn't see her mother coming to pick her up in the waiting room. Before coming, I made an appointment. I saw someone holding a sign with her Chinese name, which means the person who came to pick her up.

and her mother also promised to pick her up at the airport in person.

The passengers who got off the plane with her were all gone, leaving her alone. She found someone inside and outside the waiting room, but she didn't find anyone to pick her up.

I'm not afraid. Cheng Jingwen is just a little disappointed. She agreed to pick her up, but she hasn't come yet.

If she didn't pick up the person as agreed, her mother must have been dragged down by something and couldn't get out.

She turned on her mobile phone when she got on the plane. As soon as she turned it on, more than a dozen un Answered calls popped out, and there were still two sweet and boring text messages.

Who cares about her besides her own mother?

A text message is: "Dear baby, Mommy has something urgent to deal with and doesn't have time to pick you up. It's Mommy's fault to break the appointment. Mommy will compensate you well when she comes back."

'Do you mean to compensate me again? That's so nice that I didn't even pick up my own daughter, and I made up for it!' Cheng Jingwen was very unhappy and hated it in her heart.

After reading this text message, Cheng Jingwen was so angry that she closed her mobile phone. As for what the second text message said, she had no intention to read it.

After sitting in a spacious lounge chair for a while, looking at the Korean strangers coming and going, they all have a strange atmosphere and are not as intimate as the Chinese in their hometown.

Cheng Jingwen thought that it would be useless to sit like this. She took out her mobile phone and pulled out her mother's number, but the reply was a cold and emotionless voice prompt, "Sorry, the number you dialed is inconvenient to answer. Please leave your voicemail."

With a crack, Cheng Jingwen threw her mobile phone back into her backpack and took out a neatly folded note with her mother's address on it.

'You're cruel. If you don't come to pick me up, I'll come to you.'

Cheng Jingwen pulled up her suitcase, bought a map of Seoul, and used the limited knowledge she learned in junior high school to study the map.

After studying the map for half a day, I finally decided to take the subway. No matter in which country, the subway is the fastest and most convenient means of transportation.

After leaving the airport, after searching, I finally found the entrance of the subway, took a lot of difficulties, stepped on the bullet train, turned around the bus twice in that city, and finally found the approximate address on the note. The specific address still needs to be found.

In fact, Cheng Jingwen is a half-way idiot. After looking there for nearly half an hour, she still got nothing. In desperation, she had no choice but to take a taxi at a high price.

After handing the address to the taxi uncle, the uncle first looked at her in surprise, then smiled at her very attentively, then talked to her warmly, and finally sent her to a place.

The uncle pointed to the luxurious villa and said that it was the place where the rich lived. In order to protect their personal safety, the government did not allow taxis to drive in. After hearing this, Cheng Jingwen had to get out of the car and walk.

After getting off the taxi, Cheng Jingwen realized that NND was blackmailed by the taxi uncle for no reason and dared to treat himself as the master of the rich man.

Damn it. It seems that no matter which country or wherever he goes, my brother can't change the greedy nature of extortion.

Less than 200 meters away, there is indeed a security booth standing there, strictly checking the incoming and outgoing vehicles, and the entry and exit are high-end brand cars, and there are really no taxis.

It seems that the uncle didn't lie to her.

When passing by the security booth, the security guard also asked questions about her identity and so on. I heard that she was going in to find someone and asked her to sign the entry and exit registration form before letting her in.

After asking the security guard about the detailed location of the residence, Cheng Jingwen pulled the suitcase and went on the road again. She winded up the road for a long time before she saw the gradually looming villa.

I really don't understand why villas like to be built on the mountain, such as this so-called rich house, which are built in the middle of the mountain.

Looking for it according to the house number, Cheng Jingwen strangely found that the place where her mother lived was quite high, as if it was built on the top of the mountain, because the house number was 110.

110? Her mother is really awesome. How dare she use the alarm number~

110, isn't that the 110th one!

Cheng Jingwen's forehead sweated coldly. If she went on like this, she may not find a home in the dark, but now it's six o'clock in the evening.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed her mother's number again, and it was still the voice prompt. I had no choice but to open the unseeing text message, which actually said, "Baby, Mommy has asked someone to pick you up. It's a very handsome boy. When you see the card holding your name, you can go home with him."

'Damn, what the hell?' Cheng Jingwen closed her mobile phone in frustration and thought that she had missed the person who came to pick her up.

She was a little discouraged, but she still had to walk on the road ahead. As she walked, she didn't know how long she had walked. Suddenly, she saw that the house number of a villa on the opposite side seemed to be 110. She pulled her suitcase and was desperate to cross the road.

A black Ferrari suddenly roared at her. She was stunned for a moment and stood stupidly in the middle of the road looking at the rushing car.

After that, Zhuge Liang's classic famous saying died before she was born, but she died before her mother.

The car made a very harsh and sharp friction between the ground, which shocked Cheng Jingwen. She knew that she was not dead and was saved.

The black Ferrari was only a little more than an inch away from her. Her legs softened and fell to the ground in fear, looking at the car with fear.

an inch away.

She is only an inch away from death.

"What's going on? Do you want to die? Do you walk without eyes? People arrive first, and the so-called pre-snatching is nothing more than that.

The indifferent but vicious rebuke came to Cheng Jingwen's ears. It was a boy's voice. She twisted her beautiful eyebrows. Her voice was beautiful but annoying. She couldn't help but hate the people who came.

"Hey, are you dead?" An Yixiao looked at the girl who fell to the ground and asked angrily. He was unlucky today. First, he was threatened by his father to send the airport to pick up the woman's daughter. As a result, when he arrived at the airport, he didn't see any ghost. He was angry when he thought about it. The girl from China dared to set him up and let him run for nothing.

When he hurried home, he was about to get home. Unexpectedly, a girl ran out of the roadside and almost bumped into her.

If someone is killed, he can't escape the relationship and must bear legal responsibility.

It's really bad luck. He, who has always been popular among women, actually committed crimes against the girl he hasn't seen yet.

Cheng Jingwen has lived for so long and has never seen such a vicious person. When she bumped into someone, she not only did not apologize, but also cursed him to death.