
A Shen Failure and Failure

Narrator: I, Hu Hansan, came back again. After a few days of rest, I felt that I was in a better state. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Since I don't want to work full this month, the dividing line doesn't have to be so long.

Now I want to make a Xiaomi 2 for use, but I have no place to buy it. It's uncomfortable.


It is said that Kang Jie'an's six masters of Yanyan and the Dragon Group entered one of the strongholds of Danqing Palace in Shanghai, which is also the place where they hid nuclear bombs.

All the people in Danqing Palace are first-class masters. It can be said that Fan Jing has been trained for several years only for today's "smoke plan". Therefore, the casual three brothers made Kang Jie and An Yanyan suffer a great loss, which is more uncomfortable than the other two others.

Leiling and the three met four people. It is one of Junhuan's strategies to suppress them with the advantage of the number of people. However, because the location in the building is not spacious and the number of people is too large to use, four-to-three is still a relatively reasonable strategy.

Among the three Lei Ling, only one was born as a warrior of the Songshan School, and the other two are powerful, so they have only done some basic martial arts training. It is not enough to look at it in front of professional martial artists, especially Tang Ze, who is just a capable explorer. Although he has the skills of agents, he is strong. It is basically negligible in front of the warriors.

Lei Ling also has the name of "Thunder Gun". Her ability is a short-range lightning attack. If she wants to condense lightning as a weapon, the length can only reach two meters, so she has the nickname of "Thunder Gun".

Dancing randomly with a yellow and white "thunder gun", Lei Ling really scared the two warriors in Danqing Palace, while the other two fought with the dragon in the sky. Each of them is a master who is not weaker than the dragon in the sky. Although the dragon in the sky has used the fast and slow sword of the Songshan School to the extreme, the other party is obviously comfortable. Zi seems to be teasing him. After all, no matter how fast the dragon's "fast sword" is, it is so fast that the other party can no longer withstand it, and the other person can immediately take over the siege, and no matter how few the slow sword is, it can't stand two swords to attack together.

Soon the dragon was forced into a corner. The two of them approached the dragon in the sky with a dark smile as if they were forcing the girl to the big man in the corner.

Their eyes are like saying, "Shout, shout, no one will save you if you break your throat!"

Long Zaitian was not in the mood to cosplay the poor girl. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Lei Ling on one side. Lei Ling was protecting Tang Ze behind him, swinging the thunder gun in his hand, while his opponent just stood two meters away and looked at her calmly, avoiding her clumsy from time to time - it should be said that it was a relatively clumsy attack.

"This is fooling us like monkeys!" Tang Ze stood behind Lei Ling and reminded her helplessly.

Leiling stopped the thunder gun in his hand: "There's nothing we can do!"

The two looked at Lei Ling happily: "Is this the means of Miss Lei Ling, known as the thunder gun?"

Lei Ling looked around and looked at the dragon in the corner not far away. She seemed to have made up her mind. She took out a sleeve that seemed to be made of leather and put it on her left hand.

Tang Ze whispered, "Don't mess around!"

And the two masters of Danqing Palace just said, "It's useless to mess around."

"Tang Ze, step back!" Lei Ling just whispered to Tang Ze, and the thunder gun in her hand quickly became shorter and bright, condensing into a dazzling thunderball the size of a palm.

If it is against ordinary enemies, this thunderball is enough, but Lei Ling knows that this thunderball cannot defeat the opponent in front of her. That's why she put on the sleeve.

The brightness of the thunderball continued to increase. Suddenly, the face suddenly formed a large electric spark with a diameter of more than one meter, shining with Lei Ling's left hand as the center. The only one that could slightly limit the power of lightning was the sleeve.

Lei Ling's expression was very painful. Obviously, this thunder and lightning also caused great damage to her palm, which even made people doubt whether her left hand could be regarded as an organic matter after using this move.

And the master of Danqing Palace just took advantage of this time to pierce a crack in the wall beside him. With a loud shout, an inesirable flash hit the two warriors of Danqing Palace. One of them just untied the cloth on his sword hilt and inserted his sword into the crack on the wall just cut out, one horizontal The lightning rod was formed, and the thunder and lightning shone with huge sparks at the top of the hilt, which had no special effect except for making the bodies of the people around them slightly numb.

"This..." Lei Ling was stunned to see that her big move was easily cracked, and the severe pain from her hand - even the pain that she could no longer feel the pain clearly told her that the epidermis of this palm had been carbonized. Unless she received treatment immediately, she would be disabled for the rest of her life.

Suddenly, she felt that something touched her feet. Looking back, it was Tang Ze who suddenly fell down and touched her heel. On the other side of the corridor, a short man came slowly, pinching a few needles in his hand.

The two enemies greeted casually: "Are you here?" Obviously, the short man is from Danqing Palace.

Lei Ling looked at Tang Ze at his feet and found a shiny silver needle inserted in the back of his head, which should be the reason why he suddenly fainted.

The next moment, the same silver needle appeared in Lei Ling's eyebrows, and Lei Ling's eyes darkened and knew nothing.

The dragon was surrounded by two people in the corner of the wall. Seeing this scene, he smiled bitterly and said, "So now it has become a pair of five, right?"


Seeing the opponent's calm answer, he did not realize how shameless he was. Long threw the long sword in his hand and motioned to surrender: "If you want to kill, do as you want."

But the short man still gave him a shot.


Although the cameras of Danqing Palace are all over the whole building, there are still some places that can't be monitored. In Cao Ya's complaints, Liang Yihua took Li Ling and he to hide in an inconspicuous but absolutely outside the surveillance range of the camera.

"Hey, Lei Ling, they are killing the enemy bravely. Are you pulling us to hide in this corner?" Cao Ya asked Liang Yihua very unhappy.

Liang Yihua glanced at him and said, "I thought you had grown a little. Do you think it's a good thing to rush up and kill people with a knife? Compared with killing the enemy, it is more important for agents to seize intelligence. This is an era when intercontinental* can be located to a bed. Do you still need to play hand-to-hand combat?

Cao Ya said disdainfully, "As you say, let's all learn to be computer hackers. Why do we still need soldiers?"

Liang Yihua retorted: "That's just a different division of labor. Since our team has Li Ling, we should be responsible for collecting intelligence. The task of the two of us is to protect her safety."

"If I had known that I wouldn't be in your team!"

Li Ling said stingly, "Stop quarreling. Can you be quiet, or I can't hear you."

Liang Yihua and Cao Ya stopped talking obediently, but protected Li Ling back to back.

Li Ling sat down cross-legged, put his hands together, pointed his index finger at the center of his eyebrows, closed his eyes, and soon seemed to have entered a dark world.

Her ability is to collect the memories of souls dissipated in the air, in other words, to communicate with the dead.

When this ability was discovered, it greatly shocked the Chinese scientific community. After all, it was not compatible with mainstream science, so it set off an upsurge of soul research. However, soon the boom recedes, because no one knows how to do it, which means that there is no way to study. Up.

Li Ling sensed it for a long time. There seemed to be no free and memoryed souls around here, which shows that no one has died nearby recently. However, after a while, Li Ling found the separated soul upstairs. As soon as the soul leaves the body, it will begin to look for the life around it can be attached. At the same time, the memory will quickly dissipate like snowflakes in the sun. No matter how strong the obsession is, it can only last for a few hours at most, and even if it is immediately reincarnated. In a fetal body, its brain must also develop to a certain extent before it can begin to preserve its memory. If this person's memory can survive the development stage of the fetus for several months, then he may remember some things that happened in his previous life in his next life.

Therefore, Li Ling grabbed him as soon as the soul left the body upstairs, and then quickly read his memory - although this is a big project, it can't stand her. Li Ling is professional, and this hand has long been familiar with it.

This person is a person named Shijun, which is a pseudonym and code name, but to Li Ling's surprise, she can't find this person's real name - there is only one explanation that the memory of his real name has dissipated at the first time when the soul is separated - this is extremely abnormal, because the memory is often deeper and deeper it is. The slower it disappears, the more memories such as names, mother tongues, lovers, etc. are usually lost in the end. It's abnormal to forget the real name and remember the pseudonym.

However, soon, Li Ling knew the reason. She found that this ten-tiable memory had been modified, and it was not a general coverage modification, but a complete change.