
Bishen, the patrolman doesn't want to

At dusk in July, when the sun sets, the whole world presents a dark red tone. This is the time for dinner. The office workers who work during the day have driven home, and those night owls who only go out at night have just got up. If two o'clock in the middle of the night is the most exhausting time for people, then seven o'clock in the evening is the right time for people. The most relaxing time - of course, that's for ordinary people. In fact, the nerves of the people in the barracks are still so tense, not because the important things are placed in Nanjing these days, but the habits of soldiers. Even if there are no space weapons here, trained soldiers will not relax at any time.

In fact, in addition to combat ability, most of the soldiers are much better than the so-called elites of those dragon groups, even if they have received special training from special forces. For example, except for Meng Renjun, who is in his early 40s, and Li Qi, who relies on his own strength, almost no one can say that he has this quality.

It's like Yu Weiming and Hu Lan, a man and a woman, actually wander around in the military camp with a dragon group certificate in their hands at this time, which is called "camp patrol", and they don't want to patrol such a thing. Is it their two laymen's turn to do it? What should Americans do if they use capable explorers to explore the barracks at this time?

These are Meng Renjun's views on these two people.

But the two parties didn't seem to think so. They just talked while walking.

"Hu Lan, there is something I can't figure out."


"Why do you say that Americans only talk about their powers and biochemicals, and they don't have warriors? On the other hand, why are there no biochemical people in China's martial arts alliance? According to the current genetic engineering comparison between China and the United States, we don't seem to be lagging behind.

"It's not that there is no. China also has a lot of military research on genetic engineering, but it basically does not engage in actual combat."


"Because there is no need, there are nearly 100,000 warriors in the Wu Neng League, one third of whom are receiving orthodox military training. China is not short of manpower at any time, so there is no need to spend that money to produce human beings. Even if tens of billions of dollars are invested, how many biochemical people can be created? I don't know the details, but the number is definitely far less than the warriors who use the same money to feed.

"What about combat effectiveness? How does a warrior compare with a biochemical man?

"Well...what do you say? The combat effectiveness of warriors is relatively large, and the biochemical people are divided into four levels of SABC, and the powerful warriors are stronger than the S-level biochemical people, but there are still many warriors who can't defeat the C-level biochemical people at all. Generally speaking, the group of warriors is relatively good and uneven.

"You can say that the variance of the martial arts's combat effectiveness is relatively large, and I understand."

Hu Lan looked at Yu Weiming with contempt: "Don't you think it's a little bit to describe it with middle school-level statistics? Why don't you say that the sample space is larger?

Yu Weiming waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. In other words, some of your sects are better than all the biochemical people in the United States? Really?"

"Of course it's true. To put it bluntly, give me a good sword, and I can challenge any biochemical person alone." Hu Lan replied, "The only possibility I can think of losing to a biochemical person is that the weapon is broken."

"You are so violent..."

"Violence is called strength in another word."

"Since the martial arts are so strong, why don't Americans have it? Isn't it the reason why the martial arts secret can't understand that kind of nonsense?"

"Of course not. As long as a person who knows a little about classical Chinese and English takes a year and a half, it will not be difficult to translate them all. There are not many words in a secret book. Do you want to read it? Authentic Jiuyang magic skills."

"Well!" Yu Weiming staggered, "Are you really carrying it with you?"

Hu Lan took out her mobile phone and turned it over: "No, take a look."

Yu Weiming waved his hand: "No, I don't understand."

"That's all. If you really want to see it, I won't give it to you. We have regulations. If you want to learn martial arts, especially internal skills, you must register first and then practice."

"So Americans can't produce martial arts because they can't get these secrets?"

"No, these secrets must have been in the archives of the Americans a long time ago. It's not that there are no warriors in the United States, but no large-scale warriors."

"Because of the population problem?"

"This is only one aspect, and what is more important is the cultural foundation and mass foundation."

"What about specifically?"

"Hm, let me ask you, where is Dantian?"

Yu Weiming patted his lower abdomen: "Here."

"Strictly speaking, that's the lower Dantian, and now we think there are four places in the human Dantian. I'm asking you, do you know where the people are?"

"Here." Yu Weiming pointed to his lips and said, "I understand that as long as you are an individual, you know these most basic common sense, but this is not the case in the United States. This is a cultural problem."

"Yes, perceptual civilization and rational civilization have different acceptance of martial arts. As far as we know, there were American people who tried to practice Jiuyang magic skills, but failed. He himself said that when he was determined, he could not imagine the flow of true qi at all. He could only think of the flow of blood."

"Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and only under rational civilization can the industrial revolution occur spontaneously."

"Yes, now Wu Neng League also has an idea that taking the path of biochemical people is the way to develop for a long time."

"What do you say?"

"The ability of biochemical people will continue to improve with the progress of science and technology, and people's life expectancy is limited after all. Even if they start to practice from their mother's womb, the skills they can cultivate are limited, so they may still be surpassed by biochemical people after a few years or even decades. Therefore, our scientific research department is also focusing on postgraduate technology or artificial power technology.

"Artificial power technology? Can a powerman make it artificially?"

"In the end, power is generated by genes. As long as the genetic technology is strong enough, it is not difficult to replicate the power, and the strength of the power obtained in this way can theoretically be strengthened with the progress of science and technology."

"According to you, the martial arts industry will still decline many years later?"

Hu Lan laughed and said, "How can a living person be suffoed to death? At present, some people are also considering how to solve the problem of the upper limit of martial arts ability. One theory is to rely on ancient martial arts to achieve the development of martial arts diversity, and the other view is to rely on the accumulation of enlightenment skills to achieve the strength of power.

Yu Weiming shouted, "Damn! Is there really such an enlightening harmony method that can make a person a master of martial arts in three days?

"Do you think it's so easy? If it is really so easy, ancient martial arts will not be so popular now. Even if there is really a peerless master who pours the internal strength of Jiazi into you, if you want to reach the level of that high man, it will probably take half of Jiazi's cultivation time.

"Is it that difficult?"

"Nonsense, no matter how strong your internal skills are, you have to learn external skills, and martial arts are very state-telling. If you don't have a state of mind, it's easy to fail to play them. If you want to do tricks, your mood will reach the level of having a master of Jiazi's skills. It will take you almost 30 years to practice."

"This seems to be more difficult than mastering power?"

"Indeed, it takes a psychic to take up to a month from awakening to master his ability, and a biochemical person from transformation to 100% exerting his strength for two months at most, and the progress of martial arts is much slower than these."

Yu Weiming thought, "So, is it impossible to increase the cumulative limit of cultivation by extending life with technology?"

Hu Lan said, "Maybe it's okay or maybe not, just like most biochemical people can't practice martial arts. No one dares to guarantee that this person will not lose the ability to practice martial arts after forcibly increasing people's life expectancy through technology."

"Can't biochemical people practice martial arts? What's the situation?"

"After the biochemical people have been transformed, what veins and acupuncture points are all disordered, how can they practice martial arts? You can try tricks and so on, and you don't have to think about internal skills and mental methods.

Yu Weiming's eyes widened: "Is there still this? I thought the two sets of sciences were completely independent and did not interfere with each other.

Hu Lan waved her hand: "Don't you learn martial arts? Why do you know so much about it?"

"I want to learn it."

Hu Lan took a look at Yu Weiming's body: "I'm too old to make any achievements. If there is a chance, it's a little fancy to find a strong person to help you understand the pulse."

Yu Weiming was frustrated as soon as he heard this.

The two of them chatted like this. Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and the whole barracks suddenly became noisy as if they were boiling. The soldiers who were rushing around the two became more hurried.

At the same time, Yu Weiming's phone call rang.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"I, Li Qi! What are you two doing! Don't you care about business!!!!!

The two woke up like a dream. Yu Weiming quickly narrowed his eyes and looked around with ultra-farsight and the ability to explore: "I saw three powers within my reconnaissance range."

"Which direction is the enemy in? Let's go!" Hu Lan asked.

"No, we will go with Jiang Hongbo first," Yu Weiming pointed to the soldiers running on the side. "They can resist for a while."