Magic Sword

Chapter 73 I'm not Nia

"What's going on?" Catherine asked me doubtfully.

"I don't know, did Nanon accidentally knock down something?" I said, and then I went to the door with Catherine and pushed it open.

With a "squeak--" sound, the wooden door was pushed open, but outside the door was not Nanon, but a group of people. I didn't see Nanon in that group, but the badges on them were a little familiar. "Nobility?"

Nia! It's the nobles who were beaten by you in the market last time!" Katherine grabbed my arm and said.

"What..." I was stunned and looked over in a daze. Although some of them were blue and swollen, the outline was still a little familiar.

"Well, it seems..." I said softly. It seemed that I was looking for trouble. A large water tank originally placed at the door was smashed by them, and the water inside was spilled on the floor, which made me feel very unhappy.

There was a young-looking man in the crowd, with pale skin and slender fingers. He looked very well maintained. His clothes were plain clothes, but the material also betrayed his identity. In my memory, I immediately locked the name, the man must be that man, and he was by his side. An officer-like man pointed to me and said, "Young master! That's him!"

Well, I remember that the officer-like man is the head of the private army who was beaten by me last time.

"Hello." Leid came forward and looked at me coldly and said, "I heard that you hit our Weaver family last time?"

"That's right, it should be me." I said with a smile.

Leed frowned slightly and said, "I need an explanation."

I believe he came to beat me with a group of people. I waved my hand and said, "He hit my friend."


"Namin Turia." I pointed to my head, "Friend."

"Ha ha," said Reid with a sneer, "Do you know who you hit?"

"Nobility?" I laughed and said that I was ready to fight, because I had decided to make them pay for damaging the water tank!

"Yes." Reid stared at me and said, "It seems that you know that there is something that makes you dare to do so. I can directly deny that you are also an aristocrat by living in this barren place."

I was stunned. It seemed that I was still a person with a little head. I thought that ordinary nobles were idiots with pits in their heads. I smiled at him and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really."

Huh? You?" Reid showed a puzzled tone, and then there was an expression on his face that seemed to have seen the funniest thing in the world, and said, "Is it just you?"

I said seriously and made myself look very calm: "Yes, I am."

"What can you prove?"

"There is nothing to prove. Anyway, you have two choices now." I stretched out my two fingers impatiently and said, "First, lose money, you broke my water tank; second, I beat you up, and then you lose money because you broke my water tank."

Leed looked at me in a daze, and then there was a little tremor and the sound of teeth rubbing. He stared roundly and said, "Are you looking for a dead bitch?"

"I'm an aristocrat." I said calmly.

"Ky! I can't stand it anymore! Since you dare to talk to our young master like this!" A bodyguard behind him said with a vicious expression, and then slowly walked to me, grabbed my collar, and looked like he was going to eat me.

"Don't stare at me like this." I slowly put my hand on his wrist, and then turned it gently. The bodyguard's mouth turned into an "O" shape. First, it trembled, and then sweat appeared on his forehead. His hand was already impulsive to take it back and kept pulling, but I grabbed his wrist, and then the bodyguard shouted like a pig. .

"Ah - let go of me! You pig!"

"Your grandfather's pig!" I was upset when I heard him say that. I didn't want to pay attention to that guy. Good, you pissed me off! I shouted an angryly in my heart, then grabbed his hand, and then the other hand clenched into a fist and suddenly turned around and hit him in the face.

"Puff!" The bodyguard was thrown out like a sandbag, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and fell to the ground, and I was not idle. Now there is a reason that they did it first. You can't blame me for beating the nobles! I thought so, and then quickly leaned forward, stepped on the floor in front of Ledd, and then punched Leid on the chin with a strong "Puff--" punch.

"brush" a beautiful arc, led by which led his whole body and flew along the rear, like a precise calculation, a perfect parabola and then fell to the ground.

"Ah! How dare you hit me!" Leid suddenly got up, then quickly covered his mouth and shouted, "How dare you beat the nobles!"

"You did it first." I played with the collar on my chest, a few copper coins and said lightly, "My clothes are wrinkled!"

I think Leed must have spit out a mouthful of blood or something now. Of course, it doesn't look like it.

"Since you dare to beat the young master of the Weaver family! Brothers!" Suddenly, one of the guards stood up and shouted, and then all the people rushed up fiercely. Well, there was trouble.

"Come on, Nia!" Catherine quickly retreated behind me and jumped and shouted. It seemed that there was a fight to see her happily. Of course, this was only after I felt that I was not in danger.

"Well... don't use weapons!" I shouted at those people.

"If you don't need it, you don't need it!"

"Put down your weapons. Shit, look down on us. We will still beat you down without weapons!"

"Let's go!" A bunch of voices from those guards suddenly made our courtyard much more noisy. I looked at them really put down their weapons, and then... ran away! Damn it, how can I beat so many people!

I quickly took Catherine's little hand and ran behind, leaving a group of private nobles standing still. Look at me, I look at you, and then look at their young masters.

"Are you all fucking shit-eating? Go after them all!" Leid vomited blood and cursed, and Catherine and I had already run out of his sight.

And on the other side, Catherine and I are still running...

"Nia is ready!" Catherine gasped and shouted at me, "They didn't catch up."

"Wow!" When I heard Katherine say this, I also stepped forward, and then let go of Catherine's hands and pressed my knees to breathe.

"Why doesn't Nia fight with them?" Catherine gasped and said, "Look at your confidence..."

"So many people, how can you fight!" I knocked on her head and said, "That number of people is seven or eight times as many as ours. I'm all right. How about you!"

"I don't have time to take care of you." I said angrily.

Catherine was stunned first, then smiled happily, and said, "Nia turned out to be for Katherine."

"It's not." I said as she did, and then looked back. The hateful nobleman came to my house since he was looking for trouble.

"Nia, what should we do now? Shall we go back?" Catherine asked doubtfully, after all, the nobleman is still expected to stay at home, and it would be bad if there was some destruction or something.

"Ye, of course! You have to teach that nobleman a good lesson!" I suddenly thought of yesterday's plan and Nanon's plan. Isn't the current situation more suitable for our plan? There was a sinister smile on my face, "Go find Nanon first."


After making a plan, our action went much smoother. Then we took it near the residence. When Namien came over, he would definitely pass through here. At first, he didn't wait for Namin, but waited for a private army of the Weaver family. It seemed that he was sent out by their master to find us. I rushed straight up a brick. I knocked him unconscious and dragged him into the bushes, and during this period, I met two such unlucky guys. Later, Nanon came, and I almost rushed to pat him with a brick.

"Nia, since this is the case, let's not carry out our plan." I told Nanon what had happened, and Nanon said with a reproachful face.

"I want! Of course it will be carried out! How can such an opportunity be let go? I took out the hood and scarf from the ring, as well as two sets of black clothes and said, "Wear it as usual, but add a few scenes. There are lines this time. You can say that later..."

I leaned against Namien's ear and whispered. Namin's eyes stared and said, "It's not good."

"What if he cares, he will definitely say..."

"Then you you understand?"

"Hmm!" Nanon answered, with a sinister, evil and obscene expression on his face, and then we changed our clothes, and the rustling sound came from the dark trees.

At this time, in the gathering place of the Blood Shadow Adventure Group, Red was impatiently issuing orders one after another, scolding a subordinate.

"Are you all rubbish! I can't even find anyone!"

"Young master, after all, these two children are too ghosts! I don't know where to hide." The scolded soldier replied.

"Find it all! All! I'll just watch it here!"

And when the soldier heard Reid say this, he hurriedly shouted, "Young master, no! We are responsible for protecting you!"

"No need! Find it all for me!" Finally, under the order, all the people left the place one after another to find two children who seemed to have fled far away. And Reed shouted at these men. At this time, Ledd's mood suddenly became much smoother, and then he realized that he was left alone in the camp.

Nia of the Blood Shadow Adventure Group! Suffer to death!" Suddenly at this time, Ledd saw two people in black clothes coming to the gate, covering their faces with scarves and covering their faces, and there is only one word in Reed's heart that can be combined with these two people, bandits!

And Nanion and I were secretly smiling and looking at each other under the black scarf, and then showed the blade in our hands to render the atmosphere!

Leed's eyelids beat a few times, and then stood up and said, "I'm not Nia!"