
Gengwu Ground and Valley Crack

Luo Binghong wore headphones and got off the plane in the music and saw a signboard with the words "Wuhan Boxing Association". She knew that this was a common signboard of the Huazhong Wu Neng League. There were only two men and one woman and three young people under the signboard, so she stepped forward and asked, "Who is Mr. Li?"

"Is it Miss Luo Binghong?" A handsome young man asked.

"It's me."

"Well, I'm Li Qi." Li Qi stretched out his right hand.

Luo Binghong shook his hand and said, "I didn't expect you to be so young!"

"We are all young." Li Qi replied with a smile. What he said about "we" outsiders sounded to refer to the two of them, but in fact, it also included Yuan Yi.

The two talked a few words, but the hand they held did not let go. In the palm of their right hand, a Taiji diagram was composed of the strength of the two people. Even if it was a secret code, they let go.

Li Qi nodded to Yuan Yi, saying that he was right.

Yuan Yi also stretched out his hand: "Yuan Yi."

"I've seen you for a long time." Luo Binghong said polite words and shook hands with her, but his face was a little cold.

"We are all a family. You're welcome."

Luo Binghong didn't say anything, but looked at the third person strangely: "Who is this?"

"Liu Wei." Liu Yu also shook hands with Luo Binghong.

Although Luo Binghong was polite, he was a little puzzled. Liu Yu was not in the information given to her by the local teacher. Which master is this?

"The association's car is outside the airport, don't let them wait for a long time."


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It's that cafe again. Liu Xiang showed his plan to the three people, saying that it was a plan. In fact, he only wrote a few details and then explained it to the three people one by one.

"Since the earth has come, and it happens to be a woman, there is someone who plays this protected power." Liu went out and said.

Li Qi nodded and commented, "Well, it's not bad. Although this plan is very unprofessional, the plan is still relatively comprehensive."

Generally speaking, Liu went to divide the people who had access to the information of the powers into four waves, each of two people, and then told the four waves of people four times that they had found a female powers and were protected somewhere by the three envoys, but the four locations were different. At the same time, the Fifth Guard sent back the message of a powerman to the Martial Energy League, but did not send the protected location. If there is no movement from the other party, it means that there is only a single traitor, and the other party is considered to have defected. If the other party takes action, it is very likely that there will be multiple spies.

"What if the two spies happen to be in different groups?" Yuan Yi asked.

"That's the best, think, if you get these three messages: what you want appears, of course you know that this is fake; what you want is at a; what you want is at b, what do you think after knowing these three messages?"

Yuan Yi said while thinking, "I will think this is a trap of the Martial Arts League, and I also want to find the mole through this trap."

Liu Tong said excitedly, "What about further?" This was his favorite thing to do before. He gave Yuan Yi a question and then slowly induced her to find the answer, which could bring him the greatest sense of achievement.

"Are you saying that I may want to make a plan?" Yuan Yi asked uncertainly.

"Yes, yes, I hope to mislead the other party while seeing through the other party's traps and make the other party think that there are moles among the remaining people. So I will attack the place that the other two know.

Luo Binghong, who had not spoken, suddenly called, "Wait a minute, but this "I" don't know where the rest of the people know."

"It depends on the martial arts alliance." Liu said, "Is there any four major hotels and five prisons in Wuhan? It's just the kind of place where people can think of the other as soon as they see one."

"Let me ask about this. There should be. Well, I remember there are four guesthouses in the Wuneng League." Li Qi replied.

Liu nodded: "As long as there is."

Luo Binghong interrupted: "Liu Tong, you are very much like a friend and very smart."

"Oh?" Liu went to laugh.

"But I like to show off and often be smart." Luo Binghong was not surprised by Liu's smile.

"What do you say?" Although Liu Wei was asking, he smiled more happily.

"It's just a simple evaluation. Anyway, I don't think this plan will work." Luo Binghong cut his hair.

"Of course, because I don't know enough." Liuxiang admitted it frankly.

"Okay, let's try it first." Li Qi removed the sound insulation cover while talking.

But as soon as he withdrew, he heard a roar of the tenor from far to near: "Li Qi! Get out of here!"

"Who is this?" Li Qi was shocked. Do you still have enemies who can find the martial arts alliance? And listening to this sound, the power is not weak.

The four were curious and walked out of the cafe and found that the man was actually shouting from the door of the Martial Arts League.

Li Qi ran to the door of the Wu Neng League and saw a group of people who had surrounded the Wu Neng League. There were still several people lying on the ground. There was a young man standing in the middle of the crowd, shouting, "Li Qi, you shrinking turtle, let the little one die. You dare not even show your head!"

"Anoy your sister!" Li Qi shouted, "Isn't this coming!"

When the man heard Li Qi's response, his eyes quickly locked Li Qi's position, and his face was very excited. He jumped high and turned his hand. He took out a long knife from somewhere and cut it down to the top of Li Qi's head.

Tiangong, open up.

With a flash of white light on Li Qi's body, the man's knife fell deep into the ground.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a valley crack." The valley split gave a thumbs up and pointed to himself.

Li Qi said angrily, "Don't do that! What's your name? What does that have to do with me? Why are you looking for me?"

Valley crack shouted and put a POSE: "My master said that he wanted me to defeat the heavenly master or his apprentice. Now that the teacher can't find it, I'll come to you."

"Who is your master?"

"My master's name is Hao Zheng. What does this have to do with you? You just need to let me defeat it!" The valley split refers to pointing to Li Qi and making an expression of "you can't do it".

"Haozheng?" Li Qi turned his mind and said, "I haven't heard of it."

"So I said it had nothing to do with you!" Gu Ri said and raised the knife again, "Sword six!"

"Pure knife skill!" Li Qi suddenly understood what this "Haozheng" was. It should be either Haoqiu or the descendant of Haoqiu.

Haoqiu was the last head of the spirit vulture palace. After Ji Qing disappeared, the heavenly master took over the spirit vulture palace. However, when the heavenly master looked through the archives of the vulture palace, he found that the vulture palace had been unbearable and finally ordered the dissolution of the vulture palace.

Of course, the nine masters disagreed, so they fought. Although the "post-ancient martial arts" created and summarized by Ji Qing is infinitely powerful and not weaker than the ancient martial arts at all, but the nine major masters were too young. In the end, the heavenly master overwhelmed the whole audience and successfully disbanded the Vulture Palace.

But the nine major masters are not dead, and today's valley cracks are the heirs of Haoqiu's generation.

The earliest founder of pure knife art was Haoyang, the head of Haotian Department in the Northern Song Dynasty. Haoyang is a typical martial arts idiot. His obsession with martial arts made him too lazy to name his own swords, so he named it after numbers. Even though it has been improved countless times in more than a thousand years, the name remains unchanged, so Li Qi recognized the name.

"You have said too much." Li Qi laughed at the valley crack, Tiangong and cloud movement in his heart.

The sixth knife, which was originally full of awe, suddenly dissipated, and the valley split had to change his move. He held the long knife in both hands and naturally fell down to touch the ground: "Kn seven!"

The knife did not move, but the knife gas was overflowing. If the gas of the knife six just now was "order", then the gas of the knife can be called "chaos".

Tiangong, Shuanglong.

Li Qi drew a circle with each hand to attribute the "chaotic" knife spirit to the "order" again.

Putting aside the brain-damaged dialogue, the level of these two battles is much higher than the average level of the Wu Neng League, so most of the onlookers of the Wu Neng League are stunned.

Li Qi suddenly thought that he wanted to establish a supreme prestige in the Wu Neng League, and it would be better to end this farce quickly, so he said, "If you can't finish it in ten moves, you will win."

Valley crack heard the fire: "Look at my ten tricks to deal with you! Knife nine!"

Liu on one side asked Yuan Yi with a black face, "Do you like to shout out your names when you use martial arts?"

Yuan Yi smiled awkwardly: "Believe me, this is just an alien."

Luo Binghong sneered, "It's a boring question."

Heavenly power is still there; Heavenly power is well-in-handed.

Li Qixian flashed behind the valley crack, which is a relatively smart remnant in Tiangong, called "Shang Zai", and then hit the back of the valley crack, which is much stronger than Yuan Yi's method. He hit the valley crack three stories high before falling down.

"Is this a post-90s generation? It's too arrogant." Li Qi looked at the valley crack on the ground and said angrily.

"What happened after 20? I'm also a post-90s generation. Luo Binghong asked lightly.

Li Qi was stunned. To be honest, he really didn't see it.

"I... I'm not... post-90s..." The valley on the ground replied with difficulty and fainted.