Magic Sword

Chapter 102 Dredes' Suggestion

In the next few days, we continued to stay in the dwarf tribe. The equipment created by the dwarf master came out one by one, and then I also brought it to Delades one by one. Delades looked very happy, and it seemed that it was his happiest thing to be able to engrave these good equipment. .

In the past few days, the dwarf master has created a total of ten pieces of equipment with mithril. In addition to my pistol, he has created a soft armor for Anyala, which is a good thing for the magician and will not be too heavy. Then Nanon made a shoulder armor, which looks very handsome, because there is only one side! I can't help it. The materials are limited. Then Hilmi built a thin sword. Although she originally had one, it was naturally not as good as that made by dwarf craftsmen. It seemed that she did not pursue armor much.

Sam's words, he built a set of full-body lock armor, which is relatively simple. They are all chains. As a dwarf, there is no problem for his figure, but it only covers a few key parts. Inina's words, he made two leg armors and tied them directly to her thighs. She was also quite bold and took them off directly. Her trousers tied her leg armor to her thighs. Although it was much more convenient for her to act like this, it always felt cheap for the enemy...

As for Larryville, the guy built a helmet, but it was rejected and was not in a good mood, because the helmet in her fighting style was too bulky. Finally, he also got a soft armor for her. By the way, the two khaki daggers made of the skin of the dragon were also given to Larivi. Then Eric's words asked for a shield, and Ronley's words changed a chest armor.

In addition, there is our new partner White. Although everyone has a little more opinions about him, because there are still materials, I also asked him what he wanted. Finally, since he strangely told me to ask for a pair of shoes... Well, in the end, we did make a pair of shoes mixed with mithril...

And for the rest of the parts, we also asked the dwarf craftsmen to help us arm our whole body with ordinary materials, as well as pistols. I also asked the dwarf master to build a lot, so that each of us was equipped with one, but it was not *, it was GLOCK18, this kind of automatic pistol for me who was not accurate. It will be better for partners to use it. Well, Lyle's words also helped him arm himself with equipment. After all, he also needed his colleagues in this section of the road, but he didn't use the materials of mithril.

"Nia." I just got the pair of White's shoes made from the final material. I was about to run to Drides to make him happy when the dwarf master suddenly stopped me.

"What's the matter?" I stopped doubtfully and turned around and said that the dwarf master has helped us build a piece of equipment in the past few days. He is also a madman who builds weapons. With so much mithril, he can't put it down.

"Take these." The dwarf master threw a paper bag over, and I subconsciously caught it, but the moment I touched it, I found it was so heavy!

"Is this?"

"There are a thousand bullets from those guns and a hundred bullets from your *." The dwarf master exhaled and said, and then came over and handed me a magazine. "The seven bullets in here, inlaid with a little bit of mithril, are all made of the rest of the scraps. Don't underestimate the mithril. It only takes a little bit to improve the quality of the things created. I think these seven bullets can be very powerful and save some use.

"Ah?" I took the magazine, which was full of seven bullets, which was exactly the maximum capacity of this magazine. I couldn't help but feel heartache. These bullets may become the ultimate way to save my life. I slowly closed my eyes and then put all the magazines and those bullets into the space ring. Then he bowed gratefully to the dwarf master, "Thank you very much!"

After leaving the dwarf master's blacksmith's shop, I ran to Drides' small room. He is also very busy these days. If we don't build one of our equipment, we will take it to him, but the ordinary equipment is only added ordinary engraving to it, but even so, it can play a very good role. It works.

As for the ones mixed with mithril, each piece of Drades has been carefully engraved for a long time, but since the last fluctuation, the subsequent engraving of Drades has not failed, which is good news. This time, in addition to taking that pair of shoes for Dredes, I took the bullet The seven mithril bullets in the box were also engraved by Drades, and the last Lydes also carved the magazine for me by the way. This time, our overall combat effectiveness has increased to a great extent, and Dredes also told us that these armored equipment can also be given to the magician for enchantment, Jane It can be strengthened to an abnormal level.

After carving the pattern, the sky has turned black again. It's time for us to finish eating! After collecting all the equipment we need, we will not continue to stay in the dwarf tribe tomorrow. It's time to go to Bier!

"Nia." Delides sat next to me and looked at the firelight in front of him and said to me. In the dwarf tribe, we all had dinner at the bonfire. Large pieces of meat racks were roasted on the fire rack, and then the whole tribe sat around. The dwarves were actually very enthusiastic and not as inaccessible as rumored. When they were familiar with them, they would fight with you. It was a mess, but they were very impulsive and had a little conflict. They fought without saying a few words, and then they began to reason after the fight. The wrong party would also apologize, and then hook up again.

"What's wrong?" While eating the piece of meat in my hand, I asked that the meat of the dwarfs was super big and very fat. It was particularly unrestrained to eat here, especially my friends, who completely gave up their image, but Hilmi was more reserved.

"Where are you going next?"

"We?" I paused, put down the meat in my hand, swallowed it and said, "We are going to the Bier Empire."

"Biel? What are you doing there? Aren't you people in the Coltfield Empire hostile to Biel? Drades asked in a stunned way.

"Well... for some reason, I have to go somewhere, and it's urgent." A little bad mood surged into my heart. This time I went to Bier, I wanted to kill Alvin, but the most important thing was to dig out the murderer behind my father, all of which... If it is not dealt with in time, the remnants of my family will definitely be framed by the murderers behind the scenes on the day of the coming-age ceremony.

"Is it serious?" Drades asked again. I didn't answer him, but I almost answered yes. Drades sighed and said, "Biel, it's also a good direction. At least it can help you avoid Alnokis and Carlisle. Although Carlisle is Bier's protector, it's short. He will be in the Coltfield Empire again.

"The Protector of the Nation?"

"Don't you know?" Delides explained to me, "In the whole continent, the Knights Association has selected a total of ten paladins, and these ten paladins are basically the most powerful paladins of various countries, and are also known as the guardian paladins of their corresponding countries. For example, Carlis is the paladin of Bier, and Arnokis is The paladin of the Coltfield Empire.

"Drides, how about you?" After listening to my partner last time, I also knew that Dredes was one of the top ten paladins. That day, at White's cottage, Dredes later saved us. I fainted and didn't know about that part. Later, my partner told me that I was also very surprised to know his strength. Originally, Mo Qingyu said that his strength was almost comparable to I was very surprised when Uncle Burton was. I didn't expect that he was a paladin.

"Me? I belong to the Knights Association. Drides smiled and said, "I don't belong to any country."

Knights Association? Is this okay?"

"Yes, because to list the top ten, some countries can't take out the paladins, such as the Elno Empire in the south of the mainland. Although the knights are very good, there is no paladins." Drides said that as for the Elno Empire, that is, the country where Kira asked me to steal royal treasures in the future. After knowing that there were no paladins in that country, I breathed a little. It seemed that I really had to take that country in the future, and the absence of paladins was undoubtedly good news for me.

"Do the top ten paladins represent all of them?" I asked, "All the paladins of the mainland."

"No, it's just the ten most famous paladins that we don't know about some of them hidden in the folk, and they may be stronger than our ten paladins." Drides gave a pertinent evaluation, and then closed his eyes and said to me, "Nia, if you want to go to Bier, the road is dangerous and the road is very far away. In recent years, the form of your country and Bier is not good, and the border customs may not let you enter Bier."

Dredston nod and said, "I think you can go to the expedition association of Linnoby Province on the border to register the expedition team and launch an expedition against the Warcraft in El. In this way, it will be relatively easier to enter Biel."

"The expedition?"

"Well, generally speaking, there will always be some powerful warcraft on the reward board. The expedition team association is a place to take over the task of destroying foreign powerful warcraft. You are all powerful people, so naturally you can accept it. With the proof of the expedition team association, the soldiers at the border are more likely to let you enter the ratio. El."

"That's it." I just remembered that I didn't consider the situation in the border area. Indeed, it is very difficult for us to enter Bier in the two countries with continuous wars in recent years, and Dredes has just provided us a good way. In this way, we don't have to worry about entering Bier! I smiled and said, "You can try it."