Magic Sword

Chapter 4 "Pet" Store

After breakfast, my father went out. My father was always busy. Alas, adults are so tired that they don't have time to play. I can't help complaining for my father. However, soon the bearded Mr. Hook came. Every time I saw his funny beard, I wanted to laugh, but his course was boring!

"Master Nia, are you listening to my lecture carefully?"

"Well..." I spit out my tongue at him, and then sat up straight to make me look like I was listening to the class very seriously.

"Our country, the Colt-Imperial is located in the west of the Annolan continent, with many islands in the west and the Bier Empire in the east. Our imperial capital seems to be Bistan, separated by Gorfeto Province from our Dama Province." I have to admit that I have heard these names hundreds of times, but Mr. Hooker just wants to tell me again.

"Teacher, I know all this."

"Ha ha, young master Nia is really awesome." He smiled and continued, "But do you know what the west of the mainland is?"

"To the west? Isn't it the sea to the west?

"Ha ha, there is also an island called Tosma to the west, almost two Dama provinces as big." The beard finally said something of my interest, "There are some less civilized residents there."

"After the level of civilization is weak?" I was very curious about some new things and hurriedly asked, "What do they look like?"

"Of course, they are human beings like us, but most of their skin is dark and powerful. Fortunately, they do not have too much cohesion and their navigation industry is underdeveloped and they can't come to our side. Otherwise, if they fight with our army, they will have great advantages. Generally, they are captured by us as slaves. The beard scratched the beard on his mouth and said.

"What is a slave?" I grabbed the beard's words that I didn't understand and asked.

"Slave." Beard thought for a moment, put on a meditative look, and then said to me, "Slavs are not free people. As long as they give money to slave owners, they are yours. The purchased slaves will obey you and obey all your demands."

"Can I ask the slave to buy candy for me?"

"Well... If you give him money, he will buy it for you... All right, let's continue the lecture. On the island of Tosma, it is rich in fruits..."

I spent an afternoon in a boring course. Later, what Beard told me about the forestry, fruit industry, culture... It was so boring, but finally survived. My mother and Beard teacher said a few more words, and then sent Beard away. Oh yeah, my time is again. !

"Nia, have you listened to Mr. Hooker's class?" Mom came back and asked me kindly.

"Yes, yes." I shouted quickly, then ran into my room, changed my clothes and ran out.

"Nia, it's time to eat. Where are you going?" As soon as I stepped out of the gate of the count's mansion, my mother stopped me.

"I'm going out to play!" I stopped at the door and shouted, but my feet didn't stop. I was still standing still, and then ran out after saying that.

What are you going to do? I walked slowly on the street and went to an old uncle's stall to buy him an apple, but when he saw that I didn't count the money with me, he gave it to me. I thanked him and left. I was very polite!

"It's delicious!" I ate apples and looked left and right. At this time, I heard someone shouting "Sell pets!" As soon as I heard it, I looked in the direction of the sound. There were still a lot of people there and I couldn't see it. Wow, what a novel pet! With so many people, I immediately ran over.

"What kind of pet!" Then I squeezed into the innermost smoothly. I saw several businessmen-like people selling, and one of them shouted red, as if to attract all the pedestrians on the street.

There were still cages around them. There were small figures in the cage. I was angry at a glance. I was cheated. There were no pets. I immediately shouted, "You lied! There are no pets, they are all human beings!"

The previous noisy environment immediately became silent, and everyone around me looked at it in surprise, but this state only lasted for a few seconds. The next moment, everyone hugged their stomachs and laughed. My face turned red and hurriedly shouted, "What are you laughing at!" I'm not wrong!"

"Haha, young master, what we sell here is indeed a 'favorite'." A thief-eyed man came up and said to me with a smile, and then pointed to the petite girls in the cage and said, "We are selling slaves."

I said puzzledly, "What does that have to do with pets? You didn't say anything about buying a pet!"

"Well...that's right, young master, look, why is a pet called a pet? That's for spoiling~ You see, aren't they all very beautiful girls? Isn't it for spoiling?" The businessman who talked to me before smiled and said that he didn't know why his smile didn't look very sincere and a little obscene.

"It seems to be coaxing." I thought carefully, but I was still unwilling to be laughed at before. I continued to argue, "But why do these girls and slaves want to be spoiled? Aren't they also slaves? Shouldn't we buy candy for us?"

"Buy, buy candy... Yes, yes!" The businessman smiled awkwardly and said, "You can let your slave do anything."

At this time, the man next to him began to continue to sell, and the thief-eyed businessman came up and said to me, "Well, young master, do you want to buy one? You can let them do anything~ They are all specially trained!"

Do you need to train to buy candy? But my father said that he would buy candy for me in a few days. I don't need slaves to buy candy for me?" I said doubtfully.

"Well, of course, the main purpose is not just to buy candy. They can 'service' you very comfortably!" He gave a thumbs up, but I couldn't understand what it meant. Seeing that my face was full of doubts, he seemed to want to give up selling for me.

"Ah, look at that, look at that, your legs are so white!" Seeing that the businessman turned around and didn't seem to want to talk to me, I stood aside bored. Anyway, I had nothing to do. Let's take a look here. Suddenly, I heard a man behind me say.

"Isn't it? Oh, look at that. You're so young. What's this? Another man standing beside him said, Durex? It's so familiar... I turned my head and saw that there was a wooden board beside this stall with these three big words written on it. It turned out to be the name of the store.

"It's a pity that I don't have money, otherwise I'm just going to buy one to be my wife, haha." The previous man laughed.

"Isn't it? These toys are too expensive, and the cheapest will cost our family's living expenses for two months! It's almost a gold coin) I think only the nobles can afford it. We ordinary people don't think about it.

"What is a wife?" I looked up doubtfully and asked the businessman in front of me.

"It's the wife." Suddenly, I saw him raise his head, his eyes lit up, and asked me, "Young master, do you want to buy one to be your wife?"

Ah? But Dad said that his wife can only have it when she grows up. I said doubtfully.

"No!" He suddenly turned his head and said with a smile. His hands were held together and kept rubbing. He said evilly, "What your father said must be different from ours here. As long as you buy back the slaves here and do whatever you want, that is to say, if you want her to be your wife, you can be your wife~

I nodded as if I didn't understand, pretending that I understood. It was the same when I was listening to the beard's class.

"Then you can buy one! How about it!" He said to me with a white tooth.

"Well, but I don't know if I have enough money, so I just brought out ten gold coins." I scratched my head and said, well, in fact, I really want a wife. Although I don't know what my wife is going to do, the child is like this. If you see your friend has a novel toy, you will want it very much. Even if that toy is not fun, you can see your friend's new food again. , you will also want to eat it, even if it is not delicious...

"Oh, my God, we only have eight gold coins, the most expensive one!" He exclaimed, and then talked to me with a flattering face, "Oh, what, young master, since you want to buy it, come in and sit down. Let's make a cup of coffee and slowly choose ~ our slaves... wives, there are all kinds of them."

So I was inexplicably taken into a small shop behind this stall, but after coming in, he pulled me to the seat and made a cup of cocoa for me to drink. Although he talked about coffee before, children like me prefer sweet cocoa. He also gave me some candy. I don't know why I saw it. He, a word called a profiteer, always appears in my mind. To be honest, the inside is not small, and it's almost as big as my room. My room is about 100 square meters)

The profiteer came up flatteringly and said (let's call him like this): "Come on, young master, look, which one do you like!"

He stepped on my hand and walked to the front of the cage. There were many cages, some of which were locked with a slave, some of which were locked in four or five, and the profiteer said as he walked, "Look at this, the legs are so white, and this one, the eyes are so big, oh, look at that, the breasts are so big..."

I walked behind him and looked at these slaves. It was really a lot, but I don't know why he always added some strange adjectives. Suddenly, as I walked, I saw a slave curled up in the cage in the corner of the row. In the corner, there is beautiful blonde hair and big green eyes, which looks scared, but it really attracts me. Her ears are sharp!

"What's that?" I stretched out my finger in the direction of the slave.