Magic Sword

Chapter 45 First Battle

In the morning, soon after the thick fog dissipated, the sunshine from the sky dropped his glory on the earth, but it was a long night, and almost no one could sleep. This strong war atmosphere suppressed everyone's heart. The people had almost withdrawn, and the rest were basically unwilling to leave. The people in the conference room have disappeared for a long time. They are all busy at their jobs. The people have left, but they still can't leave here. At least they need to try their best to stay here for a period of time and try their best to let the people run as far as far as possible. Those people have completely become refugees.

And I walked slowly on the street. It was empty and felt very strange. Obviously, it was the same street as usual... It was my spiritual world very much. Obviously, it was the same city, but it was empty, and even felt the same as snacks and drinks.

Talilu is still sleeping. We didn't wake her up. My mother is still making tedious preparations at the count's mansion. This battle has nothing to do with me. My mother will definitely not be willing to let me go down to fight, and I won't be so stupid to die. I'm just a third-order knight... I only know Knights who have not practiced fighting spirit are useless, and this is the case now.

"Nia!" I walked aimlessly on the street. At this time, there was a familiar middle-aged man's voice. I looked up and saw that it was Uncle Yuris.

"How are you, Uncle Yuris?" I greeted him.

"Nia, why are you still wandering around here? Hurry up and go back to the Duke's Palace with me. The war is about to begin, and the enemy is already preparing not far away.

"Uncle Yuris, where's mom?"

"It has passed to the city wall. The battlefield needs your mother and my command and participation. If you stay at home and take care of Talilu, don't run around!" Uncle Yuris said to me, then took me home and hurried to the city wall.

On the other side of the battlefield, Elou, Yuris and other powerful figures have appeared on the wall at this moment. Soon, the horn of the war sounded, and the battle on both sides also began quickly. The other side seemed to rely on wood in the forest last night to prepare everything needed to attack the city. Several teams of people He rushed up with a ladder.

The row of archers on the city wall shot in the first round under the order of the officer. The brushed arrows flew out and took the lives of a small number of people, but they did not hinder the soldiers carrying the ladder at all. They rushed forward even with arrows in their bodies, unless they fell down at the moment of death. The fast ladder was built on the wall.

The black army behind has completely rushed up. The archers in the front row immediately squatted down after entering the range, put on arrows and released them. A large number of archers were immediately shot down on the wall, while Bier's archers were shooting arrows while rushing forward.

As the ladder was put up, the long gunmen in the garrison kept stabing the wall one by one. However, Eluou saw a garrison stab down. Then an enemy stretched out his hand and grabbed his long gun and pulled him down. After falling down, the garrison had not spit out a mouthful of blood. Several blades greeted him on the shoulder and neck.

"...don't make fun of me." I turned around and sat down in my chair.

"Nia..." At this time, Tallu's voice came behind me, and I immediately stood up again. I just sat down...

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's so noisy that I can't sleep." Talley said this hazyly, and then after a while, she was a little stunned, "Don't Qingyu sister!"

I often release Mo Qingyu to chat with me. Talleylu also sees her often, and she is very interested in this sword- turned woman.

"Talilu, come and do it here." Mo Qingyu immediately put down the cup and greeted Talley Lu.

"Where's Nia... Mom?" Tallu sat down and then still looked like she didn't wake up.

"Mom is discussing the war outside." I can't tell her to be honest about commanding the battle on the wall. I'm afraid that Talilu will be worried.

"Well..." Tallie thought about it and didn't care. After chatting for a while, she went upstairs and said that she had read the magic book arranged by the teacher.

"Mo Qingyu, do you have any other abilities besides changing my fate?"

"Yes, I can use my power, that is, to lend you my strength. If I have strength, hey, according to the world, the paladin and the big magic mentor are not my opponent. Of course, except for the perverted magician Kira last time, that guy's strength even surpasses that of the big magic mentor, but only 5 seconds."

"Ah...5 seconds is useless!" Just after being lifted up with some interest, it was immediately buried again. This is a new discovery. I didn't ask before, and Mo Qingyu never said it, but 5 seconds was too short.

"5 seconds is enough to do a lot of things."

"Is there anything else? Can you explore Uncle Burton's location? The battle here won't last long without him. I asked again, hoping that Mo Qingyu could spit out something more.

"No, you think I'm radar. I'm not responsible for this kind of thing. I'm only responsible for changing fate~"

I was silent for a while, stood up, and Mo Qingyu said doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

"Let's go and take a walk on the battlefield." I smiled, took out a scarf from the space ring, wrapped my face, and took out a hood. In this way, I could hardly see my face.

"Are you crazy? How leisurely it is to take it here.

"I think it can help a little. Isn't it possible for you to possess 5 seconds? If I can borrow you for 5 seconds, it's really enough to do a lot of things. Tell me what other details are there quickly.

Mo Qingyu looked at me angrily, stood up, and then said, "This ability can only be launched once every hour, and don't expect to use my possession to make any big move, even if it takes 1 second to perform primary magic, at most to thicken your blood."

"Well, if something goes wrong, use the attachment immediately, and then escape quickly. With your strength, 5 seconds is enough to get back here from there."


"Then let's go." I smiled, and then left the count's mansion with Mo Qingyu. The moment I got into the carriage, Mo Qingyu smiled at the window staring at Nia and her Talie Lu, which scared Tallu to hide her little head immediately.

"Ha ha, that girl." Mo Qingyu smiled at himself.


"No, let's go." Let me do a big job for you.