
Xin Mao Jinlan Oath

The next morning, a milky crystal clear bird flew into Li Qi's window. The bird was tied with a scroll at its feet, which seemed to be silk, not modern cloth.

Li Qi took it down and shouted softly, "Break!" The bird easily dissipated in an instant. Li Qi sent a text message to Tianshi that he had received his "express".

Li Qi opened the scroll, with a yellow edge and white background in the scroll, which was spotless, indicating that all the last batch of users of the scroll had passed away, or broke the shackles of Jinlan's oath with great magic power.

Li Qi bit his finger and pressed it on the Jinlan scroll: "In the name of the angel Li Qi, I will innovate this volume and belong to me!"

A white light brushed the scroll and renovated the scroll again. In fact, it was originally empty, but Li Qi still refreshed it again with a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's like some people buy a USB flash drive. Obviously, they buy a new one, but they still like to format it again after buying it.

Strangely, Li Qi's finger was clearly covered with blood, but he did not press the fingerprint on the scroll. The scroll is still white and flawless.

"Gentlemen." Li Qi called everyone and gathered in the living room. "I have two more things to discuss with everyone."

Li Qi adjusted his expression and said, "The first thing is about this team. I think everyone knows that not long ago, there was a traitor in our team named Liu Wei. This made me start to think about the formality of the team itself. In fact, Liu has never officially stated that he belongs to this team or that he is loyal to anyone in this team, so it is not a betrayal, but we can't always maintain such an unclear state of each other. So I brought this." Li Qiju raised the yellow scroll in his hand, "This thing is called the Jinlan Contract. Its role in ancient times was to ensure that the two sides of Jinlan would not betray each other.

Li Qi spread the scroll on the table: "It is very simple to use. Both parties who want to form ayi or multiple parties bite their fingertips and press on the scroll, recite the vow together, and then the oath will be established. If there is any violation, it will be eaten back by Jinlan's oath.

"Of course, this is the most basic use of 'establishment of vows', followed by 'opwearing' and 'taking vows'. First of all, let's talk about the oath. For example, if A, B and C establish an oath, and Ding establish an oath with A, B and C respectively, then the four vows will automatically merge into a contract of A, B, C and D.

Valley crack is a little puzzled: "Why is this?"

Li Qi was stunned: "Oh, that's it anyway. How do I know why! Ask the person who made this contract!"

Valley crack clapped his hands: "So you don't know? Hahaha!"

Li Qiman's head and the word "well" said, "Let's say 'go the oath'. If the two or more parties that have established the oath have agreed to terminate the oath, as long as they press their fingers on their fingerprints at the time of establishing the oath and agree to terminate the oath, the oath will disappear."

An Yanyan suddenly raised his hand and expressed his doubts. Li Qi asked, "What's the matter?"

An Yanyan said, "For example, in the four-person contract between A and B, can A only terminate the contract with B? Or do you have to solve it all?"

"Yes, if so, then only two parties need to agree to terminate the contract, and the four-person contract will be automatically decomposed into two contracts, 'jia bing ding' and 'yi bing ding'."

The valley split suddenly shouted: "This is..."

Li Qi interrupted him viciously: "Don't ask me why!"

Valley was very aggrieved and silent.

"So, does anyone else have any questions besides the valley crack?" Li Qi asked.

Valley crack, Li Tairan, An Yanyan Kang Jie and the four of them said that there was no doubt: "No problem, the usage is quite simple."

Li Qi nodded: "Well, so well, the next question is... Who wants to sign it with me and Yuan Yi?"

This... Everyone looks at each other in constersibility. Now, smart people know that they can't be too outstanding or too active, while some fools, such as valleys, can't figure out the situation at all. They just wait for a while and say, "I have a problem..."

Li Qi looked at the cold scene and had to let Gu Lie speak: "What's the problem?"

"I..." Valley crack looked left and right worriedly. The knife god was like a frightened rabbit at this moment. "Anyway, just cut my finger and press it, right?"

Li Qi didn't expect him to be so straightforward and said, "Yes... Miss An, Mr. Li, Mr. Kang, I don't force myself to do this. In fact, I haven't take out this Jinlan vow before, because I have always thought that we can't use this thing, but what we are going to do next is related to state secrets. If it can't be established I'm afraid that I can't let you participate in each other's trust.

A strange light flashed in An Yanyan's eyes: "State secrets? Then I must go and see it!"

Li Tairan said, "My boss said that I should always follow Mr. Li and help him. If I can't stay by your side without ending this contract, then I can't finish the job. What's more, as a brave gentleman, how can I not try this magical contract? It would be more appropriate to witness my sincere friendship with you..."

Kang Jie suddenly interrupted Li Tairan's statement and asked, "If this 'gentleman' also signs this contract, does it mean that if I don't sign it, no one will protect me?"

Despite Kang Jie's interruption, Li Tairan continued: "It is fate to meet you in this vast world. If you don't leave any memorable memories, isn't it..."

Li Qi couldn't stand it. He covered Li Tairan's mouth and said to Kang Jie, "Basically, what you think is right. We will then go to the headquarters of the Nanjing Military Region. Originally, my plan was for you to follow us to Nanjing and protect you while carrying out your mission in the Nanjing Military Region. But if you don't sign this thing, I'm afraid that the gate won't let you in, then I can only give priority to more important tasks. I'm sorry.

Kang Jie complained in his heart that what Li Qi said was too cheap, but he said helplessly, "Then sign it."

Li Qi shrugged his shoulders: "Actually, don't be like a dead wife... As long as everyone is willing, it can be dissolved after signing today and tomorrow. Jinlan's oath is what you wish. As long as both parties agree, it can be terminated at any time."

"Then sign it, I have no problem."

"I have no problem with it."

When Li Qi saw that everyone agreed, he spread the scroll, bit his finger and pressed it up and said, "Come on!"


"What's wrong?" Li Qi is surprised.

"Well..." An Yanyan asked, "Is there any civilized way, such as Valley Crack? Yes, Valley Crack, lend me your knife..."

Li Qi looked at Gu Rift and found that he was opening a knife on his index finger.

An Yanyan took a knife and said to Li Tairan and Kang Jie, "Pay attention to cutting with different parts of the blades. It's not good in case there is any infection such as hepatitis A and hepatitis B AIDS..."

Kang Jie shouted, "Hey, is there any more civilized way? Isn't bloodletting usually done with a needle?

"Oh, don't be so sven, here you are." An Yanyan handed the knife to Kang Jie.


Valley crack shouted, "You are so annoying!" He waved his knife and waved a knife breath "brush!" Two sounds, they cut Kang Jie and Li Tairan's fingers with lightning speed. The two didn't know it until Li Qi reminded them that they didn't find out.

The knife finally hit Yuan Yi, but Yuan Yi was not as easy to bully as Kang Jie and Li Tairan. She subconsciously flicked her wrist and dispersed the knife spirit.

Then she came to her senses and found that Gu Rift was not going to attack herself, and she was repeatedly sorry. And Gu Ri didn't listen to her apology at all, but hid in the corner to draw circles: "I can't even deal with Li Qi's wife, and I'm talking about Li Qi..."

Seeing this chaotic scene, Yuan Yi made up her mind...

After a burst of chaos, six fingers finally pressed on the Jinlan scroll.

Li Qi shouted in a low voice: "Ment to me: Here, the six people, together with Jinlan, swear to live and die together, and never betray each other."

"Here, the six people, together with Jinlan, vow to live and never betray each other."

Six yellow lights lit up on the Jinlan scroll and followed six fingers into the body of the six people.

An Yanyan felt a chill spread from his fingers to his whole body, then gathered to the spinal cord, and finally rose to the brain. Presumably other people's feelings are the same. It seems that this Jinlan vow is really not a fool. There is really some fame in it...

When the six people withdrew their fingers, they saw that the six blood marks on the scroll gathered in a corner of the scroll and shrank into a ball.

Li Qi rolled up the scroll and shouted in a low voice: "Seal!" Then put away the scroll: "If you need to change the content of the oath in the future, come to me at any time." After saying that, Li Qi looked at the crowd and found that everyone was looking at him. He was a little strange: "What's the matter?"

"'s okay." An Yanyan reacted and of course knew the meaning of this Jinlan vow. Jinlan vow is equivalent to a cheater for any team. It can directly add the loyalty of team members to MAX. In her idea, establishing such a contract should be an extremely solemn ceremony or something. Who knows it will end like this?

"Well, everyone can go back to their respective homes to find their mothers. Well, the day after tomorrow morning, we will go back to Nanjing, so you can go back and clean up well." Li Qi summed up and asked, "Is there no problem?"

No one answered him, but they separated...

Li Qi sighed and whispered to Yuan Yi, "Sure, the heart can resist Jinlan's vow."

"...I didn't recite the heart spell." Yuan Yi replied.

Li Qi was surprised and said, "Why?! The effect of Jinlan's vow is indeed derived from psychological hints, and your ice heart spell is completely irresistible!"

Yuan Yi replied, "I want to try the feeling of really fighting with them."

"This is not the time to be angry..." Li Qi said unhappily, "It doesn't mean that we won't fight side by side without signing the contract. I haven't been affected by the oath, but I still regard them as comrades-in-arms. However, we are likely to have to give up someone for the sake of the overall situation in the future. Although I am confident that this kind of thing will not happen, what if? Didn't we make an offer before? Try to resist Jinlan's vow with a spell, why... Yuan Yi, don't you understand!?"

Yuan Yi nodded: "I understand that it is precisely because of what I said that I will do it, so I swear that I will do it. I swear that I will do it by trusting with them and not deviating from each other!"

Li Qi really sighed this time: "Well, this is the case, and we can't let them terminate the oath with you. Let's fight against the oath with a curse when they really have to give up someone..."

Yuan Yi nodded.

Li Qi didn't know what to say. He was speechless about Yuan Yi, but it was not all bad. Maybe it would become interesting...?