Magic Sword

Chapter 97 Plan

"Yes, just like the name of that sword, the sword of fate." Kira said seriously, "At that time, the hero Don Adolf left a prophecy that the boy who chose the sword of fate will become a new generation of savior and will lift the hidden dangers of the demon clan forever.' That is to say, you will be the man who will completely suppress the demon clan in this era.

"Savior..." I lowered my head and stared at my hands with a gloomy face. Is this my fate? The savior of the world? Am I going to save the world?

No, it's not! Who the fuck arranged it! That Don Adolph's prophecy? Say I'm the savior and I'm the savior? No! Even if I am...even if it's me! I won't save the world either! No!

"Savior or something... It's none of my business! I won't save any world!" I said angrily.

"Nia." Kira stared at me, paused for a long time, and then turned into a smiling face, "Niah, it's up to you. Only you can save all the lives on the continent of Anolan."

Looking at Kira's smile, I closed my eyes and sat down cross-legged again. Standing made me very uncomfortable: "I'm not a Protoss. I'm not that great. I'm just a fallen nobleman and a former killer. What I have to do is to kill people, not save people!"

"The future war can affect the whole world. You must do it. You should understand that there are some things that can't be done by one person, even if they kill people." Kira said flatly, "Niah, even if you don't think about yourself, what about your character? Your friends, your partners, doesn't it matter if they are affected?

"I only protect the people I want to protect."

"You can't protect all your friends." Kira stared at me and said, and I also stared at him, and the stalemate lasted for about ten minutes. My eyes were about to close! I have reached the limit without closing my eyes for ten minutes in a row! Fortunately, Chira closed her eyes first and then said, "My eyes!"

I just secretly closed my eyes and took a rest.

"Bad guy, can you not be so childish? This is not something to be angry about." Kira glanced at me angrily. I smiled and gave him a smile. Kira coughed dryly, and then said, "Forget it, well, since you are a former killer, I will hire you and start training yourself now. You will do it in the future war and save the world, which is also saving yourself. Then, I can promise you to do something for you.

"One thing?" I asked in a frenn.

"Yes, there shouldn't be many things in the world that I can't do, except for what I don't want to do."

"Wh! That's good!" I immediately jumped up and said, Chira's strength also has a great magic mentor! It's a good thing to be able to make him owe a favor~

"Then say it's okay. In the future, you must save the world." Kira said angrily.

"All right! I was going to save it, but I just wanted to give you some benefits. I said with a smile, anyway, I got the promise now.

"You...Forget it, I promised you." Kira turned his head and said viciously, "You have to do it well!" If you die, I will arrest your soul and use the most vicious curse to make you suffer forever.

"Ah? Soul?"

"Yes, you have died once. You should know the existence of this kind of thing."

"But... the fat man Fang Lan told me that it was just a thought, wrapped in the protective film of the poison." I said doubtfully, according to him, it was just my thinking.

"It's just the reservedness of the brain-damaged scientist. He always needs to find some words that others can't understand. To put it bluntly, it's the soul." Kira said casually, "Anyway, I can do it, so remember that the end of the future must be resolved with your ability to change your fate."

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and do it." I said impatiently, and then suddenly remembered something and quickly asked Kira, "by the way, didn't you say that I can only live more than ten years, the vitality you injected into me, now that we have this deal, should you find a passer-by to continue my life?"

"Yes, according to the vitality I injected into you at the beginning, it is only enough to live another five years, but do you want me to help you increase your vitality? Think beautifully!" Kira said with a laugh.

Ah? But five years! There are still eight years before the end comes!"

"Have you forgotten what I said to you at that time?" Kira said.

"Go to the Elno Empire and take a royal gem to Siva Province in the south of the Elno Empire, a small island called Luoyue Island?"


"But this is too troublesome." I said with a sad face.

"Pray your expression, this trick is useless to me." Kira smiled and said, "It's not meaningless for me to ask you to do this. In the future war, you need strength, not just to take a group of partners to fight against the demons. How can you fight? I need you to master the power of the country, and as the Erlo Empire with weak comprehensive strength, I need to get that country. In what way do you use it!"

"Ah! Get a country?" I was stunned. I was really stunned. What is the concept of a country? Do you want me to use military power to win a country? What a huge force it takes!

"Yes, the vitality I give you is the time you need to get that country."

"But! That's a country! It's not a province or territory!" When I came to my senses, I turned over again, which also... looked up to me too much.

"Nothing Nia, it's just a country, but it can't stop you." Kira smiled at me, and I always felt that his smile was very strange!

"With your brain, Nia, there is always a way. It's just a country. Isn't that giving you five years?" Kira said, "Or you don't have to defeat that country. Just get the gem in the royal family that is regarded as the favorite of the most precious emperor and doesn't want any thief to steal it."

Kira used a lot of gorgeous modifiers... I said horizontally, "Don't you mean that you have to capture the empire!"

"In a word, that's it. Within five years, you must do it. If you can't get that gem, you will die. The dissipation of vitality is not something that can be solved by changing fate by the sword of fate, and I won't inject vitality into you because you die. I'm not happy." Kira showed a gloomy smile, which made me pale. "For me, wait until the future disaster destroys the world, and then get your soul more attractive to me."

I stared at Kira. I knew that he came to chat with me and talk about this pile of things to let me know that I don't have much time. As the saying goes, the more I know, the greater the responsibility will be. Now I know the disaster of the world, and I'm too heavy than not knowing all this. More.

"Happy, Nia, I have prepared benefits for you in the future." Kira stood up and suddenly found that Kira, who stood up, was a little taller than me. His height should be 1.7 meters 1.8 meters. Although it was quite high for my previous world, in this world, people can only grow to 3 meters tall, and 2 meters is a normal height.

"Welfare...I'm not interested." I said angrily, "The pressure on me now is like going to take the college entrance examination, and my knowledge is still only in primary school."

"The metaphor is very appropriate." Kira said with a smile, but I couldn't laugh.

"Kira, who the hell are you? And your purpose? I have never understood that you want me to be a savior, but you don't help the world. I looked at the floor and said, while Chira pinched my face with both hands, "What are you doing?"

"Kneading and rubbing." Kira said with a smile, "I told you that people from another world, as for my purpose, I just do what I think is interesting. It's too boring to save the world just because I don't want the world to be easily destroyed."

"Well...another world..." I asked in a stunned way, "Another world, what kind of world is that?"

"Well...what kind of world... Now it's a world with nothing, the drowsy sky and the burnt land have been destroyed." Qila looked at the sky and said that his hands on my cheek were no longer kneaded, as if his heart was full of sadness. Although he could not see sadness on his face, his eyes, blue eyes, and deep eyes seemed to pour out the sadness in his heart.

"Ah?" I said in surprise and looked at it in a daze. Somehow, the sad feeling couldn't help but arouse the sadness in my heart, the sadness of losing my parents, family, friends, and the sadness of Talilu...

For a long time, Kira came to her senses from the gaze, and then woke me up in sadness, and I found myself distracted.

"That's it, Nia, it's time for you to wake up. I've told you everything I need to tell you. Let's take that empire first." Kira said flatly, but because of the gaze just now, there is inexplicably more sadness in the words, and there is a wonderful feeling in every move.

"Yes, but I want to go to Bier first."

"Do you collect your father's information?" Kira asked.


"Very good, that's fine. This trip should exercise you." Kira closed her eyes and said, and then a magical wave came out, and cracks cracked from the space behind him, which was a crack that appeared out of thin air! Cracks combined with air!

"I'm leaving. You can deal with the rest. We'll meet again next time." Kira waved to me, then smiled and retreated, and then the crack quickly opened to swallow him...

"It's time for me to leave the spiritual world, too." I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes.

"Wan!" A feeling of dizziness hovered in my head, and I opened my eyes again. I stayed in a dark room, lying in a small **, and seemed to be back...

The sudden sound of "coo-goo-" made me subconsciously cover my stomach, so hungry...