Magic Sword

Chapter 66 Giant Dwarf Dragon

The next morning, we tidied up and ate a little bit and went on the road. After leaving the hut, we headed in the direction of Gorfeito Province. The road surface of the forest was very muddy, and we had no transportation. In addition, the jumping Catherine walked very slowly, and we didn't go far all day. I stopped to rest, and in the evening, I was lucky to meet a warcraft, which was the first creature we have met these days, a magic bear. This is not an ordinary warcraft. It is extremely fierce and moves very slowly, but its powerful bear's paw is very deadly.

In the end, Barlow and Lylefell and I tried our best to kill it. Lyle obeyed my orders, which was a threat to life, and both of them were very surprised by my strength, especially Lyle. When I fought with me that day, I would only use a box to fight away, and then I could only be beaten passively. With such strength. After killing the magic bear, the fur and bear's paw were left behind, and the rest of the bear meat became our delicious meal. We piled up a shelf with wood and roasted it with fire. It was very delicious. After we ate it, we all looked happy.

And at night, we chose to spend the night in the jungle, because there were no caves, so we lit some firewood and lay on the ground to sleep. The next day, we continued to travel, and it was calm. It was not until the third day that we were close to the area of Gorfeito Province. We were expected to go out in one day, but that afternoon, we heard a loud noise and the calm was broken.

"Roar!" We were walking in the forest when suddenly there was a violent vibration on the ground, and the roar of beasts came from the distance. We were all shocked.

"What?" Ellie exclaimed that we all stopped together.

"What kind of warcraft is it? Good boy, it's so loud." Uncle Barlow said with a stiff expression on his face.

But Catherine hugged Ellie's thigh and said, "Sister, it's horrible."

"I haven't had meat for many days. Would you like to go and have a look?" Barlow asked us doubtfully, after all, he has eaten meat every three days, and now he has finally met a warcraft, but it may be the very fierce one.

"No!" Catherine was resolute, and Lyle behind me also looked at him with a cute and joking expression.

"It doesn't seem to be very far, but the sound is a little loud. Let's not go there. It's no joke if we can't deal with a powerful warcraft." I said, looking at the sky, many birds flew up from the trees.

"Wo!" At this time, a golden light rose to the sky and rippled a magical fluctuation.

"Magic?" I said doubtfully.

"It's a golden fireball!" Barlow in front of me said with a surprised expression, "That's primary magic!" There are magicians fighting there!"

"The movement is so big..." I stared at the flame, which soon dissipated, and then there was a continuous muffled roar.

"Look at it, it seems that someone has fallen into a hard battle." Barlow said with a puzzled expression, and now his spirit as an adventurer was revealed.

"I agree." I said calmly, after all, since there is a magician over there, it should be a sure battle. Who knows the truth? If the warcraft is very powerful, the magician will not release it as primary magic, although it is a little dangerous to get close to it.

Soon our group slowly approached the source of the roar. The sound was more violent than we thought, and there was a deafening feeling after approaching.

"It's right behind the woods." I stopped in front of a jungle, and the sound source came from behind this jungle. There are also some human shouts in it, "There are quite a lot of people participating in the battle."

"Open it." Barlow said that he had pulled out his weapon and was ready. Lyle was so scared that he only held the knife. Catherine and Ellie were at the end of the team.

"brush--" I lifted the bushes, and a blank land fell in front of us, and the scene in front of us stunned us. There were more than a dozen people there, three fell to the ground, leaving only limbs left. Four or five people waved with various weapons in the front, while a magician and a demon stood in the back row. The method keeps throwing out, and the golden light keeps flashing. It is said that the golden fireball is a magic with both light and fire attributes.

"Roar!" In front of several people, a huge thing, nearly ten meters tall, round and thick as a ball, with a long tail swinging around behind him, spitting snake letters in his mouth, and hot air coming out of his nose and wounds all over his body.

"Dwarf Dragon! How can it be so big!" I exclaimed that I have seen this kind of warcraft in books. It is a kind of Yalong. Its body is fat and round like a ball, so I laughed for a while when I saw it, but I couldn't laugh when I saw it. It was ten meters high! It's almost ten times higher than the original. It's not enough to say ten times. It's almost a sphere, and its volume is hundreds of times larger than described in the book!

"That's it! Head of the regiment!" At this time, Barlow called in surprise, "That magician, I am the 'board shoes' of our Blood Shadow Adventure Group!"

"Skateboard shoes" seems to be a nickname.

"Wood!" Ellie behind her also shouted with exclamation at the same time.

One of the leading men not far from the open space in front of us, a two-meter-tall man suddenly turned his head back. He had brown hair and red eyes. At this time, his face was full of surprise and shouted, "Ellie! Barlow!"

"Roar!" At this moment, the dwarf dragon suddenly jumped up and jumped up. Everyone was shocked, especially the magician! The dragon jumped towards him!

With a "bang--", the round dwarf dragon fell in front of the magician's "board shoe". The face of the board shoe was full of fear and fell to the ground. The dwarf dragon shook its head and seemed to show a sarcastic expression.

"No..." The board shoe said in a daze and the dwarf dragon opened its blood basin and bit his body. "Wai--" It only bit the upper body and spews out frantically at the position of the shoe's belly and back.

The corners of my eyes twitched a few times, and a magician was killed in seconds... It's not that simple. I clearly saw that the blue light around the sneakers was broken, which was a magic shield! It was bitten in an instant, and I couldn't even block it for a second! How great is the bite force of the dwarf dragon!

"Board shoes!" Barlow shouted in surprise, and his eyes immediately turned red. He didn't even know what was going on now. He quickly stepped out and was about to rush up, and suddenly a figure suddenly hit him and knocked him back.

I fixed my eyes on the man named Wood, the captain of the Blood Shadow Adventure Group.

"Big..." Barlow quickly got up and was about to shout but was interrupted by Wood.

"Run... Run!" Wood shouted, and the dwarf dragon had quickly caught up with a man who had just run behind Wood and immediately bit him. The others were shocked and separated by the dwarf dragon and hurriedly bypassed its body and rushed towards us. During this time, another person was bitten, knowing that they had rushed over. Wood also He rushed towards us, kicked Barlow, and he was awakened and ran quickly. After us, Wood quickly grabbed Ellie's hand and ran away.

It took us ten minutes to leave this area, and all this made us a little afraid.

"Ms. Leader, what the hell is going on! That dwarf dragon..." Barlow shouted in surprise.

"It's all my fault..." Wood gasped his head and closed his eyes tightly. "Recently, I saw a reward... Killing a big dwarf dragon in the forest with a reward of 1,000 gold coins! We didn't expect such a horrible thing! I thought it was a huge windfall... It's all because of me! The sneakers died, and a bunch of friends died... They were all eaten by the beast! Ah!"

Wood held his head and shouted.

"Commall... Don't go to your heart..." The other team members gathered around and comforted them. They were afraid for a while, and the lingering fear in their hearts had not stopped even at this moment, which can be seen from their bitter smiles and trembling legs.

"Ellie!" Wood stood up and hugged Ellie. Ellie also stretched out her hand and hugged him, with a happy look on her face and comforted him. "I can't see you here first..."

"The regimental...I...I'm sorry..." At this time, Barlow suddenly said and knelt down.

Wood, with a dilapidated face, suddenly let go of Ellie and quickly said, "What are you doing! What's wrong?"

Huh? Anyone else?" Wood looked at Barlow with a painful expression and asked.

So Barlow told Wood what had happened before. On the way, he suddenly met Bier's soldiers, his companions were killed, Ellie was raped, and Catherine almost committed the same crime...

"I understand... Since Ellie said it's okay, forget it... After all, it's not your intention. You did your best. It's all caused by those Biel's soldiers. You can't be blame." Wood said in a trance, and then shook Ellie's hand, "Honey, are you all right?"

"It's okay... It's enough to have you." Ellie said with a happy expression.

"Tut." Catherine stood beside Ellie with a bad smile and made a sound. Ellie immediately patted her head with a smile and blushed. What a big guy.

"Big boss... Don't you really blame me..." Barlow said with slightly red eyes.

"Get up..." Suddenly Wood looked at me and asked, "Baro, are they?"

"Oh! I forgot to introduce you!" Barlow stood up slowly and said, "This is Nia. He is very strong. He saved Miss Catherine at the critical moment and killed all the Biel people. The other one is his servant."

Barlow was very smart to hide Lyle's identity as a Bier, otherwise Wood would know that he would kill Lyle.

"Oh! Thank you so much!" Wood came over and shook my hand and said, "I don't know how to thank you... If there is anything useful, just say it."

"It's just a piece of cake. People with a little sense of justice will do this kind of thing. Those Bier people are so abominable." I smiled and held his hand and stared at Lyle behind me.

"Demon..." Lyle curled his lips and said, and his body trembled. He didn't dare to do anything. After all, he needed my "decotic", but it's okay to complain.


On the last day of this week, I will be on the recommendation position on the homepage~ I hope you can help Tianping add the bookshelf~ Thank you~! In addition, let me tell you that the first volume of Magic Sword is about to end, and this is the story of the last link! The balance will continue to work hard!