
Xin Mao's Ji Qing in those years

"Big head?" Li Qi looked at Lv Qingqing doubtfully. Although she was indeed not simple from the performance just now, Li Qi really couldn't figure out who this would be.

Yu Weiming asked, "Why can't I see the light of power in you?"

Lv Qingqing smiled harmlessly: "It's just a simple bioelectric control technique. Have you seen it now?"

Yu Weiming felt that the power light on Lv Qingqing's body in front of him suddenly became very strong, and her eyes hurt. She quickly covered it with her hand: "What's going on? Is there a difference between strength and weakness in the light of power?

"Of course, ten thousand and ten thousand two are about the same, but ten thousand and 100,000 are much worse." Fang Bingtao cleared his throat and said lightly, "He is also known as the queen. He is really playful."

Fan Jing walked behind Lv Qingqing: "Mother, I can't beat my sister. Thank you for your action."

"Lv Qingqing" took off the mask on his face and slowly walked to the Heavenly Master: "Heavenly Master, farewell for many years, everything is fine."

Tianshi stood up straight: "Don't say anything. You have just been injured by the tiger."

"Lv Qingqing" nodded slightly: "I said in the letter that the dog is stubborn and more offended."

Luo Binghong interrupted and said, "Well, what is a little skin injury? You even want to kill your husband. You deserve to be a widow for a lifetime!"

Tianshi nodded: "Yes, Miss Fan, your strength is still extraordinary. Why do you have to betray your relatives and destroy your family for the so-called ' omnipotent'?"

Fan Caoting destroyed the mask of "Lv Qingqing" at will: "If you don't be willing to die, it's a good end." After saying that, he took a step forward: "Mr. Liu, the sea envoy, the letter I left you should have been finished, right?"

Liu nodded: "That's not only the letter you left me, but also the letter you left to yourself when you were doing Ji Qing. At that time, you knew that you would lose your memory, so you left a message in the crystal forest, right?"

As soon as he said this, the most frightening thing was Tianshi. Only he had learned the horror of Ji Qing, but he never knew that Ji Qing and Fan Caoting were actually the same person.

Ji Qing turned to the heavenly master: "Tianshi, when I was 12 years old, I entrusted the vulture palace to you. Why did you disband it again?"

The heavenly master quickly recovered from the shock. He was not afraid at all and hummed coldly, "I said that you were a master before. After reading the classics of the Vulture Palace, I knew that you were just a demon who harmed the world, but I didn't expect that even God didn't take your life."

"The so-called three divisions and three envoys are just some self-disturbing mediocre people," Ji Qing: "However, speaking of which, you are kind to me, and I am not a person who repays kindness and revenge. Since the kindness and resentment are not clear, it will be written off. Jinger, Taoer, let's go."

"Who allowed you to call me Taoer?" Fang Bingtao smiled and said, "Although you gave birth to me, you didn't raise me, and the hatred of killing my father is sworn. What's the reason for me to go with you?"

At the same time, Liu's voice sounded in his ear: "Fang Bingtao, don't be impulsive. Your talent should be higher than her and there is more room for growth. It's unwise to fight hard now."

Ji Qing walked to Fang Bingtao, touched his shiny head, and said lovingly, "Love and friendship are just passing by. Only family affection is the only thing I don't want to give up. I hope you can be my daughter."

Fang Bingtao seemed to be infected by Ji Qing's loving eyes and snuggled up in her arms. The mother and daughter hugged her intimately. Suddenly, an air sword penetrated through Ji Qing's back and came out of her chest.

Fang Bingtao whispered, "My brother can force my father to death, and I can also kill my mother."

He raised his head and found that Ji Qing was still looking at him lovingly, and his chest was not hurt at all.

After dodging away, Fang Bingtao pointed to Ji Qing: "I know I may not be able to beat you, but I still want to try to fight with you!"

"Stop it, my dear sister," Fan Jing was not worried at all. He had 120,000 confidence in Ji Qing. "If you can beat me, you are already a genius among geniuses."

"It's okay. It's common to have some conflicts between mother and daughter," Ji Qing touched his forehead. "Maybe mother and daughter recognize each other. I'm a little emotional. I'm sorry, everyone, I said more today. There are some drugs here, which can be regarded as my apology for taking my son.

After saying that, she waved her hand and took her son and daughter and disappeared out of thin air, leaving three bottles of medicine on the ground.

Liu went to take the medicine and pasted it with the name of the medicine: "Nine-turn soul elixir? A perfect tonic? What is this?"

Li Qi picked up Yuan Yi, the most seriously injured on the field, and replied, "These are all the best healing pills, but this is left by Ji Qing. Do you dare to use it? Anyway, we don't have it."

Liu was silent. If he told him, of course he dared to use it, because Ji Qing had no need to harm them.

Yu Weiming interrupted: "I think we should use these drugs. To be honest, it's not without a chance to catch up now. I don't know how long it will take to complete that ' omnipotent'. Maybe it may be a long-term project. If we can... Killing Fang Bingtao is not impossible to stop her.

Liu asked, "Wait a minute, what exactly does this ' omnipotent' mean?"

"This will slowly talk to you later. We are more curious. How do you know that Fan Caoting and Ji Qing are the same person? What is the book of Crystal Forest?

Liu took out a piece of paper from his pocket: "This is what I expanded. You can have a look."


As soon as Fang Bingtao wanted to take action, he felt that he had arrived in a strange space, surrounded by darkness, as if in the universe, but there was no starlight.

He instantly figured out what was going on, and all his feelings had been controlled. In other words, he was killed in seconds...?

A woman suddenly appeared in front of her, and she knew it was her biological mother without looking at it.

Fang Bingtao laughed at himself and said, "Are you here? Do you want to laugh at me for not walking a round in front of you?

"Why do you have to rush so much? After all, I am your biological mother."

"Because you sat and watch Dad's death!" Fang Bingtao suddenly roared, "You obviously have many ways to avoid this. You found me ten years ago!" Why didn't it appear at that time? Now I acquiesce to what kind of terrorist attack my bullshit brother is doing? Do you know how many people have been killed because of your inaction?

Ji Qing listened to Fang Bingtao's roar and replied slowly, "You don't understand many things now. Why don't you calm down and let me show you our things? When you know more, you can express your opinions."

After saying that, the surrounding space suddenly changed into a scene in real life.

At the end of 2012, it was rumored that the end of the world would end.

This is a suburb, and the protagonist who appears here is a man named Ji Mo.

A purple light brought him to the Northern Song Dynasty.

He practiced martial arts here and made great achievements in the past few years, but he was beaten by an old monk dressed as a man and finally had to jump off a cliff.

jumped to the bottom of the cliff. He was not dead. In serious injury, he came to an amethyst forest, and his soul entered the body of a woman frozen in amethyst.

This person, Aqing, a female sword fairy in the Warring States period, was sealed into an amethyst by the white ape who secretly loved her because she wanted to pursue the beauty of Xi Shi.

However, the amethyst is full of old gas that symbolizes "unchanging". After being tempered by the old gas, the metabolism of Ah Qing's body has stagnated and he has gained eternal life.

So she did not die, but slept in her body.

When Ji Mo's soul entered Ah Qing's body, there were two souls in this body at the same time.

Ji Mo's soul and A Qing's body became the newborn Ji Qing. After knowing that she could live, Ji Qing did not want to be just a bystander of history. She wanted to make a difference to the world, so she took over and transformed the Vulture Palace, but she did not dare to change history easily, because she believed in the banana peel theory, If you want to change history, you will inevitably be greatly resisted and even endanger your eternal life. Instead of doing some useless work on history, it is better to hide in history and quietly grasp the resources of the world. When 2012 passes, in the future that Ji Mo did not know, when there is no banana peel, then change this. A world.

Seeing this, Fang Bingtao has to admit that his ideas and Ji Qing are surprisingly consistent. If he is allowed to do this "millennium project", his approach should be similar.

But it backfired. In 1930, Ji Qing met the Heavenly Master. She took the Heavenly Master to the Amethyst Forest. Under the guidance of the Heavenly Master, she learned ancient martial arts and saw the essence of the old gas from the bottom of the Amethyst Forest. At the same time, she also found that Ah Qing's body already had powers and up to six deficient grids. .

Strong old gas will stop metabolism, and although thin old gas does not have this effect, it will also stop the evolution of organisms.

As long as the old air covers the earth, the creatures on the earth will not evolve, which makes Ji Qing very painful.

Ji Qing hopes to create a beautiful human society, so the physical evolution of human beings is also very necessary. In this case, she began to learn the "level improvement" of the forbidden magic that mobilizes the largest number of energy in ancient martial arts, hoping to wait until she changes the world and drive it. Dissipate the old atmosphere.

God did not meet people's wishes, or it was destined. In the process of practicing the level of upgrading, she inadvertently destroyed too many amethysts, causing the leakage of the old gas to be too large and out of control.

By the end of 2012, the leakage of the old gas finally reached an unstoppable level. If the old gas spread all over the world, no one knows what the consequences will be.

Ji Qing had to immediately start dispelling the old gas.


Narrator: Regarding Ji Qing's story, you can go to see the previous work "Jin Yong". Old readers are also invited to understand that the story of the previous work must be roughly told, otherwise the book will not be complete.