Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 55 I want to go home

"Min Lanxi, do you know that you are a big fool! Big fool! Stupid!!"

"I'm sorry! Cheng Jingwen!"

Min Lanxi seemed to only say this at this moment. He stared deeply at her and said in a hoarse voice.

"Idiot, can you only say sorry? Get up quickly, big fool, I'll take you home!" Cheng Jingwen fiercely pulled Min Lanxi's arm and looked at him slightly angrily and said, "You are so old and still so ignorant. In winter, I still learn from the protagonist of the idol drama on TV. What kind of rain does it come out? Do you want to destroy your body? ......”

Cheng Jingwen's small mouths chattered and said a lot of words. He didn't hear a word. The only two words he heard in his ear were the two words, which were going home.

"Go home?" He muttered to himself.

"Yes, go home. Get up quickly and I'll take you home!" Cheng Jingwen pulled Min Lanxi's wet clothes hard, looked at him and complained, "If you don't go back, you will freeze to death here. At that time, don't say that I don't care about you!"

"Cheng Jingwen!" Min Lanxi suddenly stood up, held her tightly in his arms, and hugged her with all his strength. Warm drops of water fell on her shoulder. His arms tightly wrapped around her body and said hoarsely and trembling, "Cheng Jingwen, do you love me?"

Cheng Jingwen's heart trembled. She had never seen Li Haozhen's tears. In her heart, she always thought that he was such a strong boy. How could she cry?

Let him cry unless it rains red.

However, there is no red rain tonight.

His question made her a little embarrassed. How should she answer him? Whether she loves or not has not been fully defined in her heart. It doesn't seem to make sense to say that you don't love it. At the moment when he held her and cried, her heart still twitched fiercely. There is him in her heart!

Cheng Jingwen was silent for a while, put her right hand around his waist, fell on his cold chest, sighed gently, nodded heavily and said, "Of course I love you."

Min Lanxi heard her answer and slowly loosened her. After staring at her for a moment, the corners of his lips quietly bent up. Suddenly, his eyes gradually darken and hesitated. He said to her, "Then can you say that to me? I want to hear it!"

Cheng Jingwen was stunned and her heart palpitations. After that, he smiled very mischievously and deliberately coughed. He looked at him and said, "Cough, Mr. Min Lanxi, please listen carefully, I--"

She deliberately paused and looked at him without saying anything.

Hearing this, Min Lanxi's pupils tightened, his eyes darkened, his whole body was stiff, his palms were slightly hot, and his clenched hands clenched wet sweat because of tension.

"Put." Cheng Jingwen raised her face slightly, looked at him with a bright smile and said softly, "Don't worry about being angry in the future. Don't let me worry, you know?"

He was slightly stunned and his eyes were slightly wet. Then, he looked at her and said with incomparable emotion, "Su Ying... I..."

Cheng Jingwen gently held his hand, and the flashing light in her eyes was as beautiful as those shining gems in the jewelry store. She looked at him gently: "Min Lanxi, I love you!"

"Cheng Jingwen..."

There was a roar in Min Lanxi's head, and his heart was hot and warm. He tried his best to restrain the surging blood of his whole body with his reason.

He stared deeply, gently mixed with some kind of emotion that made the heat flow slowly in his heart. Looking at the light flashing in her eyes, he couldn't help but circle her in his arms again, and his throat was so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, his heart became nervous with excitement, and even his voice trembled: "Cheng Jingwen... I love you too... love you! I love you! Love it very much!!"

He held her tightly, as if he had held her tightly with all his strength to melt her into his flesh and blood. His body was cold and hot, as helpless and uneasy as a child, and shouted tremblingly, "I love you!" I love you!"

Under his magical voice, Cheng Jingwen closed her eyes, and her hands slowly wrapped around his strong waist and hugged him tightly.

clench his waist tightly!

The world suddenly became so illusory, and Cheng Jingwen seemed to suddenly lose her square inch. A happy feeling gradually gushed out of her heart, and her hand slowly and tightly grasped his waist.

This is the case with all the sweet words in the world, which can make people lose an inch and indulge in that sweetness.

A small umbrella covered their sight.

On the road not far from them, a white Bentley luxury car parked on the side of the road.

The window of the back seat slowly shook down, and suddenly showed a handsome face with a clear angle.

In the slightly dark carriage, I couldn't see the real thing, and I couldn't see the look on his face. But he exuded a cold breath all over his body, and his cold black eyes scanned the two people under the umbrella.

Xing was stunned by the driver in front of him. Uncle Quan, the driver who watched him grow up, had never seen him like this. He looked doubtfully at the couple under the umbrella. He couldn't see the appearance of the person under the umbrella, and he couldn't understand why he was asking him to park here.

Seeing him staring at the couple under the umbrella, Uncle Quan was slow to think of a reason. He scratched his hair and thought that he had been looking here for so long, should he leave?

He coughed gently and gently reminded, "Young master, should we go home?"

An Yixiao turned a deaf ear, as if he had never heard the reminder of Uncle Quan, and his eyes looked closely at the two people under the umbrella.

Although he didn't see their appearance, he could see at a glance that the people under the umbrella were Cheng Jingwen and Min Lanxi.

That boy was so lucky. He looked for her for a long time, but he didn't find her.

I wanted to find her in front of him and take her away. As a result, they met first.

"Young master!" Uncle Quan turned around and saw that although his eyes were looking at the distance, they did not gather. The light that flashed quickly made him see that he was meditating again.

An Yixiao looked closely and finally withdrew his sight and said faintly, "Drive!"

The car drove away, splashing a few splashes in the roadside pit and dancing lightly.

"Cheng Jingwen...!"

Min Lanxi suddenly released Su Ying, lowered his head and picked up her face, staring at her gently, with stars shining in his eyes.

"Hmm." Cheng Jingwen stared at him gently.

Laughing at the corners of the lips.


Min Lanxi's face was a little pale, and even he was powerless to speak. Cheng Jingwen has always had thick lines, so she didn't notice his abnormality.

Seeing him hold her face, his cold fingers pressed against her cheek, making her a little uncomfortable. But looking down at him, she thought he was going to kiss her and couldn't help closing her eyes slightly.

The image in front of him was a little blurred. Min Lanxi felt that his vision was confused. In a trance, he felt that there were two overlapping figures in front of him. He is dizzy and can't breathe well. She was about to kiss her bright and ruddy cherry lips, but in the end, she was still weak, and her head tilted and fell directly into her strong nest.

He still had cold rain on his hair, and his cold face had been pressed against her neck for a long time, which shocked Cheng Jingwen. She hurriedly opened her eyes and looked at the sick, pale and bloodless Li Haozhen, and stroked his forehead, which was hot.

The forehead is so hot, contrary to the cold body, a fool can realize what's going on.

Cheng Jingwen held the tall Min Lanxi with great effort and looked at him sadly and said, "You have a fever. I'll take you to the hospital."

"!" Min Lanxi leaned against Cheng Jingwen's body. His head was dizzy and uncomfortable, and his consciousness gradually blurred. He strengthened his spirit.

Holding Cheng Jingwen's shoulder, he stood up hard and said weakly, "Go home... I want to go home. Didn't you say you would take me home? I don't want to go to the hospital.

"Okay, I'll take you home." Cheng Jingwen looked at him gently and said softly like a sick child.

"Well...I just want to...go home..."

"Okay, go home." Cheng Jingwen reached out and called a taxi and got into the car. When the driver asked where to go, she did not hesitate to go to the nearest hospital.

Min Lanxi is now freezing all over, but her forehead is frighteningly hot.

You don't have to think about it, because he was stupidly blown by the cold wind and rain, coupled with the invasion of wind and snow, which made his body cold and caused a fever.

If you don't go to the hospital, the consequences will be more serious.

The muddle-headed Min Lanxi heard the word hospital vaguely. He waved his hands and feet like he was stimulated and muttered to himself, "Don't go to the hospital... don't go... don't go!!"

"What's wrong with you? Are you all right?" Cheng Jingwen grabbed his waving hands and looked at him puzzledly.

Min Lanxi is too lame. Isn't it just going to a hospital? Did he react that much? He didn't look like this when I went to the hospital with her that time.

Is his brain burned out? Or do you hate going to the hospital?

"Little girl, where do you think you are going?" Seeing Min Lanxi's exciting appearance, the driver was embarrassed for a moment and looked back at Cheng Jingwen to ask.

"I want to go home!"

Cheng Jingwen looked at Min Lanxi with her eyes closed, but suddenly said this sentence. She thought for a moment and told the driver the address of her home.

Min Lanxi's whole body is still wet, and even Cheng Jingwen, who hugged him twice, was not spared, and she was also soaked.

"Young people, you are really crazy! It's crazy to go to get caught in the rain in winter. Through the rearview mirror, the driver looked at the two people in the back seat who were dependent and embarrassed. He shook his head pitifully, found a clean white towel, threw it to Cheng Jingwen, and kindly said, "If you don't dislike it, take it to wipe the rain on your body." I think that young man should use this towel.