Magic Sword

Chapter 21 absenteeism

The next morning, the dazzling sunlight came into my room through the cracks in the curtains, shone on my face, and pulled me out of my sleep.

"It's so cool--" I got up from ** and stretched out. I was tired all day yesterday and slept comfortably. It's really comfortable today!

"Nia, get up!" At this time, there was a knock from my mother outside the door. It seemed that my mother had also gone home. I didn't know what to do yesterday.

"Get up." I replied, and then got up from ** to freshen up.

Leave the room, and her mother is sitting at the dining table. Tallu has also got up. It seems that her little face is also very energetic.

"Hi! Talilu!" I said hello and quickly jumped to my seat, grabbed the bread on the table and ate it.


"Eat slowly." Mom said.

"Where's Dad?" I chewed the bread in my mouth and said as I chewed it.

"He is in the imperial capital. He wrote yesterday that he couldn't come back in recent months. It's a little urgent." Mom said, and a trace of sadness flashed on her face.

"So long?" I exclaimed that I have grown so long and my father has never been away for so long.

"Yes, there's going to war. You just eat yours. Anyway, your father will come back with full of candy." My mother smiled and said, but I don't think so. I don't have any concept of war. I often hear my parents say this word. In my opinion, it's just a fight, just a little more people...

"What's wrong with Tallie?" At this time, Tallu was also listening, and her little face changed slightly. I asked her doubtfully.

"Dad, is he going to war?" Talley asked.

"Yes, don't worry about Talil. Dad is very powerful. He has never lost a war." Mom touched Talley's head and said, "He will also bring you a gift."


"I want more gifts than Talielu!" I raised the glass and said loudly that the milk inside had just been drunk by me in one breath!

"Ha ha, in terms of quantity, your gifts are the most." Mom said, and Talilu beside her somehow covered her mouth and smiled with her mother.

Then after breakfast, I went to class as usual. In the afternoon, I went to Uncle Burton's training ground for training. God, I'm going to die today. I really don't want to go! But surprisingly, Uncle Burton was not at the training ground today. When I went there, there were only a few of my companions. They said that Uncle Burton asked us to train by ourselves today, just like yesterday.

"Nia, come on, let's play!" Nanon put down the sword in his hand and came over and said to me.

"Good, good!" Hearing that I wanted to play, I also gave up the training in my hand and put down my sword and said.

"Add me one!" Then Eric, Beach, Sam, and Ronley all came to us together, and boys usually play together like this! But the Reese sisters and Hilmi are not interested in our games here.

"Hey, you guys, Uncle Burton will come back to check later!" Hilmi was still in a blocking posture. When he saw that we gave up, he seemed dissatisfied and said to us, "Nia, why do you join them in the fun?"

"I want to play too." I said helplessly, and then sent an invitation to Hilmi, "Hilmi, come and play, too."

"I don't want it. Uncle Burton will be angry when he comes back!" Hilmy said and continued her training of block movements.

"We need to combine work and rest!" Ronley interrupted and said, which made us all feel at ease. We were playing with anxiety. At this time, what a great motivation this sentence "combination of work and rest" is for us!

"Yes, yes! Come and play together." Nanon said coaxed.

"Hmm." Hilmi snorted coldly and ignored us, and then turned to the side of the Reese sisters, "Aina, Larry, let's train together."

"Ha ha, okay." Ina said.

"Ah - I don't want it." However, her sister Larry Vike, who stood behind her, quit. Why did the boys rest and play? She still had to train in the sun. Of course, she would not be with that group of boys. However, since they were not training, she was still training here, so she would lie down as soon as the sword in her hand was thrown away. Take a break, "They're all playing, and I won't practice anymore!"

"Get up! Train quickly, or Uncle Burton will be angry when he comes back!" Ai Na said that she was going to hold up her sister, but Larry seemed to be particularly fragile and strong. What was fragile was that she gave up in an instant. What was strong was that once she gave up, it was - iron-hearted!

"No, no, no!" Larry shook off Ina's hand and then covered his ears and waved his hands and feet like an eagle.

"Really! Don't care about you!" Ina said angrily. Originally, she thought that her sister would beg for mercy in order not to make herself angry, but Larivi replied with a smile, "Thank you~"

"Ha ha..." Hilmi smiled, and Aina jumped and jumped in place angrily.

"What are you going to play?" I asked.

"Hip-and-seek?" Eric asked.

"Where are you hiding in such an empty space!" Nanon knocked on Eric's forehead and said.

"How about we play? We are all wooden people!" Sam raised his hand and said that because he was too short, we could hardly see him.

"No! This is not funny..." Beach said.

"Then what are we playing?" This time Ronley asked, and then we all fell into silence, but after a while, Ronley said, "Age! Otherwise, let's go out to play!"

"Go out to play? Where are you going?" Beach asked his brother.

"How about going to the forest in the east!" Nanon jumped up and said.

"The forest in the east is so far away!" I said lazily that it's too far to walk from here to there! I don't usually walk much, but I don't want to waste my strength to go there. Even if I go there in a carriage, it will take an hour. "Where we go, Uncle Burton is back!"

"Ah - where are you going..." Eric said depressedly.

"Wh! Let me invite everyone to eat!" I jumped up and said, I just took some money from my mother, and my mother gave me a few more gold coins, and I had a few silver coins left last time! These silver coins alone will be enough to eat for several days in an ordinary family.

"Good! OK!" Several of them said with cheers.

"Hey! Are you going to run out?" At this time, Hilmi suddenly interrupted us, "It's absolutely impossible to run out, or training time!"

"It's okay. Anyway, Uncle Burton is not here!" Nanon said with a smile.

"Yes, yes!" Beach echoed, and then said to Hilmi, "Nia wants a treat!"

"Nia!" Hilmi called my name at this time.

"Well...what's wrong..."

"Look at you! It's all caused by you!" Hilmi pointed to me and said, it's wrong. It's not me who proposed to go out...

"Well... It's not me who proposed to go out..." I said with a pitiful expression, and my father said:

Women are easy-hearted animals, and sometimes they show a little pitiful expression, which can cover up their sins.

——Kedifen. Lawrence

"But it's also because you said you would invite them out to eat that would cause these problems!" Hilmi complained, and then turned his head and said to the compatriots behind me, "And you! One by one, it's like going out to eat. Look at us girls, it won't be like this!"

At this time, Larryvi, who was lying on one side, suddenly jumped up, ran over to our side and said, "Who wants to treat? Add me!"


"Well...what, do you two want to come together?" Looking at this embarrassment, I had to send an invitation again...

Finally, all nine of us came out of the training ground together. The hot sun hung high in the sky. Who would like to hold a sword on the lawn for training?

Finally, we went to the market together, bought something in the small shop on the road and ate while walking, walking on the road and eating delicious food.

"This ball! Nine!" This time we went to the edge of a small shop and smelled a fragrance and came over. Haha, we should try this anyway!

"Good!" The shopkeeper quickly prepared that nine pieces of balls were filled. Then he bent down with a smile, stretched out his hands and said, "Nine parts, 90 copper coins!"

"Good." I touched my pocket, ah, the last time the remaining silver coins were spent... I had to touch the space ring in my hand and take out the wallet inside, that is, the golden sword and the ring my training that my father asked Talia gave me yesterday. Anyway, it was very large, so I put my things in it. When I just came out of the training ground, everyone also sent the sword to me.

I took out a gold coin and gave it to the shopkeeper and said, "There is no change. Sorry, look for it."

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment and saw the golden gold coins in my wallet. His eyes suddenly glowed, but he was just a little stunned. He took over a gold coin I handed out and gave me the money. He said with a wry smile, "This is your ninety-nine silver coins and ten copper coins. God, if one comes I can't afford it, but kid, you are really rich! It's the first time I've seen so much money! It's time to collect it! Otherwise, it's not good to be seen by bad people!"

"Well, good!" When I arrived, I picked up my meatballs. All eight of them also came to take their own. We walked away and made them in the place full of chairs. Let's eat here.

"Be sure to put it away!" At this time, the shopkeeper's voice came again, and then he said, "Be sure to remember!"

"Hmm." I answered and couldn't understand why the storekeeper kept telling me and turned around and ate with my companions.