Magic Sword

Chapter 70 The Reunion of Fate

"Don't worry!" I shouted helplessly, and Catherine had dragged me quickly to the crowd.

Soon we came to the periphery of the crowd, but because there were a little too many people, and there were a group of tall guys in front of us, we couldn't see the scene of the crowd at all. Catherine turned her head and complained, "I can't see!"

"You are too short..."

"Nia can't see it!" Catherine said and shook my arm, "Nia, carry Catherine on your back!"

"No!" I said firmly.

"Your back~" But under Catherine's soft and hard bubble, I still promised her helplessly, and then she rode on my squatting head with a smile, with two white thighs between my head, and then I suddenly stood up, which was really heavy!

"Hey...didn't you say back before!"

"I can't see it like that~"

"..." I was definitely deceived by this guy! She planned to ride me from the beginning!

I looked melancholy, and Catherine sat on my body and shook the ground. After a while, she showed a surprised expression and said, "Ah! Nia, a man was beaten so badly.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, it's a man who looks about the same age as us!" Catherine held my head and said, and suddenly she almost fell down, but fortunately she quickly * her legs and stabilized her body, but I suffered! Suddenly, a force came to my neck and I almost twisted it!

No, this is not the most critical! The most important thing is that two soft thighs are holding my head, and there is a body fragrance from Catherine. This is simply a seductive feeling of crime.

"Catherine, sit down!" I couldn't help but quickly distract myself, "Ah, what are you seeing now?"

"Well... how to say... four or five people, four or five adults punched and kicked around the boy, looking like an aristocratic private army."

"Well... what an arrogant guy." I grabbed Catherine's feet and tried to make her trembling body stand firm, and prayed for Catherine to finish reading it quickly.

"Ah, it's quite hard to fight. Those four or five people seem to be tired and slow down, but the boy looks okay, but I don't know why he has been passively beaten. He should have the ability to get up and fight with them."

"Ah, how can you see so much?" I said angrily, "He didn't write on his face that I can fight."

"I feel that there is still a huge sword behind me. I don't think it will be weak. In addition, the sword looks quite heavy, and it must be good to carry it at ordinary times."

Huh? And with a sword on his back?" According to Catherine, the boy should be a powerful person.

"What does that person look like?" After a while, I asked Catherine first.

"Well... a rag, um... by the way, there is bright red hair."

"Red hair?" I said doubtfully that I couldn't help but be more curious and said, "Catherine, come down. I'm going to have a look."

Huh? All right." So I put Catherine down, because I was a little concerned about the person who was beaten, and I didn't care about Catherine's blushing cheeks, because one of my partners also had red hair, Nanon Turia.

I slowly squeezed into the crowd, and Catherine also pulled my arm and followed me closely. Soon I found a gap where I could see the scene inside. Four or five people with noble badges kicked a boy in front of me with disdain and playful faces. The boy was indeed like As Catherine said, with a huge sword behind her back, she looked very fine and thin, not as strong as me, but the muscle lines on her arms still showed a full sense of strength.

It is reasonable that she should not be beaten so passively, and what Catherine didn't know was that the boy kept emitting a strong murderous atmosphere. Although it was not obvious, the anger was not light. It seemed that he wanted to explode but had nowhere to vent, and I felt the fluctuation of the fighting spirit. He was urging the fighting spirit to protect himself. The body! But he lay motionless on the ground.

Hair, red, is a red head like Nano, and when my eyes move to his face, I can't express any feelings. The teenager in front of me and the boy in my mind are combined. Although that face has grown a little, the outline will not change. That person is not my childhood play. Companion - Nanon!

"Namien! Shit! Those bastards!" I scolded angrily and quickly pushed away the crowd around me, and most of them sent vicious eyes to me first, and they were about to squeeze over, but I stared at them but my body trembled slightly.

"Namien!" I shouted and rushed forward quickly. Everyone around me noticed my voice. The people in front of me took the initiative to make way a little distance, which was enough for me to pass alone. I quickly rushed forward, and Catherine exclaimed without pulling my arm.

"Bastard!" I quickly rushed to a private nobleman who was still waving his fists and feet and punched him in the face. The man exclaimed and hugged his eyes and shouted.

"What kind of person!"

"*!" Several people quickly turned their eyes to me and rushed to me, and immediately shook their fists. I quickly raised my feet and threw them at the person closest to me. A pussy kick kicked on one part of him, and the noble private army quickly covered their little brother and cried.

Then the second person arrived. I punched him in the eyes again, then hugged his head with both hands, and quickly hit his knees and kissed his lower abdomen intimately. The third person was hit to the ground by me, and then the fourth and fifth were knocked to the ground by me. After a while, I saw a A man who looked like an officer like them came over.

"Damn it! Who dares to beat nobles!" The officer shouted.

"You nobleman!" I pulled him over and pressed him to the ground and beat him violently.

"I'm the private army of the Weaver family!"

Who cares about you!

"Ah! I am..."

Soon the violent scene here was finally over. I gasped and did it, and Catherine rushed up nervously and said to me, "Nia! How do you hit people, and... they are nobles..."

"What kind of family are you! It's none of my business! They hit my friend!" I stared at the officer with an unhappy face. He was so scared that he quickly turned up from the ground pretending to be dead and ran away regardless of his subordinates, leaving a vague word, because his face was red by me, but it was expected to be some harsh words such as "wait for me".

And the officers ran away, and the other lying on the ground pretended to be dead, and the moaning private army all turned over and quickly ran in the direction of their officer.

"Namien?" I quickly turned around and asked Nanon, who was lying on the ground.

"Nia, that's great, since I can still meet you." Namin looked at me tremblingly, with very excited eyes and said, "You're still alive!"

"Yes! I'm still alive, and I didn't expect to see you here... You're still alive!" I smiled and picked him up and said, "What happened just now? Can you stand up?"

"I'm sorry, Nia, help me. I don't have the strength for the time being." Namien said, with a trace of resentment in his eyes, and said, "I've been drugged by those guys and can't move!"

"What!" I exclaimed and looked in the direction where the noble private troops had just run.

"It's not convenient to talk here. Go to our house." I asked Namin, and he nodded slightly, and then I helped him up and shouted at Catherine, "Catherine, come and help me."


Soon we moved to the gathering place of the adventure group, and then came to my room to put Nanon in **. I quickly moved a chair and pulled it to the head of the bed and sat down: "Wow, I'm exhausted..."

"I'll get some water." Catherine said.

"Bir some medicine by the way."

"Good." Katherine answered and left my room.

"What happened just now? What's the end of those aristocratic private army! How could I drug you?" I turned around and looked at you, whose expression was still a little painful.

Nami sighed and said, "It's a long story. I escaped from Dama Province that year. I was with Eric, Ronley, Hilmi, Anyara and Reese sisters. Later, Hilmi went back to her family in the imperial capital. We fled to Gorfeto together, although we were taken back from Dama Province. , but we don't want to go back to that land.

"Since you are all together!"

"Yes! The only ones left alone are you, Talley Lu and Beach. Nanon said, "We didn't meet you until the moment the enemy broke the city."

"Dong!" Beach's name is like a stone hitting my heart.

"Have you met Beach? What about Talilu? She should be with you. Why didn't you see her?"

"Bitch...Talilu..." I clenched my fist and told Nanion everything. Beach was killed and Tallu was captured back to the family by her mother and told him all about it.

"Alas... since... since Beach is dead..." Nanon sighed and his eyes were quickly soaked with tears... It took a long time to recover all this, "How sad Ronley knew... If he knew that his brother was dead..."

After being silent for a while, Catherine came in with water and medicine on it. I took a bowl to feed Nanon and drank it. Then I picked up another bowl and drank it, which quenched my thirst. Then I picked up the medicinal wine and wiped Nanon. After all, I was punched and kicked by those noble privates. For a moment.

"Namien, what about later? Where is everyone now? I asked while wiping.

"The Reese sisters and Hilmi are both in the imperial capital, and the others are in Gorfeto Province." Nanon said, "When I withdraw my medicine and take you there, they will be surprised to see you!"

"Okay, by the way, you haven't told me why you were drugged! What's going on? Did you provoke those nobles?"

"Well...okay, let me tell you." Namien's face immediately became a little cold as he said, "The reason is a nobleman named Reed Weaver."