Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 39 One day is like three autumns

The next day, Cheng Jingwen got up early and arrived at the place where Min Lanxi came to pick her up to school every day. After waiting for a while, she didn't see him pick her up.

It seems that he really misunderstood her. He must be angry.

With her schoolbag on one shoulder, Cheng Jingwen silently went down the mountain and walked towards the station sign. Not long after walking out, the sound of the car horn came from behind.

She dodged aside knowingly and didn't even look at the car behind her.

The red Ferrari stopped next to her. Cheng Jingwen raised her eyes doubtfully. She looked at the people in the car with surprise.

"To get in the car!" Min Lanxi pushed the door and slowly came out, looking at her to give a gentle order. The tone in the voice is unbelievable and majestic.

Today, he is wearing a black tight suit with lavender sunglasses on his face. The long bangs cover half of his face, revealing only a red and sexy thin lip.

Looking at his thin lips, Cheng Jingwen actually thought of the kiss, and he kissed her. That kiss is so beautiful. She was also kissed by his sexy thin lips.

Think about it, it seems that the good feeling of that day is still on the corners of my mouth.

Cheng Jingwen unconsciously reached out and stroked her lips and stared at Min Lanxi. She doesn't know what she looks like now, just like a pervert.

"Cheng Jingwen!"

Suddenly, Cheng Jingwen was surprised and turned slightly to see Min Lanxi standing in front of her.

The good smell on his body came faintly, ringing around the tip of her nose. Thinking of the gaffe just now, her face suddenly swung like a fire. She blushed and lowered her head. She no longer dared to look at Li Haozhen, let alone stare at his sexy lips.

"Cheng Jingwen."

Another soft call, Cheng Jingwen raised her head in astonishment. I don't know when his sunglasses were taken off. His eyes looked so deep and unfathomable in the yellow morning light, as black as the deep black hole, and there was no clue.

At the moment of lightning, Cheng Jingwen only felt her heart beating fast and looked at his dark eyes, as if her soul was about to be sucked away by him.

Min Lanxi stared at her quietly for a moment, looking at her familiar face and familiar eyebrows. It was only after a day of not contacting her that he found that he could not lose her for a day.

As the saying goes, seeing each other is like three autumns! He finally realized this sentence.

Yesterday, he didn't know how he came here in a trance.

Always thinking about her hugging and kissing with An Yixiao, her figure, her smile, and her voice.

I thought about her all night, which made him tossing and turning and unable to sleep. Just after dawn, he went out and drove the car to a familiar place, waiting for her arrival.

However, when he saw her, he unconsciously remembered the picture in the video. The contradiction caused him to drive the car away silently, but it wasn't long before he reversed the car back.

Just because he misses her so much.

"Well...that... I'm glad to see you... Can we go to school first?" His affectionate eyes fell on her body, which made Cheng Jingwen very embarrassed and looked at him carefully proposing.

Min Lanxi's eyebrows were bright and still didn't say a word, but looked at her quietly with his eyes. The eyes that looked at her became more and more intense, hotter, and their eyes were burning.

Cheng Jingwen's hand had already had a cold sweat in her hand. She didn't know what Min Lanxi meant by looking at her like this? Seeing that the situation is not good, I don't know what to do.

However, he saw Min Lanxi suddenly approaching and holding her domineeringly in his arms. Before she could react, he had suddenly kissed her.

She was shocked, as if all the blood poured into her mind. This is the street, people walking around. Cheng Jingwen is not used to kissing people in front of everyone.

Such domineering and hot contact has never felt at all. The heat and breath on her lips made Cheng Jingwen struggle instinctively, but she was held by Li Haozhen's thin waist force, so that she could not move for a moment.

Such a domineering Min Lanxi, such a domineering kiss, and such an impatient kiss made Cheng Jingwen's mind blank as if she had been shocked by thunder.

All the feelings in her mind disappeared, only the numbness from the lips, which made her only realize this.

With such close contact between Cheng Jingwen and Min Lanxi, his domineering breath is full of everything, as inescapable as a net.

The air everywhere is all covered by his strong breath.

Cheng Jingwen felt as if she was involved in the hurricane. She couldn't hear anything or see anything. The only feeling was the heat on her lips and the almost arbitrary plunder of Min Lanxi.

It's the first time I've seen such a savage and domineering Min Lanxi. However, he suddenly made her feel as if this was the real him.

Domineering and strong, this is the label that belongs to Li Haozhen.

The sun on the edge of the sky finally broke through the clouds, and the pale golden light sprinkled on the two people who kissed each other.

The handsome teenager and beautiful girl formed a perfect picture scroll.

People and cars hurriedly passing by the roadside couldn't help raising their faces. This picture made them pleasing to the eyes.

However, when the white Bentley passed by, there was a shocking scream in the car: "Oh, my God!"

When An Yixuan saw the scene on the roadside, she shook An Yixiao's arm in surprise and said loudly, "Brother, open your eyes quickly. Look, what is that? It's Cheng Jingwen and Brother Lanxi who are kissing!"

When An Yixiao, who quietly closed his eyes, heard the last sentence, he suddenly opened his eyes, because the car was driving too fast, just a flash. However, he still saw the scene of the kiss.

"Uncle Quan, go back." An Yixiao ordered to sit up straight and looked at the driver's order.

Uncle Quan was slightly surprised, but he couldn't but obey the young master's order. He turned the car back a little and parked on the roadside.


After An Yixiao's order, as soon as the car stopped, he jumped out of the car. An Yixuan also jumped out of the car, and the two brothers and sisters held their arms and looked coldly at the scene not far away.

The two, who don't seem to have kissed enough, are still entangled in public.

"Hey, brother, do you think they...?" An Yixuan stared angrily at the two kissing people and turned her head angrily at An Yixiao when she saw that his face was so dark that it was about to drip water. She swallowed her saliva in fear and said, "Brother, look at Cheng Jingwen, why is she so cheap!" I seduced you to seduce Brother Lan Xi again. How can there be a woman like her in the world!"

An Yixuan's words made An Yixiao's eyebrows cold, his eyebrows gradually tightened, and his eyes became more and more cold and gloomy. He bit his lips and looked at the pair of wall people silently.

"Brother, I used to teach that stinky girl a lesson." The coldness from An Yixiao scared An Yixuan. She clenched her fist, said to him, and was about to go there.

"Yi Xuan!"

"What's wrong? Brother?" An Yixuan stopped and looked at him doubtfully.

An Yixiao shook her head and said blankly, "Forget it, let's go." Just now, he saw Min Lanxi's eyes, and those cold eyes looked at him coldly, and the hatred contained in it shocked him.

Although I have always been at peace with Min Lanxi, I have not reached the point of hatred with him.

However, the hatred in Min Lanxi's eyes shocked him inexplicably, so he subconsciously shouted his sister who wanted to pass.

"Go?" An Yixuan's face was obviously unwilling. She turned her head and said, "Brother, how can we just walk away? If I don't teach Cheng Jingwen a lesson, I can't calm down."

"Lesson?" An Yixiao heard the words, smiled coldly, and looked at her and said, "Zixuan, don't say I don't remind you. In this scene, can you teach Cheng Jingwen a lesson? Do you think Min Lanxi will stand by and watch?

"Well... what should I do?"

"What else can I do? Get in the car!" An Yixiao took the lead in stepping into the car and gave her an order.

An Yixuan stared at Cheng Jingwen's back fiercely and stamped on her feet, so she was unwilling to get on the car.

The white Bentley car roared away.

In fact, except for Cheng Jingwen, who turned her back to them, Min Lanxi can be said to have kissed Cheng Jingwen deliberately for so long. He absolutely deliberately kissed Cheng Jingwen in front of the An family.

Watching An Yixiao leave with a stinky face, Min Lanxi's depressed breath after a day finally disappeared without a trace. In addition, he once again made him kiss Cheng Jingwen, and his mood improved in an instant.

The mood at this moment is like the rising sun, with a sense of dawn-like joy.

Min Lanxi's arm loosened and finally let go of Cheng Jingwen.

Cheng Jingwen almost suffocated to death. After being released by Min Lanxi, her feet were unstable and she almost fell down.

"Be careful." Fortunately, her arm was caught in time. Cheng Jingwen raised her head in surprise, looked at Min Lanxi, and whispered, "Thank you."

Min Lanxi stared deeply at her, stroked her swollen lips that he kissed, and apologized to her sadly, "Cheng Jingwen, I'm sorry! I can't control myself for a moment..."

"Stop talking, go to school. If you don't leave, you'll be late." Cheng Jingwen stood up, gently pushed him away, and then walked towards the car.

The car slowly drove towards the school. Because of the kiss just now, the two people in the carriage were a little embarrassed at this moment. After a while, they spoke at the same time.


Cheng Jingwen turned her head and looked at Min Lanxi with a funny look. Then, she smiled and said, "What's the matter? Tell me first."

"Why didn't you come to me yesterday?" Min Lanxi looked at her resentfully and said aggrievedly, "It's okay if you don't come to me, but why didn't you call me or send me a message? Don't you care about me at all?"