
Wuchen Countermeasures

Li Qi looked at the four prisoners tied up and said their identities indifferently: "Wolf Wangwei? There are seven Wolf King Guards, and there will always be only seven. If someone dies, they will choose one of the most outstanding people under the Wolf King to inherit the position of the previous one, right?

It's not surprising that the Wolf King Guards know Li Qi so well about them. The Second Guard said, "The Heavenly Master has a lot of information, including Mr. Wolf King. We have known this for a long time. You don't have to show off."

Li Qi asked with a smile, "Oh? So, who told you that we have this information? I'm curious."

"You don't have to ask. It was Mr. Wolf King who told us, and we don't know who told Mr. Wolf King."

"This is not very important to me, because I am not very interested in your Mr. Wolf King. I have many ways to deal with him," Li Qi said. "As for you, our general practice is to abolish your martial arts and put them in prison. You will be in prison for the rest of your life.

Wolf Wangwei doesn't like Li Qi's roundabouts: "What on earth do you want to know? Say it quickly!"

Li Qi nodded: "Okay, my second question is, how do you know I will come to Wuhan?"

"It's unfortunate that the answer is the same as just now. Mr. Wolf King said it."

Li Qi shook his head this time: "I'm not satisfied with this answer to this question."

"Then we can only say that someone told him, and we don't know who it is."

Li Qi smiled evilly. He turned his wrist and clicked sixteen places on the fifth guard. Each time it was accompanied by a scream from the fifth guard. After sixteen, the fifth guard had fainted. People who knew a little about acupuncture points could see that the sixteen points were all acupuncture points. After these sixteen times, the fifth guard It is impossible to practice martial arts again.

How's it going? Can you say this?" Li Qi touched his finger that had just touched the acupuncture point.

Although the Wolf King guards were very afraid of Li Qi's means, they still replied, "It's useless for you to kill us. It's true that some people reported to Mr. Wolf King, but they all talked directly with Mr. Wolf King. We haven't contacted them at all, so you don't get any information."

"So, what if I want to use the things on your wrists?" Li Qi pointed to the signal in Siwei's hand, and Liu suggested that he send some false information back as Siwei at that time.

"It's useless. After we tie up the people, we will go back to recover within three days. In other words, no matter what message you send back, it will be revealed within three days."

"You don't have to worry about this. Just tell us how to do it."

The second guard doesn't know what Li Qi is going to do. No matter how he thinks about it, he thinks that it is impossible for Li Qi to send any false information that can hide from the Wolf King, and the Wolf King's intelligence system is often changed. As long as there is an intelligence leak, he will definitely change a set of password books.

Moreover, what if the people of the Wu Neng League send information that they think they can deceive the Wolf King, but the Wolf King has actually seen through it? This also has an advantage for the Wolf King, right? Thinking of this, the second defender confessed generously.

Li Qi walked out of the room and asked the staff of the Wu Neng League, "Did he lie?"

"The instrument does not show."

"The mind reader also found out that he did not lie, but his heart fluctuated abnormally!"

"What do you mean?" Li Qi suddenly asked, "What does it mean that the inner fluctuation is abnormal?"

"The signal on the signal has changed! What signal should have been sent!"

Li Qi turned around and walked back into the house, grabbed the neckline of the second guard and shouted, "What did you just do?" Don't challenge my bottom line!"

The second guard made a very rogue expression: "Oh, it was found. I knew it was not that easy. Just now, we temporarily cut off the meridians on our wrists, and the signal has told Mr. Wolf King that you can't deceive him."

Li Qi secretly regretted: "I'm careless. I should have used interrogation medicine at the beginning. It's too kind."


"Brother Liu, what else can I do if it's you?" Li Qi called Liu.

"To be honest, there is a way, but there is little hope." Liu thought for a moment to answer

"What do you say?"

"Isn't there another person's signal that can still be used?"

Li Qi was puzzled: "But three people have sent back the signal. Will the Wolf King still believe the fourth person?"

"It depends on how you make up your lies. You can use the identity of one of them to tell the Wolf King that the other three have been arrested and ask for reinforcements."

"Well... In this case, I'm afraid the Wolf King will propose a video call."

"So I said there was little hope, it depends on whether you can control the last person..." When he said this, there was a sudden noise behind Li Qi. Liu asked on the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Something seems to have happened."

"If I guess correctly, it should be dead. I suggest you study the two signal devices carefully and be careful. Let's wait until the research results come out."

Li Qi didn't understand what Liu Xiang meant, so he nodded and agreed.

He hung up the phone and asked what was going on.

A staff member of Wu Neng League stood up and answered, "Mr. Li, those three people died, and the things in their hands exploded."

"Explosion? What do you mean?

The staff member pushed the glasses: "I was careless. I didn't expect that the non-governmental organization would be more than the official one. It should be a built-in poison needle in the signal, which was injected with toxin and died. I thought there would be no problem after taking out the poison pills in their teeth, but I didn't expect it to be double insurance."

"Directly give the rest of the interrogation medicine!" Li Qi said angrily.

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time." The staff member seemed very excited to hear Li Qi allow him to use interrogation methods.

Li Qi suddenly became angry and sighed: "I'm really a psychopath after doing this kind of work for a long time!"


That night, Li Qi took the car to pick up Yuan Yi. Liu asked Li Qi through the window, "Is it done?"

Li Qi replied, "I was about to ask your opinion. I have got the decoding book. What do you want to do next?"

"I have a few words to ask you, but it doesn't seem convenient to say so?" Liu pointed to the window.

"Well, get in the car and take you to Wu Neng League to sit down." Li Qi opened the car door.

Liu thought for a moment and replied, "Okay." Then get in the car.


A box in Wu Neng League Cafe.

"It's very safe here. Don't be afraid that the wall has ears." Li Qi picked up the coffee and took a sip.

Liu looked at the white coffee in front of him and said, "Well, I just want to ask, who is your opponent?"

"What do you mean?" Li Qi put down the coffee and looked at Liu Tong in surprise.

"Yuan Yi told me about the eight beasts of the border gate. I want to ask you, are they the only main opponents? Is there anything else?"

Li Qi looked at Liu Yu's meaningful eyes and said, "Wait a minute."

Then he took out a rune paper from his arms, pasted a few around the three, then pinched a formula with a "drink", and then sat down and said, "Now you can say it. Only the three of us can hear your words. Even if there is a bug or a super auditory power in this room, they can't hear you. That's it."

"Is it so amazing?" Liu Wei didn't know what had happened at all.

Li Qi said casually, "It's nothing more than a circle of air wall. Sound is transmitted by air, and artificial control of the surrounding air can achieve the effect of sound insulation."

"Well, it's quite clever," Liu returned to the topic just now, "Then I'll go straight to it. As far as I know, with your strength, it's probably very easy to deal with people like the Wolf King, right?"

"Yes, if there is a head-on confrontation, I have at least ten ways to kill him." Li Qi said confidently about this.

"So, why didn't you do this? There are only two reasons, either you can't find him, or you deliberately keep him. In either case, there is only one reason. They are not your only enemy, not even important enemies.

"You're right. In fact, you guessed that both situations are right. We once united with the Wu Neng League to encircle and suppress the eight beasts here, but every time we were in vain, no matter how good our confidentiality measures are, it is useless. And it is strange that small sects such as Wolf King and Liehu can go empty overnight, which at least shows that there are helpers behind them.

"And then? Having a helper doesn't mean anything. It may be an alliance between the eight parties. How can you conclude that there is a stronger opponent behind them?

"It's because of a person's death that we came to such a conclusion." Speaking of this, Li Qi began to recall.

"What's the situation?"

"That was eight years ago, when the local master had an apprentice. Of course, it was not a local envoy, and the local envoy has not been found so far. The apprentice of the earth master is considered to be second only to the three envoys, and the earth master called him the most talented mortal. Li Qi closed his eyes and said, slowly raised the coffee and put it to his mouth. After a moment of hesitation, he put it down, as if he couldn't bear to recall.

"This man is dead, and you don't think that some of the eight beasts of the border gate have the strength to kill him, right?" Liu guessed so.

"Yes, that's it."

"But even so, you can't come to that conclusion. There are many reasons for the death of a master."

"Well, there is a lot of other evidence, such as the recent disappearance of female powers. There is also evidence that it is related to the eight beasts.

"What's going on?"

"Simply put, you know the relationship between the Dragon Group and the Wu Neng League, right?"

"Well, just like the relationship between scientists from various countries and researchers from official academies."

"It's a very appropriate metaphor, but whether it's the dragon group or the martial arts alliance, it takes very specific means to find the awakened powers in the vast sea of people, and it's not convenient for me to reveal what it is. Since about a year ago, the dragon group has found a new female power from time to time, but it disappeared before contacting her. This kind of thing has happened, and it still happens often to this day. The organization that can do this is only the Wuneng League and the Dragon Group in China, so there must be the same strength behind the Wuneng League and the Dragon Group behind the Eight Beasts.

"I don't think this alone is enough." Liu said thoughtfully.

"There is still a lot of evidence. If you don't believe it, just forget it." Li Qi said indifferently that he had a good temper. If he hadn't thought that Liu Wei could give him some constructive advice, he wouldn't have said so much.

Liu went to fight and found that he had a little too many problems. Wu Neng League's judgment must have his reason, so he said, "Well, back to the original topic, since your purpose is not to find out the eight beasts, but to find out the people behind the eight beasts, we might as well call him armor. So the next question, this time the eight beasts Why did the wolf king come to bind people? In other words, did A let him come, or did he come by himself?

"How do you judge this?"

"Originally, I thought I couldn't judge, but now there is a way. Did you judge that person yesterday? Did the Wolf King ask them to arrest any female powers recently?"

"Yes, that's the work of the other three guards. It just disappeared the day before yesterday, and the dragon group has intervened."

"This shows that this kidnapping action was not explained by A." Liu asserted.

Li Qi suddenly understood: "I understand that no one will give two very important things to one of his subordinates at the same time."

"Yes, this shows that one of the two things is an additional task decided by the Wolf King himself. Since one of these two things is possible and the other is impossible to complete. Then it is the Wolf King's own decision that it is impossible to complete. So, to further say, this shows that the Wolf King and that Jia are not the same, and this time, through the spies within the Wu Neng League, Jia knew that the Wolf King did what he did to you behind his back? Liu took a pause and said, "This is very complicated. Maybe it has something to do with A's purpose."

The purpose of A? You don't even know who he is, and you still want to know his purpose? Li Qi was shocked. He and the Wu Neng League had always been puzzled about the purpose of this so-called "A". Liu knew it on the first day that he could guess it?

"I really didn't know before, but the female power you just mentioned is too critical. I want to ask if A only kidnaps the newly awakened female power but not the female power who has joined the martial arts alliance?"

"Yes!" Li Qi reacted, "Why is this?"

"On the surface, the kidnapping of powers may be to study them, or to control them, but why does A only kidnap women and not kidnap female powers who have joined the Martial Arts League? I think there is only one explanation. He is looking for someone.

"Looking for someone?" Li Qi was extremely excited when he heard this conclusion as if he had touched something in the haze.

"Yes, find a female power, because his spy in the martial arts alliance has told him well what the female power in the martial arts alliance is, and he finds that there is no one he is looking for. So he kidnapped the new powers, and maybe he studied and expanded his strength by the way. Liu said this and paused, "Well, for people with such a purpose, the Wolf King is not indispensable."

"So the wolf king's unauthorized action will not be let go."

"Yes, he will not necessarily kill the Wolf King, but he will definitely punish the Wolf King. Anyway, he will not be regarded as unknown, and he will also use some means to ensure the loyalty of the Wolf King. No matter what means it is, my original plan to separate the Wolf King and A is difficult to succeed." Liu said with some regret.