Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 37 Kissing Video

"I'm sorry. You can make other requests, and I will agree.

"Well, I didn't expect it for the time being. When I think of it one day, let's talk about it. You owe it first."

"Good." An Yixiao nodded and looked at her and said, "How about you and Min Lanxi? You don't really want to go out with him, do you?

"It's hard to say." Cheng Jingwen smiled and said, "In fact, think about it, Min Lanxi is not a man. He is handsome, good to me, sings well, and the most important thing is that he fights well. I'm sure I'll be happy when I'm with him in the future...!"

"Cheng Jingwen!"

The more she said, the deeper the smile on her face. An Yixiao couldn't help interrupting her and frowning at her coldly.

"Well, what are you doing?"

"Is he really as good as you said?"

"Of course."

"I regret it. If I had known it, I wouldn't have let you seduce him."

"I regret that it's useless. It's too late." Cheng Jingwen's eyes smiled deeper and stood up and said, "If I hadn't seduced him, would Li Huiying have come back to you?" So don't regret it. Didn't you achieve your goal?


"Well, I've talked so much with you, so I can go back. I have to go to school tomorrow, so I won't accompany you." After saying that, Cheng Jingwen turned around and walked downstairs.

"Cheng Jingwen, do you really want to date him?" An Yixiao shouted in the back, "Are your feelings true? Have you figured it out?"

"Let nature take its course." Cheng Jingwen stopped and looked back at him and said, "I have given this relationship to God to make a decision, so don't ask me such a question next time."

The next morning.

"Brother Lanxi."

Min Lanxi stopped the car and heard a loud shout of excitement before he came out. When he saw clearly that it was An Yixuan, he turned away from his eyes and picked up a magazine and read it carefully.

He will pick up Cheng Jingwen in advance every day. At this time, she should still be having breakfast.

"Brother Lanxi, please come out. I have something to say to you." An Yixuan was very wronged when she saw that Min Lanxi ignored her, but when she thought of her purpose, she was excited again. The reason why I came out to wait for him so early today is that I want him to see Cheng Jingwen's true face.

He looked at the excited An Yixuan coldly. Min Lanxi thought for a moment. Finally, he put down the magazine, opened the car door, came out, and looked at her and said, "What's the matter?"

"I have a video for you to see. When you finish watching it, you will understand everything." An Yixuan quickly took out her mobile phone from her schoolbag. When she turned to the video taken last night, she handed it to Min Lanxi and said, "Brother Lanxi, take a good look at this video."

Min Lanxi took her mobile phone doubtfully and then aimed her eyes at the video. When he saw the two familiar side faces inside, his eyes suddenly stared wide. Then, his eyes became colder and colder, and his handsome face was covered with a shadow, which became more and more gloomy.

Returning the mobile phone to An Yixuan, Min Lanxi resisted her jealousy and anger and looked at her calmly, "What's going on?" When did it happen?

"Oh, it was last night." Seeing that he finally became interested, An Yixuan hurriedly added fuel and vinegar excitedly: "Brother Lan Xi, you don't know that last night, I accidentally saw Cheng Jingwen secretly running to the roof. I followed with a moment of curiosity, only to find that when she saw my brother there, she shamelessly threw herself into my brother's arms. And what's more shameful is that she actually kissed my brother.

"Why did you show me this video?"

"Because I don't want you to be cheated by her." An Yixuan looked at him admiringly and said, "In my heart, Brother Lan Xi is such a perfect person. How can Cheng Jingwen's fancy woman be deceived? Brother Lanxi, you have to see her true face. She is really the kind of careless woman. So, don't be with her anymore."

"My brother was also cheated by her. Last night, if she hadn't thrown herself into his arms, or if she hadn't deliberately seduced my brother, how could my brother have kissed her? Brother Lanxi, break up with her!"

"An Yixuan, you seem to have said too much." Min Lanxi glanced at her coldly, and An Yixuan quickly closed her mouth knowingly. After that, she couldn't help saying, "I also did it for your own good."

"An Yixuan, I warn you that if this matter is known by the third person, you will bear the consequences. I hope you can understand what I mean."

Frightened by Min Lanxi's words, An Yixuan shrank her neck in horror and said timidly, "I... understand... Brother Lanxi... Don't worry... I won't say it to anyone."

"Hey, An Yixuan, why are you here? Your brother is still looking for you everywhere. Go back quickly and don't worry him. Cheng Jingwen looked at An Yixuan who appeared here in surprise. When she had breakfast, she didn't see her, and An Yixiao was still looking for her everywhere.

It is normal for Cheng Jingwen to put these words aside, but at this moment, when she heard Min Lanxi's ears, she heard a different meaning and thought that she was caring about An Yixiao.

So, he looked at Cheng Jingwen coldly and got into the car without saying anything. Starting the engine, he turned his head and roared away indifferently.

"Hey, Min Lanxi!"

Cheng Jingwen looked doubtfully at Min Lanxi's car running past her and shouted. Seeing that he did not mean to stop, on the contrary, he drove faster. It seems that someone made him angry.

"An Yixuan, what's wrong with him? What did you all say?" Seeing that the car had left, Cheng Jingwen turned her eyes back to An Yixuan. Just now, the two of them were here. She must have said something to him that made him leave angrily.

"Hey, I didn't say anything to him. However, your image has completely changed in Lan Xi's mind. I said that when you are abandoned by Brother Lan Xi, you will not even cry. An Yixuan said this to her proudly, and then left with a smile.

What does it mean?

Looking at her departure back, Cheng Jingwen felt that Min Lanxi was angry and left, which must be inseparable from her. Seeing that the time is so rushed, you will definitely be late if you squeeze the bus. But now, Min Lanxi has left again. In desperation, Cheng Jingwen had to return and follow An Yixuan subjudily.

The only way is to ride with them.

"Yixuan, where have you been? I'm looking for you everywhere. Have you had breakfast?" An Yixiao looked at his sister and asked with concern, but when he saw Cheng Jingwen behind him, he was surprised and said, "Oh, Cheng Jingwen, why did you come back? Didn't Min Lanxi pick you up today?

"Well, I was pissed off by your baby sister." Cheng Jingwen whitened An Yixuan's eyes, and then threw her schoolbag into the car, and people also got in.

"What's going on? Yixuan, did you really take Min Lanxi angry and leave?" He turned his head and turned his eyes to An Yixuan and asked doubtfully.

"No, brother, don't listen to her. I'm not angry with Brother Lanxi. It's just that there is a person who doesn't know how to check. He is a big-hearted radish. Brother Lanxi saw his true face, so he left angrily."

An Yixuan deliberately said loudly to let Cheng Jingwen in the car hear it. Cheng Jingwen did hear it, but she was puzzled by her words.

What does she call a flowery heart? What else makes him see his true face?

An Yixiao also looked at the sister doubtfully and didn't understand her words.

"Brother. Come with me." An Yixuan whitened her eyes, then dragged him to a place and said in a low voice, "Brother, let me ask you, do you have feelings for that girl Cheng Jingwen?"

"Don't talk nonsense about nothing." An Yixiao looked at Cheng Jingwen in the carriage unnaturally and replied in a low voice.

"I didn't talk nonsense. If you don't have feelings for her, why do you... want to... kiss her?" An Yixuan said this sentence with a red face, and then said anxiously, "Brother, I know the scene on the roof last night. I happened to see the scene of your kissing. How do you explain this?

"Uh, last night... that was just... misunderstanding." With a slight frown, An Yixiao felt that she had found a reasonable excuse for herself, so she said solemnly, "Yes, that's a misunderstanding. Don't think too much."

"Oh, then I'm relieved. Brother, I can tell you that the girl Cheng Jingwen is a disheartful person. If you don't want to die too miserably, you'd better not be moved by her.

"Well, okay, do you still need to teach your brother's love? Hurry up and clean up and go to school. An Yixiao pushed An Yixuan and then strode towards the car.

Cheng Jingwen** felt that the two brothers and sisters of the An family seemed to have ghosts in their hearts today, and they did not dare to look at themselves, and An Yixuan did not find faults and sat in the front seat at ease.

Cut, it's really strange! When I go back to school and meet Min Lanxi, I will ask him what's going on?

What made Cheng Jingwen feel strange was that she did not meet Min Lanxi at school. On the contrary, she always saw An Yixiao with Li Huiying and saw them so close, which made Cheng Jingwen very unhappy.

If she is unhappy, she will try her best to set it up if they can be together.

Cheng Jingwen shook her head, looked at the two figures standing on the other side of the flower bed again, and quietly turned her head and walked to the other side. When I was about to get to the classroom, I looked at the closed door. She stood there watching for a long time, puzzled for a while, and finally turned around and left.

Min Lanxi just left inexplicably in the morning and didn't take her to school. He has no responsibility to take her to school. What right does she have to question him?

Forget it.

Cheng Jingwen thought so and went back to her classroom. But all day long, she was restless and absent-minded. She didn't even listen to what the teacher said in class.