
Xinchou magical skills are difficult to choose

After he finished speaking, Yuan Yi looked at An Yanyan, "Does he make sense?"

"Yes, it makes sense, but it's useless to know these things. It's impossible to blow up the laboratory. Even if the laboratory is blown up in the warehouse, it may kill a few researchers, which is not necessarily related to space weapons. The purpose of the American people is not to destroy our space weapons, but to get them. "These researchers, research materials and space weapons themselves are the targets they want to get. Bombing anyone will reduce their goals. Think about it, do you want a better goal or a smaller goal when you play football? Or is there only one scientist in China who naively thought they knew about space weapons, and in that laboratory, the space weapons that killed China disappeared? None of this is possible."

"What's going on? Listen to what you said, it seems that Americans have done something that there is no reason to do. Hu Lan asked.

"Is there such a possibility? This attack is just a simist attack. The purpose is to know how many warriors and how many powers we have," An Yanyan touched his chin and thought. "This can also explain why those biochemicals do not self-exploit or spontaneously in the end. You think, if these biochemicals explode, after self-exploding, one of us will suffer If we are injured or killed, we will send new dragon team members, so it is meaningless for them to explore our strength. As for the retreating power, I guess it is some kind of reconnaissance power, who can remotely record the situation on the scene or something, and it is completely reasonable to retreat after the task is completed.

After listening to An Yanyan's inference, Yuan Yi laughed and said, "Are we right? She is very good.

"It's really a perfect analysis." Meng Renjun also agreed with this statement, "In other words, they will launch another attack, and that attack will be aimed at several people who have taken action this time."

An Yanyan nodded, "This is the biggest possibility I can think of. It should be like this."

No, Yu Weiming thought to himself: this An Yanyan was not present at that time, so he didn't see that if it was to involve all our strength, the vaporizing powerman should not be that kind of reaction. He should run around the base instead of stabbing above a building.

Yuan Yi comforted Wei Ming and said, "Generally speaking, what you analyzed is still reasonable, at least gave us some tips, but you know too much. If you go back to the Wu Neng League like this, I'm afraid they won't agree." With that, Yuan Yi pointed to Meng Renjun.

Yu Weiming asked, "So what should I do?"

Yuan Yi looked at An Yanyan and said, "I have two plans now, but I have to make a decision after Li Qi comes back."

An Yanyan said in surprise, "Is it Jinlan..."

"Yes, so I have to ask Li Qi."

"Yes," Kang Jie also came over when Li Qigu and Li Tai returned to the warehouse office. Li Qi heard Yuan Yi's proposal and replied, "One more person in my team always has more effort, and we also need a person who can explore the distance. Although he can explore a very short radius, The talent of hypersight is still very useful.

"So use that?"

"Ye." Li Qi nodded and took a look at Meng Renjun while holding the scroll. Meng Renjun agreed and took Hu Lan out of Li Qi's room.

Li Qi set up sound shielding in the room, and then turned his head to Weiming and said, "Mr. Yu Weiming, now you have two choices. First, we will use illusions to make you forget everything you see and hear in this operation, and then let you rejoin this mission. Second, we will sign a 'disclosure agreement' with you, but This agreement is different from the general agreement. If you violate this agreement, you will definitely pay the cost of your life. I can give you half an hour to think about it.

"Of course I will choose the second one." Yu Weiming replied.

Yuan Yi saw that Yu Weiming was so resolute, just like Liu Yuan at that time. She smiled and said, "Smart people will choose like this."

Yu Weiming said, "It's not all. It depends on what this smart man thinks is more important. If you think life is more important, of course you choose to forget everything."

Yuan Yi's delicate body was shocked when she heard this, and she looked at Yu Weiming unbelievably.

Li Qi took out the Jinlan scroll and asked, "Don't you regret it?"

"I don't regret it."

"Okay," Li Qi spread out the Jinlan scroll, revealing six fingerprints inside. He briefly introduced the Jinlan scroll, and Yu Weiming soon understood it.

"This is not good," Kang Jie interrupted. "Do we need to cut our fingers every time we join a person?"

Li Qi replied, "Jinlan's vows used to be used by Jinlan. If you sign it, you will be a brother. Isn't it cost-effective to earn a brother? But now we only use him as a contract.

The second signing of the contract made everyone familiar with it. They bloodshed, pressed their fingerprints, and vowed that it would be completed soon. Yu Weiming also praised the magic of this scroll.

Yuan Yi asked in a low voice that everyone could hear: "Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Yu Weiming shook his head and denied this statement: "What's wrong with this?"

"Don't you think signing this kind of thing is a distrust of you?" Yuan Yi asked bluntly.

Yu Weiming smiled and said, "Thank you for your honesty. I think that unconditional infinite trust between people does not exist. It will only be realized in the ultimate human society described by Xianzhe, which will take at least 10,000 years. It is enough to achieve moderate trust under specific conditions. If this technology can be realized in other fields, the society will be perfect enough.

"You have a good mentality." Yuan Yi said.

"This is my real idea."

Li Qi said in conclusion, "Don't worry about these problems. From now on, Yu Weiming is his own person. There are some things that I haven't given you. I had this plan last time." Li Qi said and took out his notebook, turned over a program in it for a long time, and then displayed it in front of everyone.

"Damn..." An Yanyan scolded, "So many... Secrets..." She looked carefully, and there are all kinds of swordsmanship, swordsmanship, light kung fu, internal skills, etc., neatly arranged under different subdirectories in a file package. Most of them have been heard of, and some of them have never been heard of. Most of them are also read in New Martial Arts Information. Yes, ten * were lost in advance, and the heavenly master was later sent back to Wulin.

An Yanyan suddenly found the thing she longed for: "There are really Dugu Jiujian!"

Li Qi was generous: "If you want to take it, but it's better to match it with an internal power. The effect of Zixia's magic power is really bad."

"No, Yuan Yi just gave me an Eight Chakra Path today." An Yanyan said.

Yuan Yi nodded to Li Qi apologetically.

Li Qi is not unhappy. Yuan Yi can completely decide this kind of thing by herself. "Well, Dugu Jiujian, right? You can copy it later."

"Wait!" An Yanyan said, "Is that what you gave me? If you want to take Dugu Jiujian in the Wu Neng League, you need a sect to pass the book, the cultivation certificate and the authority certificate of the Wu Neng League. Isn't it good for you to give it to me like this?

"You don't have to worry about this. If I give it to you, you can take it," Li Qi said without raising his head, as if it was not a matter at all. Then he said to the valley crack, "You don't need it. The three-month knife book we talked about before is still valid."

Qu Rift said, "If you agree, you'd better give me some ancient swordsmanship. I can't think of the ancient swordsmanship and modern swordsmanships for me these days. If you want to give it, you can give it to the ancient knife method."

Li Qi was surprised: "I just gave you a knife score, and you think everything else is useless?"

Valley crack replied: "I also know a little about the advantages and disadvantages of the knife method. Your mysterious knife method can be said to be the top knife method of Taoism. I took a look at it. Pure knife skill has long been covered. It's meaningless. If you go up, it's blood knives, flame knives and so on. I know all about these, that's it. I think you'd better show it to me. The ancient knife method.

"Okay, then the rest are the three men, Kang Jie, Li Tairan and Yu Weiming. What martial arts do you three want to learn?"

Li Tairan said happily, "Thank you, Mr. Li Qi, your generosity is like the sun god in the sky shining on all sentient beings and us mortals. I'm lucky..."

Yu Weiming rudely interrupted Li Tairan's emotion and asked Li Qi, "We don't know much about these secrets, so it's difficult to choose."

Li Qi pointed to the screen: "Isn't there an explanation in the back?"

"You see, the flower fingering method is one of Shaolin's 72 unique skills. It cultivates the strength of yin and masculinity both inside and outside, which hurts people invisibly. After success, the three fingers can be broken by the solid stone, no matter how solid the stone is. What kind of introduction is this?

"Is there any problem with the introduction?"

"A lot of questions, you see, what do you mean by fellow practitioners inside and outside?"

"That is, internal and external skills are involved."

"This is the problem. Both internal and external work are involved, that is to say, you have to work hard. So, what is the proportion of internal and external work? 5 to 5 or 3 to 7? Which aspect should we focus on when practicing? What percentage do you focus on? What does it mean to hurt people invisibly? Does it mean that you can't see it or it's hard to see?

Li Qi was stunned there: "This... It's really hard to answer.

"That is to say, there is still a lot of data that has not been explained. For example, how long after the success, what is the attack range after success, what is the attack interval, and what does the so-called 'solid stone' mean? Can diamonds also be crushed? Obviously, it's impossible. It's not clear. Which one should we choose to practice? Yu Weiming complained.

Li Qi frowned: "Don't think of this as a game. I can't give you the data you want at all. Even if you want to compare which one is more destructive and which is less destructive, you have to wait ten years later before you can practice it."

Yu Weiming clapped his hands: "That's the problem. It takes ten or 20 years to know how strong it is. Basically, it can be said that there is no room for regret, but before practicing, it does not tell us their advantages and disadvantages at all. Not to mention quantitative data, qualitative comparison is difficult. How to choose this? ?"

Li Qi said, "Oh," I forgot that the Wu Neng League has this data! Although it's not complete, you don't need to know everything. Then, you can write down the website, and I'll give you a few more accounts, and you can check it yourself.

Kang Jie shook his head and said, "I don't need it. I'm not that picky, as long as it's relatively better."

"You are open-minded."

"Oh, no, I think that if people call it magical power, naturally there is a reason why it is magical power. I have no special requirements, so..."

Li Qizan said, "Look, how thoroughly Kang Jie is! Come on, Kang Jie, choose what you want.


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