Magic Sword

Chapter 17 Pistol

"Talilu, what magic are you learning today?" On my side, I took Tallu back to the room and asked Tallu.

"Hmm... some herbal knowledge."

"Wow, herbal knowledge, what is that!" My interest was immediately raised and I asked quickly.

"It's the use of some wild herbs. Today, I'm mainly talking to tell us about hemostatic grass, the appearance of some common hemostatic grass, names and so on, and some actions to release magic, how to release magic the fastest, and so on..." Talie Lu lowered her head and said.

"It's so interesting that I want to learn magic!" I smiled.

"Nia, what about you? What are you doing today? Tallu raised her head and asked, her big eyes also sparkled with curiosity. Tallu's green pupils were really charming, as clear as emerald.

"Knight training... I haven't started training swordsmanship yet. As I just said at the dinner table, we are just running. It's boring and very tired, but..." I said that I suddenly paused here and said, "We have a lot of children there! I met a lot of friends today!"

"Really... I ran more than 7,000 meters... It's very hard..."

"Yes, I'm very tired... I don't want to run several times, but I think that this running is a part of knight training. In the future, I want to protect Talley Lu, so I have to learn it well! So I didn't know where the energy came from, and finally let me finish this road!" I scratched my head and smiled to reveal my white teeth.

"Because of me..." Tallie Lu lowered her head again, but her face was slightly blushed. She should look very happy. My goal has been achieved! As long as Talley is happy!

Later, I told Talilu about those friends. There was an alien dwarf. He had great strength and endurance. He had two brothers surnamed Ang, but his brother was trying to surpass his younger brother, and two sisters surnamed Reese. The sister was in very poor health and ran to the end and lay down to rest. That sister cherished her sister very much and ran back to take her sister to run, and her breasts were very big. Well, she said that Tallie's face was slightly dark here... There was also a man named Nanon, who had red hair and was thin. Well, there was also a man named Eric, who was smaller than Nanon. Well, there is also an aristocratic girl named Hilmi.

I told Talley Lu. Tallu also sat very quietly and listened with a slight smile. She later told me that there were not so many children with his magic teacher, and there was only one magic apprentice named Anyala. Temi is a precious female apprentice of that teacher. She has a very good magic talent, but she is a little clumsy and always overturns things. By the way, Talleylu's magic teacher is Milu. Mange is a very famous magician in the empire!

"Talylu, let's go out to play hide-and-seek!" After chatting for a while, I stood up and said.

"But my parents are talking outside..." Talilu reminded me, "I think you forgot."

"Well... coax, what are we going to do, or we go out to play?" I suggested that after all, I haven't had a chance to go out in the past two days.

"Where can I go at night?"

"Go to the market. I still have two gold coins!" I said that I took out the remaining two gold coins from my pocket. Usually, my mother would give me ten gold coins every month, but a few days ago I brought them to buy Talley Lu, and these two are the rest.

"Well, it's a waste of money. You haven't spent much this month." Talilu said guiltily that Yani's pocket money this month was used to buy herself, but she didn't need to do anything by herself. She gave it back to a group of her family members...

"Well, it's okay. There will be more next month." I smiled and took Tallu's hand and ran out with her.

So, we went to the market again in the evening and bought a lot of things at the market. When I passed the magic store later, I also spent a gold coin to buy a magic wand for Talleylu. Well, this is not a particularly good wand. I only have one gold coin left. Even if it is a middle and low-end wand, it's Feng A light yellow magic wand made of wood, on which the lines of maple wood can be clearly seen. The characteristic of this wood is that it can make the released magic have a bright light, and it can also reduce the use of magic. It has a very good increase effect on magic, which is already very good. General magic apprentices or low-level magic Teachers are very eager to have such a staff. This kind of staff is relatively ordinary for intermediate magicians and quite not enough for senior magicians.

However, Tallu is an elf. Although there is good wood in the forest, the elf craftsmanship is not as good as that of human beings, so Tallu likes such a beautiful staff very much, and Tallu is now a magic apprentice, which is very sufficient for her.

In the end, we went shopping, and the sky was completely dark. It should be very late, and we went back. Talleylu was still very happy tonight and got a beautiful staff, which I gave it to me!

"Nia, thank you for spending money for me. You don't have any pocket money this month." Tallie lowered her head, took my hand, and said guiltily.

"What's the matter? I bought it for you. Just be happy. Moreover, this staff is also helpful for your magic. I still have a few silver coins left! It's enough for me to buy sugar!"

"Nia, it's so kind of you... Talilu is very happy to know you..." We carried some things we just bought, held our little hands, and walked quietly on the path home, which seemed that we were all very happy. I... Talilu was happy, and I was naturally happy.

"Nia, will you still be so good to Talilu when you marry her in the future?" Talilu suddenly asked.

"Wife? The wife I want to marry in the future is you. I said puzzledly.

"I mean, are an aristocrat...there will definitely be other girls in the future..."

"Talilu!" I interrupted her, "I just want to marry you in the future!"

"I'm an elf... I'm a slave... You have to marry an aristocratic girl as your wife..." Talley Lu said. Although she didn't want to say that, she also knew her identity.

"When I grow up, I will marry you! You are no longer a slave!" I straightened my chest and said, put down the thing in my hand and grabbed Talley's shoulder.

"..." Tallu looked at me, and I was also looking at her, but I can see her relief in her eyes. She must also be distressed by her identity.

"Talylu, don't worry about your identity! It's enough that I like you! I don't want to marry another woman. I just want you, and it's enough for me to like you!" I said and hugged Talley's petite body. Her body was very hot, her face was on my shoulder, and her face was also very hot. Under the moonlight, we stood quietly in the middle of the road. The wind gently blew the fallen leaves at our feet and flew into the sky...


After returning home, it was very late, so at the urging of my parents, Talley Lu and I went to bed. Our room was next door. We basically disappeared into each other's sight and entered the room together. I changed into my pajamas and climbed to my bed. Ah... What a tiring day. I have never shown any tiredness when playing outside with Talley Lu, but I'm afraid that Talley Lu will urge me to go home and sleep. I don't want to lose my time alone with Talley Lu. I can play together every night and get along alone.

Alas, I bought a staff for Talilu, which is still very good. It has spent some of the remaining assets I said... Ha ha, but it also got her mood. I'm really happy... If it had been in the past, I would definitely buy a pistol with that money. Ha ha, unfortunately there is no pistol in this era... Wait! What a pistol!

I suddenly sat up from **, and a little sweat came out of my forehead! What's going on! How could I have such a strange idea! And what is the black thing in my mind just now!

The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't sit still. I jumped out of bed and walked back and forth in the room. I was really upset, and my fatigue disappeared by such a shock, and I still had a kind feeling about the black thing in the picture... What is this!

I really couldn't figure it out. I walked to the door, gently turned the door lock, locked my door, went to the small table in my room, picked up the match and lit the candle on the table in the moonlight, then took out a few pieces of wool paper on the table, ink and feather pens, and began to draw on the paper. I decided to Draw what's in my mind!

I drew it over and over again. I don't know how long it took, the table was full of abandoned paper. I drew several times and kept modifying it. Finally, I drew a very detailed decomposition diagram for a part. God, how could there be such a precise thing in my mind! This is too complicated. How can it appear in my mind!

And since I have been so focused on painting, I don't know how long it has been. This thing is more complicated than I imagined. I drew it over and over again to make sure that there were no mistakes in the painting.

Gently open the curtains, my God, the sky is a little white! Since I stayed up all night, it's almost dawn! At this glance, my face immediately flashed tired, blew out the candle with only half a finger length, and then touched the bedside. I lay down and fell asleep...