Magic Sword

Chapter 95 Goodbye to Kira

"Caryle...Caryle...damn Carlisle." I kept calling, and the sharp pain in my whole body had slowly disappeared. I tried to lift my heavy head. What was no longer the cottage in front of me was the empty space, the streets, roads, street lights, high-rise buildings, shops, Ferris wheel... I don't know why, it seemed that I came to the spiritual world again.

"I'm going out." I thought to myself, but I didn't go back to the world I live in as usual, and I still stood still quietly.

"Mo Qingyu?" Since there was no reaction, I called her, but in the same situation, Mo Qingyu did not give me any response.

"What's going on?" I wondered in my heart that I was the only one on the street, and I felt very gloomy. Although there were no vendors, no blacksmiths, and no noble mansions, the world brought me a sense of familiarity. This is the world I have lived in for more than 20 years.

"Where have you been?" I looked around and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Nanon won't last long!

"Nia." Suddenly, at this time, a voice came behind me. I quickly pretended to be my head. A man in a black cloak stood behind me. Such a dress appeared on the street and felt full of a sense of discord. After all, that cloak felt like a magician. It turned out that he was a magician with a waist. Wooden stick, because I learned a little from Tallielu, I can tell that it is a very bad staff, the cheapest kind in the store, but the blue hair exposed under his hat makes me confirm that it is the man named Kira!


"Do you remember my name, hehe?" Seven years ago, the man who saved me with resurrection.

"You came just in time. Help me get out quickly! My friend is in danger!" I was stunned. Although I don't know why he appeared here, I didn't have time to care about this now. I immediately said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Nia." Kira smiled and said, "Your friends are all over. An old man has gone to save them, and the poisoned one has recovered."

Ah? So fast?"

"Unhappy, you have been in here all day, and now your body has been taken to a villa by your friends outside."

"So long? Mial's villa?" I asked doubtfully, according to what Chira said, I have been in the spiritual world all day! It seems that I was in a coma before.

"I don't know, I don't know."

"Where's Mo Qingyu?"

"That sword?" Chila paused and walked to a chair on the side and sat down. There were many such chairs on the roadside, and basically there would be one across the road for passers-by to rest. Seeing that I nodded, Chira continued, "I blocked it."


"Sit down and talk to me. You're not in a hurry to go out now." Kira said, "I happen to be free today, and I can help you answer a lot of questions."

"Well..." I paused and said, "The question I'm most interested in is about your identity. The last time we met, you told me that you... came from the earth like me."

"No, it's wrong."

"Ah?" I showed a puzzled expression.

Kira said innocently, "I told you last time I was from a blue planet, but I didn't tell you where I came from."

"Blue planet? That's the earth!"

"Wrong, Nia." Kira shook her head and said, "The universe is so big that the earth is not the only blue planet, including the place where you live now, the continent of Enolan, which is also a blue planet."

"Well..." I squatted down and sat on the ground, then crossed my legs, posed comfortably, and then said, "Which planet are you from?"

"hehe." Kira smiled, then raised her fingers and shook it twice and said, "Secret."

"Your uncle..."

"It's not suitable for you to know that place now." Kira's face has not changed at all. "I will definitely tell you in the future."

"Well, there is one more question, you." I paused and said, "Can you travel between worlds?"

Kira, like me, is from a different world, which shows that I have a chance to return to my original world! Although I live here now, I still have a lot of fantasies about the previous world, if I can go back... If I can go back.

"Yes." Kira explained, "I know you want to go back to the original world, but it's not that easy. You can't do it now. Unless your strength is enough, I can tell you that even if your strength reaches the crisis that can save the future of the world, it is not enough in various worlds. Shuttle."

"The crisis in the future?" I was slightly stunned. I still remember that I was dizzy and fighting with White. At that time, when I used the sword of fate, he said that I was the savior!

Kira didn't answer, and I continued to ask, "What does that mean?" Someone called me the savior! After seeing the light of the golden sword.

"Well, I couldn't have let you know, but since you have heard the three words of the savior, let me tell you. Maybe this is also the arrangement of fate." Qi Lafu bowed his head and said, "Let me tell you a story first."

"Good." As soon as I heard the story, I got up and sat up straight, and then changed my legs to avoid numbness later.

"Okay, I'm ready. You can talk about it." I changed my posture and said.

"A long time ago, when the Creator created the world, they created a living body, and the name of that life was called God. It was the Creator who named them with his own words.

"God!" I was stunned and asked, "Is there really such a thing in this world?"

"It really exists, and it is very close to your life. There is their existence somewhere on this continent."

"No way!" This is a big blow to me, an atheist. I often say some blasphemous words in my heart. Is it because of this that I always have some bad fates?

"They do exist, but they are different from the powerful gods you imagine."

"Hmm?" I was stunned and said, "Go on."

"The newly born gods gradually became huge in the reproduction of history, and then they called themselves the Protos. As the Protoss, they are just a life in this world, so they began to farm and make something to eat.

"God also wants to eat?"

"Well, it is not necessary, but since they have eaten, these Protos have become the need to eat. When the Creator created this life, he gave them a rule. They have an extremely strong learning ability. Once they learn, this kind of thing will be reasonably removed by their wisdom. Use, because food has fed their stomachs, this feeling gradually becomes inesirable. Once this warmth is lost, most gods will feel uncomfortable, that is, the so-called hungry. And if this feeling is too strong, it will become pain, which will lead to starvation.

"Well, what if you don't eat at the beginning? Won't God starve to death?

"It is reasonable, just like the backward era you live in now, there is no so-called electricity, but in that developed era, electricity is really indispensable. If there is no electricity in the world you live in, then a large number of people in the world will inevitably die unbearably." Kira explained.

"What about then?"

"Since you will die if you lack food, the Protoss naturally don't want to be hungry. Let me ask you, how do you want to eat?" Kira asked with a smile.

I blurted out, "Ploughing."

"Very well, since it is farming, there will naturally be a situation between the hard-working protoss and the lazy protosies, and the lazy side must get a harvest that is not as good as the hard-working protoss. Slowly evolves, and the lazy protoss will only hate farming more and more, even to a kind of no harvest and can't fill their stomachs."

"The protoss who can't fill their stomachs began to have a bad idea in their hearts, that is, to rob those hard-working gods, and then with the development of time, this situation began to spread, and then war appeared."

"War between the Protoss?"

"That's right." Kira said, "War is not limited to human beings. Once there is a contradiction, there will always be a war, which is the same between races. In the process of war, friends will always help each other, and the combat effectiveness will always be different. Therefore, partners, groups, teams, and armies Teams, legions, and countries slowly formed a country from individuals. The opposite side of battle, magic and fighting spirit also continued to appear, replacing the old way of fighting, and then fought a fierce war on the mainland. It was a dark era.

"And then?" Seeing that Chila paused, I continued to ask.

"After a very long time, until the victory was finally divided, and the victory side quickly killed the defeated Protoss. In the long massacre, the defeated Protoss kept escaping and fled to the west of the mainland, where there was a sea." Kira lowered her head, sighed slightly, and then said, "The protoss on the defeated side were driven into a canyon, and the victorious side sealed the canyon with magic."

"Then the war is over?" I asked in a stunned way.

"No, after 500 years, a nightmare came."