Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 26 is obsessed with you

Min Lanxi glanced at Cheng Jingwen and did not answer this question, but shifted the question and asked, "Dunpa, do you have any new works recently?"

"Yes, I drew a few colorful butterfly love flowers when I'm free. Let me take you to have a look."

followed them to another separate house. When Min Lanxi opened the door, Cheng Jingwen seemed to see another world, which was full of paintings, all of oil paintings.

There are new paintings that have not been painted for a long time, and some have been painted for a long time. Each painting deeply attracted her attention, stepped in in surprise, and looked down one by one.

When Min Sen saw that his paintings were loved by others, he was even more happy to slowly introduce each painting.

"You two take your time. I'm going out to cook lunch." Min Sen waved to them, and then closed the door happily and walked out.

After he left, Cheng Jingwen couldn't wait to say to Min Lanxi, "Your grandfather is so powerful that he can draw so many works, and they are all so beautiful."

"Painting is my grandfather's hobby. Since he retired, he has been living here. In his spare time, he has painted several paintings and lived an undisputed life. He is very good at enjoying life." Min Lanxi said slowly, stopped in front of a picture, and looked at the picture in a while.

"Oh, it's so comfortable."

When Cheng Jingwen saw that his eyes were a little different from looking at the painting, she couldn't help walking over and looked at the painting carefully. On the canvas, she saw a young woman holding a two-year-old child. The two people on the picture looked soft. From the appearance, it seemed to be a mother and son.

Is there any difference between this painting and Min Lanxi?

When Cheng Jingwen came into contact with the sunset, she suddenly realized and said in surprise, "Oh, did you draw this painting? You are so awesome that the painting is so impressive.

"Do you have it?" Min Lanxi glanced at her and then walked away to see other paintings.

"Yes, especially this child, the painting is so cute." Cheng Jingwen stood there and looked carefully. For a long time, she exclaimed, "Ah, isn't this you when you were a child? His eyes are so similar to yours.

"Oh, your eyes are very powerful, and you can also see that it's me." Min Lanxi also came over and looked at Cheng Jingwen in surprise.

"Hey, it's not me, it's you." Cheng Jingwen pointed to the child's eyes on the picture and said to him, "Look, these eyes look exactly the same as you are now. I didn't expect you to be so cute when you were a child and so handsome when you grow up.

"Is I handsome? Is he more handsome than An Yixiao?

"Well, that's natural!" Cheng Jingwen smiled and then pointed to the woman in the painting and said, "This woman holding you is your mother."

"Hmm." Min Lanxi looked at the two people in the portrait again, and then took Cheng Jingwen's hand and said, "Let's go and help Grandpa cook lunch first. After dinner, let's come here to have a look."

"Well, okay."

But when Min Lanxi reached out and pulled the door, he found that the door was locked from the outside.

He turned around in frustration and shrugged his shoulders at her helplessly: "My grandfather's Alzheimer's disease broke out again, and he locked us here."

"Ah, no." Cheng Jingwen was very surprised. Looking at his grandfather, he didn't seem to have Alzheimer's disease. Why was he so confused and locked them all up?

"Well, there's nothing we can do." Min Lanxi sighed: "It was because my grandfather got this disease that my mother sent him here to live the life he wanted to live. Unexpectedly, after all these years, his illness has not improved at all.

"Oh, don't worry, the old man will be like this at this time." Cheng Jingwen comforted and said, "Let's wait for him here patiently."

This is the only way to do this now. Min Lanxi found a place, sat down, and looked at the flower world outside through the low window. He held his forehead and fell silent.

"Hey, can you give me this painting?" Cheng Jingwen stood in front of the picture again. She always felt that she seemed to be very related to this painting and liked it.

Min Lanxi looked up at her: "Is there any reason?"

Cheng Jingwen tilted her head and thought about it and said, "There is no reason, I just like it."

Min Lanxi looked at her for a long time before saying, "Are you sure you want to take this painting away?"

"Of course, if you are willing to send me."

"Well, you can take it away when you go back." He finally nodded, but a trace of worry and other feelings flashed in his eyes.

Although Cheng Jingwen saw the worry in his eyes, she didn't think about it. Knowing that she could take away the painting, she immediately became happy and said to him, "Thank you." After that, she said worriedly, "What if your grandfather doesn't agree?"

"It's okay. This is my painting, as long as I agree." Min Lanxi waved to her: "Come and sit down for a while. My grandfather's Alzheimer's disease is a little serious now. Maybe he will remember us here. So you have to be prepared. Maybe we will be hungry at noon.

"Ah, is it so serious?" Cheng Jingwen's eyes flashed with shock. She walked over and sat next to him and said, "In case your grandfather doesn't remember it for a day, won't we just stay here today?"

"That's right." Min Lanxi nodded and said that when he saw Cheng Jingwen's depressed face, he immediately laughed: "Haha, I'm kidding you. When I was a child, I was often unconsciously locked up by him, but don't worry, he will usually remember it after a few hours.

This guy, laughing, is really good-looking.

Cheng Jingwen looked at him in a stunned manner and seemed to see the brilliance of the room through him. His smile was ten thousand times brighter than the outdoor sunshine. Why are you looking at me? What's wrong with my face? Min Lanxi looked at her doubtfully and asked.

A few red clouds floated on Cheng Jingwen's fair face. She quickly lowered her head and said, "Ah, no, no. In fact, you look good when you smile. If you can laugh often, you will definitely fascinate more girls.

"Will you?" Hearing this, Min Lanxi suddenly stretched out his hand, picked up her face, and looked at her and said, "Actually, in front of you, I can laugh completely happily. As for why it is like this, I don't know. However, I don't want to fascinate more girls. I just want to fascinate a girl. There will be no regrets in this life.

"Who is that girl?"

"Do you want to know?"

Seeing him looking at himself with bright eyes, there seemed to be a little affection in the depths of his pupils. Cheng Jingwen suddenly panicked. She turned her head and stammered, "Uh... or... Forget it. I don't want to know."

The heartbeat in her chest was beating like a drum, and she could guess what his next words were.

"Cheng Jingwen, look at me." Min Lanxi held her face domineeringly with her fingers and looked at her affectionately, "Since you bumped into my life that night, I have been fascinated by you. I don't know how you feel about me, but I can tell you clearly that I gradually fell in love with you.

He fell in love with himself.

Hearing his confession, Cheng Jingwen was stunned and said that he liked him.

Isn't this what you and Min Lanxi have always wanted? But why can't I be happy at all? On the contrary, I feel that it is indeed a disgraceful thing to deceive other people's feelings.

But what should she do? If An Yixiao were present, it would be easy to do. When did you become so dependent on An Yixiao?

Oh, it's so annoying.

Cheng Jingwen can be said to be the first two at this moment. Those things are piled up in her mind, so she doesn't know what to do.

"Cheng Jingwen, do you also like me?"

"Hmm...hehe...when...of course...ah." Cheng Jingwen giggled and said dryly, "You are so handsome that any girl will fall in love with you."

"Since you also like me, can you forgive my behavior at this moment?" Knowing that she also liked herself, the happiness on her chest almost overwhelmed him. He raised her face, looked at her deeply, lowered his head and kissed him.

This cute goblin has wanted to kiss her from the first day he met her. The petal-like moist lips are in front of him, and he is about to kiss.

What is he going to do? Do you want to kiss yourself?

The heartbeat was even more intense. Cheng Jingwen stared at the lower and lower handsome face in surprise. She was so nervous that she could not breathe normally. This Min Lanxi is really... I don't know how to evaluate him.

Is the first kiss she has kept for 16 years going to be lost at this moment?!

Although the boy in front of her is an invincible handsome man, she is not psychologically prepared at all. In her heart, she always thought that the first kiss was meant to be given to the boy she loved.

Although I have a little affection for Min Lanxi, it doesn't represent the love between men and women.

The more Cheng Jingwen thought about it, the more sad she felt, but her face was held by him, and she couldn't move even if she wanted to struggle.

It's over, my first kiss is about to be lost.

"The demeanor I can give is to smile and let go of my hand silently. I know your tears are helpless..."

The pleasant song came from Cheng Jingwen's body, and she exclaimed with joy: "Wait a minute, my phone rang."

Ah, fortunately, I carried my mobile phone with me, which just let this phone save her. Hey, who called? When you go back, you must be grateful.

The familiar and beautiful Chinese song was still ringing, and her eyes changed slightly. Min Lanxi looked at her fixedly and weakly loosened her face.

Cheng Jingwen also looked at him with a complicated look, then got up from the ground, took out the mobile phone in her pocket and looked at the screen.

Damn, it's the boy An Yixiao called again.

"Hey." Cheng Jingwen looked back at Min Lanxi, who closed her eyes, hurriedly walked away a little and asked lowly to her mobile phone, "What's the matter?"