Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 85 Swimming

"Nerve, don't worry! Nothing happened to us!" Cheng Jingwen blushed, pulled back her hair from An Yixiao's hand, then glanced at him, pushed him away heavily, opened the door and turned away.

Cheng Jingwen returned to her room, washed, changed her clothes, and then walked to the kitchen. She carefully cooked a pot of seafood porridge.

After breakfast, the three naturally went to Jeju Island.

First, I went to the famous Luofeng Park, and then to the seaside of Tadong, which can be said to be a place for young people to gather. Cheng Jingwen can't swim, and she is afraid of the sea, so she only plays on the beach and doesn't go into the water.

And Min Lanxi and An Yixiao are both masters among swimming masters, and naturally they go to the sea to play. Even in the sea, the two did not forget the struggle and insisted on swimming.

Cheng Jingwen sat on the low reef and looked at Jin Zhebin and Min Lanxi playing in the water. Watching them have fun, they are not happy.

If there was no struggle between them, it would be great.

The dazzling sun fell on the sea, and the sea shimmered.

"Cheng Jingwen, come down, I can teach you how to swim."

An Yixiao, like a big flexible fish, flowed to her quickly and looked up at her and begged.

Cheng Jingwen waved her hand vigorously and shook her head and said, "No, I have a sense of fear of the sea. You can play, I'll forget it."

"What are you afraid of when I'm here?" An Yixiao saw that she had been unwilling to swim in the sea, so she felt bored and kept persuading.

"Yes, Cheng Jingwen, come down and play. You won't be all right if we protect you." Min Lanxi also flowed towards her, as sensitive as a dolphin. He looked back at Cheng Jingwen: "It's always good to learn to swim. In the future, you won't be afraid of water. And in the water, you don't have to worry about accidents.

Min Lanxi said something that made her a little moved, but looking at the deep sea water and thinking of the sea water that choked several mouthfuls last night, the salty taste really impressed her. She shook her head timidly and said, "No, I don't want to learn to swim for the time being."

"Oh, that won't force you." Min Lanxi looked at her with a smile.

"Bear by the way, where are we going to play later?" Cheng Jingwen asked that she was not familiar with this place at all, which made her afraid to go anywhere and was afraid of getting lost.

Min Lanxi didn't think about it and said, "Wait will take you to the largest and most beautiful potted garden in the world. It is beautiful and beautiful. Many girls like to go there."

"Oh, isn't it? Then let's go quickly." Cheng Jingwen said excitedly. She looked excited. Just now, she looked at the brochure on the island and happened to see the place mentioned by Min Lanxi. The scenery in the album was really beautiful.

This made her very yearning.

Min Lanxi and An Yixiao saw her yearning and had no objection, so they went ashore to change their clothes and accompanied her to the bonsai garden.

Min Lanxi took a lot of photos for Cheng Jingwen, and Cheng Jingwen also took a lot of photos with them.

It's just that there is only one photo of the two of them together. This was taken by Cheng Jingwen dragging them and ordering them to stand together.

After shooting, An Yixiao still looked unhappy and groan coldly, "Who wants to take a picture with such an impolite boy? Cheng Jingwen, delete the photo quickly. I don't want to take a picture with this boy.

"Do you think I would like to take a picture with you? If Cheng Jingwen hadn't insisted on letting me do this, I wouldn't have done it. Min Lanxi was also dissatisfied. He stared at An Yixiao, and then looked at Cheng Jingwen and said, "Delete the photo so as not to be in the eyes."

"Come on, don't think about deleting it. This is my camera, and I will never delete it." Cheng Jingwen glanced at the two of them and raised the photo album in front of them and said, "Look, people are not good-looking, but the scenery is good. For this reason, I can't delete the photos."

"Cheng Jingwen, can you talk?" An Yixiao retorted, "What does it mean that people don't look like us? What's so good about this scenery? You just ignored me as a handsome person?

"Well, I don't want to quarrel with you." Cheng Jingwen looked at the intersections in front of them and said, "Two young masters, where should we go now?"

"Go to the Teddy Bear Museum." An Yixiao offered advice aside and said that it was Min Lanxi's idea to come here just now. He can't be compared with him. He also has to say a place.

"Teddy bear?" Cheng Jingwen looked at him doubtfully.

"Yes, don't girls also like teddy bears?" An Yixiao explained: "The Teddy Bear Museum is built for teddy bears loved by people all over the world. There are many teddy bears in the museum, including the world's most expensive teddy bear, the world's smallest teddy bear, and of course, the teddy bear wedding church with traditional wedding scenes from all over the world. How can we not go to such a romantic place?

Cheng Jingwen was a little moved. She turned her head to look at Min Lanxi and asked, "Lanxi, what do you think?"

Min Lanxi looked up at the sunset that was about to fall, nodded and said, "Well, where can I go?" However, I also introduce you to a place where the scenery is also good. Come here, but you can't miss it."

"Oh, where?"

Min Lanxi smiled and said, "Longtouyan."

"Dragon Head Rock?"

"Cheng Jingwen, don't go there. Let's go to the Teddy Bear Museum, which is just a good place to play at night." An Yixiao protested and said that he strongly persuaded Cheng Jingwen to go to the place he recommended.

"Isn't it almost night now?" Min Lanxi pointed to the sunset glow in the sky and reminded him.

Cheng Jingwen frowned and thought about it and said, "I want to go to both places. Go to the Teddy Bear Museum first, and then go to the Dragon Head Rock."

Hearing what she said, the two had no objection and followed her obediently.

Cheng Jingwen is the smallest teddy bear she has seen. It's really small, only 4.5mm big. It's really small and cute. The church there is beautifully decorated and romantically. Although it is traditional, it can still make people feel romantic from the heart.

After coming out from there, the three went straight to the dragon head rock, and the top could be seen from afar like a roaring dragon head looking up to the sky, which is a symbol of Jeju's tourism industry.

After the three came out, it happened to be dusk, staring at the dragon head rock in the sunset, which would create the illusion of a dragon winding.

Then they went to Longyuan, not far away, where the pool water was clear. Strange rocks and evergreen forests around the pool are surrounded by screens. In the old days, it was called "Longyuan Night Sail", and the night scene is fascinating.

Cheng Jingwen took a picture with a camera and didn't want to leave. The night scene here is really intoxicating.

However, An Yixiao shouted that he was hungry and had no choice but to leave and return to the seaside of Tadong. The seaside at night is more lively than during the day. At this time, most people come here to eat.

An brought a lot of delicious food, including abalone porridge, seafood hot pot, grilled Fangguan fish, crab soup, pheasant dish, Korean guest rice, roast beef, and finally a bottle of Wumei sparkling wine.

Cheng Jingwen looked at a table full of dishes and sighed, "Call so much, can you finish it?"

"It doesn't matter. These are all famous local delicacies. Eat more." An Yixiao shrugged his shoulders indifferently and introduced enthusiastically.

Min Lanxi thoughtfully picked up a few pieces of beef for her and looked at her and said, "It's been a day. Are you tired? Eat more, replenish your strength, and there are still many places that haven't been played. I'll take you there tomorrow.

"Well, okay." Cheng Jingwen was also polite and slowly tasted this table of delicious food.

The restaurant they chose was set up by the sea and outdoors. Looking up, there were stars. Wherever they saw, there was a faint blue sea.

The night wind slowly blowing from the seaside brings the breath of the sea. The cool wind blew on the person, and I felt comfortable all over.

The sea breeze makes people refreshed and relaxed.

Cheng Jingwen was in a good mood and drank a lot of wine. Fortunately, she was good at drinking. Therefore, even if she drank too much, she did not show her ugly side.

After drinking, my whole body became hot.

Fortunately, the refreshing and humid sea breeze with the fishy smell of the sea blows every part of people's hair, cheeks and body. That feeling is really wonderful.

Cheng Jingwen's face appeared when drinking. At this moment, her white cheeks became slightly red. She smiled and looked at An Yixiao and Min Lanxi and said, "Where are you going later?"

Min Lanxi also drank wine, but didn't drink much. Compared with Cheng Jingwen and An Yixiao, he was more rational. He said, "Of course, we will go home after dinner. We all walked all for a day. It's better to go back to rest early. After recuperating, I can't go out until tomorrow.

"Go home?" Cheng Jingwen muttered.

An Yixiao shook his head and blushed. He said, "Don't go home, Cheng Jingwen, I'll take you to a place tonight, okay?"

"Where is it?"

"You will know when you go." An Yixiao whispered to her and pretended to be mysteriously, "That was a cave I finally found while swimming during the day. I sneaked in and found that it was quite beautiful. And it seems that no one has found the cave. Let's go there tonight. We can sit on the reef and watch the stars at night.


"Of course, it's quiet and there is no one to disturb. You can watch the stars tonight and the rising sun tomorrow morning."

Oh, when An Yixiao said this, Cheng Jingwen was very moved. Naturally, girls are born to love romance, and their favorite thing is to watch the stars and the rising sun with their lovers.

She turned her head and looked at Min Lanxi.

Min Lanxi was much more rational. He thought for a moment and said, "Don't go there. It's not safe there. Besides, in the dead of night, if something dangerous happens, who will save us?