Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 81 Accidentally Falling into the Sea

Although his technique is strange, a series of actions are carried out in an orderly manner, which is a bit like a calm chef.

Cheng Jingwen was shocked and praised him, "Oh, An Yixiao, that's good!"

"You will know it's better when you taste it." An Yixiao said proudly. Finally, An Yixiao also made two dishes, both fish, steamed and braised. Of course, Cheng Jingwen also cooked a green vegetable herself.

When all five dishes were put on the table, Cheng Jingwen had already verified Li Haozhen's cooking skills. So the first thing she tasted was An Yixiao's braised fish.

As a result, the fish that was sent into her mouth was spit out by her and rinsed several times in a row. Then she looked at An Yixiao and said rudely, "Do you think salt is too cheap?" Just put it hard, and the braised fish has been turned into salted fish by you.


An Yixiao didn't believe it. He took a mouthful of fish with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth. His mouth was so salty that he couldn't say anything, as if there was a mouthful of salt in his mouth.

He opened his mouth to spit, but when he saw Min Lanxi's contemptuous eyes, he endured and tried to swallow the fish in his mouth, but in the end, he couldn't stand it and immediately rushed into the toilet.

An Yixiao's earth-shaking vomiting suddenly came from the toilet on the first floor, and Min Lanxi smiled proudly.

After a long time, An Yixiao came out of the toilet. He shrugged his head and sat down slowly. Without saying a word, he was silent, and looked very depressed.

Min Lanxi deliberately touched the steamed fish with chopsticks, just tasted it gently, then frowned and frowned, "Oh, what's this smell? Why is it so strange? This time it's not salty, but very fishy..."

"Real?" Cheng Jingwen raised her eyebrows and looked at the steamed fish in the middle of the table. She held her chopsticks and didn't know whether to put them down. If it was as bad as Min Lanxi said, she shouldn't have tasted it.

An Yixiao stared at Min Lanxi hatefully and said angrily, "I didn't let you eat the food I cooked. You deserve it!" After saying angrily, he got up and poured all the two dishes he had carefully made into the trash can, and then slammed the door angrily.

"Hey, An Yixiao, what are you going to do?" Su Ying stood up anxiously, looked at An Yixiao's back, and asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry about him. He is such a big man that he won't lose it. We ate at ease. I guess he just walked around the neighborhood. It should be okay. Min Lanxi comforted him and thoughtfully picked up a few chopsticks for Cheng Jingwen.

Cheng Jingwen was still a little worried. She looked at him and said, "But... he didn't eat much?"

"It's okay. We'll just leave you some food later." Min Lanxi said with a smile.

"All right." Cheng Jingwen had to eat at ease, but she thought to herself that An Yixiao was too stingy. Isn't it necessary to say a few words to him like this?

After having dinner with Min Lanxi, Cheng Jingwen just cleaned up the table, but Min Lanxi went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Cheng Jingwen was worried about An Yixiao, so she subconsciously walked out of the villa and walked slowly along the nearby beach, looking for An Yixiao's figure.

There is a street lamp far away from the sea. There is a thin fog coming from the sea. Everything in the distance is dark, except for the sound of the waves eroding the beach.

Cheng Jingwen suddenly felt scared.

It's too secluded to walk far to see a villa, but most of the houses are unoccupied, there are no lights, and there is not even a car on the road.

Unconsciously, she went so far that she didn't even know where she was.

What she stepped on were tiny stones and sand. Su Ying was eager to find An Yixiao, but it was dark everywhere. She was suddenly afraid that a demon would emerge in the fog, and the sound of the waves made her shudder.

Cheng Jingwen's vest was cold and sweating coldly. She didn't even dare to walk loudly. She felt that a ghost would jump out of every dark place.

Cheng Jingwen subconsciously approached the beach with soft sand under her feet. Stepping on it is like falling into a soft cotton.

There are strange rocks everywhere, which are strangely eroded by the waves.

Her sharp eyes saw that there seemed to be someone under the reef in the distance. There was no moon, and the sea reflected fine starlight. Su Ying was overjoyed and shouted there loudly, "An Yixiao!"

The vague figure there did not make a sound or look back, but Su Ying suddenly decided that the person sitting there must be An Yixiao.

She ran there quickly.

As expected, the person sitting there in a daze was An Yixiao with an unhappy face.

Cheng Jingwen stood next to him, gently kicked him with her foot, looked down at his side face, curled her lips and said to him, "Oh, An Yixiao, you really know how to hide. Do you know how long it took me to find you?


An Yixiao squeezed her lips tightly, and her eyes fell on the calm sea without saying anything.

"Hey, An Yixiao, I called you just now. Why didn't you answer me? Are you dumb?" Cheng Jingwen kicked his feet dissatisfiedly.

He continued to be silent and said nothing.

Cheng Jingwen, who had been standing, sat on the ground because her leg was a little sore, sat next to An Yixiao, touched him with her elbow, looked at him and said, "Hey, young master, what's going on with you tonight? I'm kind to talk to you. Could you please give me a sound? Do you really think of you as a mute?

"Cheng Jingwen, am I useless?" An Yixiao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly turned his head and looked at Cheng Jingwen and asked.

"Why do you say that?"

"No matter what I do, I don't seem to succeed. I'm always not as good as Min Lanxi. He really knows everything. Although I don't want to admit it, he seems to be omnipotent. I always want to surpass him, but it seems that in the end, I am humiliating myself.

An Yixiao said in frustration, burying his head under his knees and holding his head with both hands.

Cheng Jingwen sighed and didn't know how to answer his question. His question really embarrassed her, and she has seen it in her eyes during this period of time. His open and secret struggle with Li Haozhen may be because they are brothers. Both of them have the belief of not giving up. They both want to surpass each other and don't want to lose.

No matter how they fight, An Yixiao doesn't seem to have won once. Maybe he said it right. After every struggle, it will turn out that he is humiliating himself, just like tonight.

If he hadn't said something big, he wouldn't have appeared at the table.

"Cheng Jingwen, am I really useless?" He suddenly raised his head and looked closely at Cheng Jingwen to ask.

Nothing can be seen on the dark sea. The fine starlight occasionally flashes, and there is a lighthouse on the island in the distance, with straight beams facing the distant ocean.

The sea breeze blew the waves and piled up to the shore. The wind blew Cheng Jingwen's hair, and the cool wind blew on her body very comfortably. She looked at the sparkling sea, looked at him calmly, and changed the topic and said, "An Yixiao, you think too much. We went back, but you didn't have dinner."

"You haven't answered my words yet?" An Yixiao looked at her stubbornly and said.

Cheng Jingwen bit her lip, stared at him, and said lightly, "Why do you have to know this answer? Also, it's not useless if you say it's useless. You are not bad, you just met a strong target. Don't think so much. Let's go home."

"Go home?" An Yixiao shook his head: "I won't go back."

"You have to go back if you don't go back. Do you want everyone to worry about you?" Cheng Jingwen stood up, couldn't help pulling An Yixiao's arm, pulled him savagely, and said firmly, "I will drag you back."

"I really don't want to go back. If you want to go back, you can go back first." An Yixiao also stood up and used a little force, but refused to follow Cheng Jingwen.

So, the two pulled up at the reef.

I don't know what's going on. Maybe Cheng Jingwen accidentally pushed An Yixiao down and pushed him directly into the sea.


With a very loud sound, when An Yixiao was pushed into the sea by her, the water splashed everywhere, and the cold and slightly salty sea water hit Cheng Jingwen's cheek.

Cheng Jingwen was stunned. She didn't mean to push him into the sea. This is just an accident, a completely unexpected accident.

She saw An Yixiao falling into the sea struggling desperately in the sea.

Cheng Jingwen was only stunned for a moment, but in a short moment, she woke up. Although her mind was blank, she didn't even think about other ideas. All she had in mind was the scene of An Yixiao struggling in the water, and then she jumped into the sea regardless of herself.

When she jumped into the sea, she was suddenly dumbfounded and immediately panicked.

She can't swim at all. At this moment, she jumps into the sea, which is like looking for death and looking for her own way to die!

The waves beat the reef and made an earth-shaking sound, which made Cheng Jingwen's heart fluster to the extreme.

She originally wanted to jump into the sea to save people. At that time, she didn't think about anything, but wanted to save An Yixiao. Now, not only has she not been saved, but she has been brave enough to save herself.

Cheng Jingwen, who fell into the sea, was soon choked into several mouthfuls of seawater, and the salty seawater was forced to be swallowed into her stomach, making her feel very uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.

"Help! Help!" Cheng Jingwen shouted out with all her strength. As soon as she finished shouting, a wave hit her and rolled her into the waves.

Damn, it's not going to be buried in the sea tonight, is it?

She doesn't want to die. Life is so beautiful, the blue sky is so white, and she is still young. She doesn't want to die like this. But what can we do now?