Plug the girl and mistakenly provoke the noble school hunk

Chapter 92 Bad Mood

"Don't say thank you yet. You haven't heard me yet. Although the contract has been terminated, I want to tell you something. From now on, I will pursue you more fiercely. I won't let you go. Just wait to accept my love.

"You..." Cheng Jingwen looked at him with a headache and was really speechless. She didn't know what to say to him.

At this moment, Butler Jin's doubtful and curious voice came from outside the door: "Miss, Master Min, what are you doing at the door? Are you coming to see the young master?

The two people in the room were shocked when they heard the sound.

After An Yixiao was just shocked, her expression quickly returned to nature, and her eyes did not change. He looked sideways thoughtfully at the two shadows at the door of his eyes, and then looked at Cheng Jingwen, who had changed her expression.

"An Yixiao, the medicine and dinner are on the table. Eat quickly. I have something to do." Cheng Jingwen put aside this sentence in a hurry, and then hurried to the door.

She swung the door open, and then saw Min Lanxi's back. His footsteps were a little swollen and he rushed out unsteadily. Looking at his fleeing back, she suddenly understood everything.

An Yixuan twisted her hands uneasily and argued to her anxiously: "Cheng Jingwen, this is really none of my business. I didn't ask him to come here, but he found it himself. Don't blame me... I..."

"I know." Cheng Jingwen looked at An Yixuan with panicked eyes. Seeing her explaining anxiously, she sighed and interrupted her words and stared at her and asked, "When did he come here?" How many words have you heard?"


An Yixuan was nervous when she saw her staring closely, and her words were unspeakable.

Cheng Jingwen held her shoulder, her eyes softened slightly, and then gently comforted her, "Don't worry, say it slowly. When did he come?"

"Actually, he hasn't been here for a long time, but it was when he heard the most critical thing you said." An Yixuan secretly glanced at her and then said, "When you talked about that contract, he came like a ghost. Then he kept eavesdropping now, and he heard everything that should be heard.

After listening to her words, Cheng Jingwen frowned tightly. She suddenly ran downstairs and chased after Min Lanxi.

It's over, it's really over.

He heard everything and what he shouldn't have heard. How can she explain it in the future? Cheng Jingwen ran downstairs in a panic and said silently as she ran, 'Lanxi, don't misunderstand me!'

An Yixuan saw her running downstairs and followed closely behind. The two ran downstairs one after another.

"Hey, ladies, where are you going?" Butler Jin looked at the two people who rushed out doubtfully, and his eyes were full of puzzled expressions.

Cheng Jingwen and An Yixuan had no time to pay attention to the housekeeper Jin's words, so they rushed downstairs and ran to the garage. Not surprisingly, Min Lanxi's red Ferrari has disappeared.

Bo both were shocked and rushed through the courtyard in a panic and ran outside.

On the straight road outside, at the corner, I happened to see Min Lanxi's car. His speed was the kind of lifeless speed. His car rushed fast, but in the blink of an eye, he couldn't see him.

"Damn it!" Cheng Jingwen cursed in a low voice. Looking at Min Lanxi driving out so desperately, she didn't know if anything would happen.

She is really worried about his situation.

An Yixuan was also very worried about Min Lanxi. Seeing that he and his car disappeared at the other end of the road, she looked anxiously at Cheng Jingwen: "What should I do? Cheng Jingwen, you have to think of a way. We can't let Brother Lanxi leave like this. It's so late now. Where can he go? We have to bring him back."

Cheng Jingwen frowned again and looked at An Yixuan with an anxious face. She suddenly looked at her: "An Yixuan, can you drive?"

An Yixuan was slightly stunned and thought of her driver's license that she hadn't got for a long time. At that time, she stuffed money and said good words, and the examiner didn't let her pass. She blushed with shame and said, "I can drive, but I don't have a driver's license."

"It's okay, as long as you can drive." Cheng Jingwen grabbed her hand and walked to the garage. As she walked, she said, "We have to catch up with Lan Xi quickly. We can't let him fool around."

"Good." Hearing Min Lanxi's name, An Yixuan immediately threw away all the uneasy thoughts in her heart, and then her courage increased greatly and followed Cheng Jingwen to the garage. Fortunately, the Bentley was not locked, and they easily got into the car.

When the car was swaying on the road, Cheng Jingwen finally understood why she did not have a driver's license. Her driving level really made people sweat.

Sometimes, An Yixuan still doesn't distinguish between left and right, causing Cheng Jingwen not to focus on Min Lanxi who ran out, but on her who was driving with full concentration.

An Yixuan, who was even more nervous and embarrassed by her, muttered to herself, "Cheng Jingwen, can you stop staring at me all the time? Do you know that I'm very nervous!"

'Don't say you're nervous, I'm more nervous than you!' Cheng Jingwen slandered in her heart: 'I have given my life to you. Can I not stare at you?'

By the way, she only dared to slander An Yixuan in her heart, and she didn't dare to say it to her face. Therefore, when I heard An Yixuan's dissatisfied voice, I had to turn my head and look out of the window.

Then she took out her mobile phone.

smiled at An Yixuan and comforted her, "Yixuan, drive well, and my life will be in your hands. I'll call Lan Xi first.

"Okay, you can fight. Ask him where he is now. After saying that, An Yixuan rolled her eyes and said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm still here, nothing will happen to the car. And you will be fine."

"That's good." After getting her guarantee, Cheng Jingwen quickly found Min Lanxi's number in the phone book, but when she called, it turned off as expected.

"What? Won't he answer your phone? Do you want me to call him with my finger?" Cheng Jingwen has been frowning and looking at the phone without a sound. An Yixuan quickly took out her finger and handed it to her.

"No." Cheng Jingwen waved her hand and said helplessly, "His mobile phone is turned off, and no one's call is answered."

Ah? What should I do?" Just now, when she met a crossroads, An Yixuan couldn't make up her mind for a moment and looked at Cheng Jingwen: "Which way should I take? You can choose one!"

Originally, I still followed Min Lanxi's car, but because An Yixuan's technology was really not good, and she was always unlucky to run into traffic lights and intersections, so she lost it.

Cheng Jingwen thought for a moment and looked at the two intersections. She turned to look at Jin Zheshu and said, "If you are in a bad mood, where will you go?"

"Of course it's going to the bar." After An Yixuan blurted out, she suddenly reacted and said ecstaticly, "You mean that Brother Lan Xi may get drunk in the bar?"

"It's possible." Cheng Jingwen was not sure. She also guessed randomly. She suddenly remembered that Min Lanxi sang in that bar before. Thinking that he might run to a familiar bar to get drunk, so he had an idea and ordered An Yixuan to drive the car to that bar.

Sure enough, in the parking lot, I saw Min Lanxi's familiar and dazzling red Ferrari sports car. The two got out of the car with joy and rushed into the bar.

This is the busiest time of the day in the bar. The bar can be said to be full and really overcrowded. Cheng Jingwen and An Yixuan were finally dispersed by everyone else.

There are human heads everywhere, and the colorful lights hit all kinds of people's faces. Cheng Jingwen looked for Min Lanxi while looking for An Yixuan.

I found a big circle, but I didn't see the two of them. Not to mention Min Lanxi, even An Yixuan didn't find her.

With no choice, she had to run to the bathroom, unplug An Yixuan's phone, and then let her come to the bathroom to meet.

When Cheng Jingwen saw An Yixuan coming alone, she had already guessed that she might not have found Min Lanxi.

"How about Cheng Jingwen? You asked me to come in such a hurry. Did you find Brother Lan Xi? An Yixuan, who had not yet approached, asked loudly with joy after seeing Cheng Jingwen.

Cheng Jingwen shook her head in frustration and said, "I didn't find him. I looked for him, but I didn't see him here. He shouldn't have come here.

"Alas." Hearing that she didn't find anyone, An Yixuan sighed disappointedly and said, "I haven't seen him either. Maybe he's not here. Let's go to the next bar to find it.

"Good." Cheng Jingwen followed An Yixuan and took a few steps, and suddenly looked at her doubtfully and said, "It's impossible that he won't be here. Could we have missed something?" His car is parked here, so he is likely to be still here. Otherwise, let's look for it again."

"Okay." An Yixuan can't understand that his cars are parked here, but people are not here. So, after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed to Cheng Jingwen's words.

When the two were about to look for Min Lanxi again, suddenly there was a noisy sound in the aisle not far away, and a large group of people gathered around and didn't know who the big man was going to the stage.

For this kind of bustle, Cheng Jingwen and An Yixuan do not have time to pay attention to it at this moment, and even if they are thinking about it, they can't see who the person surrounded by everyone is.

The two were about to leave this place when they faintly heard someone calling Min Lanxi's name loudly.

The three words Min Lanxi made Cheng Jingwen and An Yixuan stop and look **. However, at this time, all the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed.

In just a short moment, the light lit up again. However, this time, there was a handsome and melancholy boy standing on the small stage, and all the lights hit him.

Even all the lights stayed on him, and it was not as dazzling as himself.