
Wu Yin's predecessor's promise

Along the way, Gu Ri kept asking Li Qi what his promise was. Luo Binghong and Liu Xiang were also curious, so Li Qi had to tell several people about the elimination of the organization.

When the organization was besieged and eliminated, Du Taiming, the founder and leader of the organization, took his young son Du Xiaobo and Jin Lu to break out the siege. Because Du Taiming's ability is the five senses of control people, and his ability is very strong, the dragon group has been arrested many times and has not been caught. However, later, Jin Lu took the initiative to cooperate with the dragon group. After an agreement, he was willing to surrender and surrender Du Taiming's hiding place, but asked the dragon group to let Du Xiaobo go. The dragon group agreed. Finally, Jin Lu was imprisoned for exempting himself from the death penalty. Du Taiming was sentenced to death, and Du Xiaobo grew up under surveillance.

"This is the information recorded in the dragon group file." Li Qi sighed, "Actually, I don't believe that Jin Lu will betray Du Taiming. On the contrary, I think that Du Taiming asked Jin Lu to help take care of his son before he voluntarily surrendered."

Yuan Yi sighed, "A good brother, a good father, great family affection."

Li Qi nodded: "There is also a great relationship."

Luo Binghong took a look at Li Qi.

Valley crack shook his head: "I still don't understand."

Li Qi said, "You will understand when you become a father."

Gu Rift said, "I mean, I don't know how to catch that Du Taiming?"

Li Qi said, "Du Taiming's ability is to control other people's feelings, that is to say, it is possible that you can't see him even if you walk past him. Do you understand?"

Valley Rift said, "Yes, it can still be like this! Why didn't I think of it?"

"Because your knife is an idiot when it is in the scabbard!" Li Qi slandered.

Yuan Yi said, "So the person who often comes to see Jinlu is Du Xiaobo?"

"Yes, and Jin Lu also calls him once a week."

"What a poor child. He hasn't had a father since he was a child. It's so miserable." Yuan Yi sighed.

Li Qi whispered, "You don't know how many people were killed by the elimination organization in those years, and each of them was worse than him."

Liu asked, "No one could find Du Taiming at that time?"

Li Qi replied, "Yes, it is recorded that no one can find it. Why do you ask such a boring question?"

"So, why did Du Taiming turn himself in? He obviously just wants his son to live normally. Isn't it better to find a place to hide?

Li Qi thought for a moment: "Well... Maybe it's tired, maybe it's regrettable, it's possible."

Liu thought for a moment: "This kind of extremist won't have such a gentle mood, will he?"

Li Qi shook his head: "I don't know, maybe people will change."


In 2020, in a villa of Du Taiming, Du Taiming and his best brother Jinlu were sorting out things in the basement, next to his four-year-old son. The door of the basement was installed on the floor and covered with a carpet. Many people in the dragon group searched. Du Taiming only controlled it when they lifted the carpet. Their vision, touch and hearing made it impossible for them to find the door, so the dragon group came back many times without success.

At this moment, I suddenly felt the sound of footsteps above my head. Du Taiming looked out from the light-through mouth and was a woman.

The woman went straight to the carpet covered the basement door and lifted it casually. Du Taiming quickly controlled her vision, touch and hearing, so that she could not see the door on the ground, and even if she knocked on the floor, she could not feel that it was empty under the floor.

But the woman didn't move, just stunned, then smiled, closed her eyes, pointed her fingers accurately to the dark door, and gently hooked to open the dark door.

Du Taiming stared at the woman with wide eyes, but Jin Lu had already taken out a gun and condensed the force field.

The woman stretched out her jade-like finger and "banged", and the gun in Jin Lu's hand fell to the ground, and the force field dissipated directly.

Jin Lu suddenly knelt on the ground and gasped violently.

The woman said in a chilling voice, "Miranda's advice is waived. Come out and follow me."

Du Taiming suddenly knelt down: "I'll go with you, but my son is innocent. He is only four years old. Can you not take him away?"

"The order I received is to arrest the three of you."

Du Taiming kowtowed: "Please, you see, my son is completely an ordinary person and has no ability. If he goes to the dragon group, those people in the dragon group will not leave him!"

The woman continued, "If he stays alone in this villa, how many days can he live?"

Du Taiming was stunned.

At this moment, Du Xiaobo suddenly came over and said, "Please, auntie, don't take Dad... I'll go wherever Dad goes."

The woman looked at Du Xiaobo and seemed to think of something. She touched her stomach and sighed, "Du Taiming, you must die. No one can forgive your sins. The three of you will go back with me. I promise them..." She pointed to Jin Lu and Du Xiaobo, "You can live."

Du Taiming thought for a moment and asked, "Do you promise?"

"Even if I can't guarantee it, do you still have a choice?"

Jin Lu suddenly shouted, "I don't have to live. Let Brother Ming live. I will take him to die. Anyway, I don't care... Xiaobo can't live without his father!"

The woman turned her head and said, "Du Taiming is dead. You and his son are alive, or both are dead. I'll give you two minutes to discuss it."

"Brother Ming!" Jin Lu cried to Du Taiming.

"Men don't shed tears easily, don't you often say that yourself? Why are you crying?" Du Taiming looked at Jin Lu and suddenly shouted, "Molder Jin!"

Jin Lu returned a gift: "Mr. Du, what's the matter!"

"I order you to live and take good care of Du Xiaobo. If something happens to him, you will die and have no face to see me!"

Jin Lu cried and kowtowed three times to Du Taiming: "Yes, boss..."

Du Taiming picked up Jinlu's gun with a smile and pointed it at his temple.

"Peng!" With a sound, Du Taiming was undamaged, and the bullet actually hit the wall.

The woman said, "You can't die yet. You have to die on the execution ground of the dragon group. Come with me. I can guarantee that the two of them will live.


"Group leader Gao, I want the two lives of Bao Jinlu and Du Xiaobo!"

"guaranty? Even if it's you, give a reason, or why do you guarantee it?

"It's just my name."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Isn't my name qualified enough?"

"You... alas, that's enough, but Xiaoting, even you, try not to do the task when you are pregnant."

"You just agree."

"Alas... Fortunately, that Golden Road hasn't killed many people, just by your name... Even if you poke it, it's reasonable."


"Target No. 3, Anyanyan!" Li Qi held up a photo of a short-haired girl, "Is this person really a woman?"

"Basically, the voiceprints of men and women cannot be the same, but there are always accidents."

"But this woman doesn't look like five or three rough at all. How can she make such a rude sound?"

"Voiceprints and sound are not a concept..."

"Of course I know that. I'm just saying that this woman is too graceful, and it doesn't match her voice at all!"


Luo Binghong looked boredly at the four people. She knew that it must not be this woman. The man was definitely a man. At that time, she felt that it was definitely a man's figure, and the woman's figure in the photo could be called a small "s".

But what's the use? Li Qi won't believe her. He will only think that she is an illusion.

So she would rather let Li Qi find his own mistakes as Liu said.