
It only takes one chapter to become a god

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The protagonist was struck by a big road in a big city on the mainland. The protagonist was bullied when he was a child because he lost his father and mother in his childhood, so his deep temperament and mature thoughts exceeded 5,000 years.

On this road, there are two princesses of the largest imperial flame emperor, the daughter of the strongest demon mentor in the mainland, and the goddess of light happened to be with her two female angels Gabriel and Michael, as well as the daughter and niece of the demon king Lucifa. The big and small wives of the Creator are all on this street.

As soon as they saw the protagonist's eyes, they were attracted by the deer bumping into their delicate faces and secretly. Then they went to talk to them and said that they wanted to go together. Along the way, the women listened to the protagonist talking about their growth history. When they were fascinated, they covered their faces and laughed when the protagonist was happy. After listening to them, they felt that the protagonist's experience was unprecedented. There is no one coming.

The princess of the empire brought the protagonist to the palace and the protagonist denounced the officialdom in front of the Flame Emperor. The emperor was deeply ashamed and was ashamed to be the emperor again, so he gave way to the protagonist.

Gbai lie took the protagonist to see the protagonist of the goddess of light and called me for my life. The goddess of light was moved on the spot and said that she would immediately disband the divine world and travel with the protagonist.

Lucifa's daughter took the protagonist to see Lucifa. As soon as Lucifa saw the protagonist, he felt that the dark breath of the protagonist was more than 3,000 times more suitable for him to be a demon king, so he passed on his strength to the protagonist.

The protagonist saw the magic tutor, who was impressed by the protagonist's aura on the spot and gave all his years of research to the protagonist.

Finally, the protagonist came to the Creator God. When the Creator saw his wife snuggled in the protagonist's arms, he asked, "Why did you cuckold me?" The protagonist raised his head and took a deep look at the Creator.

The Creator was immediately shocked: "What kind of look is this? What kind of momentum is this? No wonder my wife is going to abandon me... Compared with you, what qualifications do I have to be the god of creation... You are the new creator!" After saying that, the ashes and smoke disappeared.

The protagonist becomes the new creation god and is free between the women in all planes.


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