Magic Sword

Chapter 104 Expedition Team Association

Our group strolled slowly in the jungle. Sometimes when we encounter some wild monsters, we will grab them and roast them. With the flame of Nanon, it is not a problem to make a fire. It can be used to fill our stomachs. When we are tired, we will stop and rest. We have never experienced this kind of leisurely journey before. I feel.

And such a journey lasted for about a week, and we finally came to Linnoby Province! The province under the jurisdiction of Hilmi's family. This section of the road is not short. We passed through Dama Province and came from Gorphetto to Linoby, which was separated by two forests.

I stepped into a luxurious room, which is called the Expeditionary Association, almost at the border of Linnoby Province. After going out, it is the Bier Empire, the destination of our trip.

"Hello, are you going to register for the expedition?" There was a welcoming lady at the door. When she saw us coming in, she immediately came up and said.

"Yes, we need to register the expedition team." When I said that I walked forward, my friends also followed slowly and looked around in surprise when they entered the room.

"I didn't know there was such an association in the place of our Meda family." Hilmi covered her mouth and said that she was obviously indifferent to the family's property. After all, her family is in the imperial capital, and she naturally won't pay much attention to this kind of jurisdiction.

"What a high-end place."

"This is more ordinary than our temple. The temple in any place is many times more luxurious than this, but it is also more than ten times dirty." White East looked around and didn't like it very much.

"Aren't you from the Knights of the Temple? Is it okay to say that about the temple in your capacity?" I glanced at White and said, and I found his words quite novel. After all, no matter how dirty the temple is, it can't be. Although I'm not a believer, my view of the temple is not so bad in name.

"Isn't this a traitor?" White smiled and said, "I'm wanted by the temple."

"This way, please." As we chatted, the welcome lady in front of us also took us to the main hall. There was a wide table not far away. An old man sat on it with tons of white hair and a pair of small eyes hanging on his nose. The clothes should be in charge here.

"Old man, someone has come to register." Miss Yingbin smiled at us shyly, and then went up to wake up the old man. The old man trembled and opened his eyes.

"Oh? Since someone will come to register..." The old man said vaguely, then tidied up his clothes, wiped his saliva, and then sat upright and looked at us. Judging from his words, it should be quite unpopular here.

"Then I'll go out first." The welcome lady said and saluted us and left the room.

"10 gold coins are required for registration." We were about to ask, and then the old man immediately asked for money.

"10?" The partners are stunned, which is too expensive! 10 gold coins are enough for us to eat for a month or two!

"No, how can we afford 10 gold coins? We are just ordinary hunters. I frowned and said to him that 10 gold coins can't be paid for normal people to register.

The old man blushed and said vaguely, "This is a rule. You can't bargain. The regulation requires 10 gold coins. If you can't afford it, get out of here. If you don't have money, you can learn from other people's expeditions!"

The old man's words became harder and harder, and from his behavior, I'm sure it's not so expensive at all! He just wants to get some oil from it.

I'm trying to get angry, and I hate this kind of guy who wants to blackmail my money the most, because I'm a nobleman without money now! However, after a pause, I put away my temper first, took a breath and turned to my partner with a helpless expression, "It's too expensive. We can't afford it. It seems that we can only go. I only brought eight gold coins."

My partners were stunned. Obviously, I couldn't have only eight gold coins, but they were all very smart and reacted immediately. The stupid guys like Eric, Sam and Larryvi were all pinched by other partners and pressed their little heads to prevent them from asking me some questions, such as asking me why it was not enough. And so on.

"Eight..." The old man paused, pushed his eyes, and then sighed. He was definitely pretending! I'm sure, "Oh, forget it, eight is eight. I don't want to work hard when you come thousands of miles away."

"Wh! Really? Really! Can you really help us reduce the price?" I immediately jumped up and turned around, then widened my eyes and squeezed out a happy look.

"Hmm..." The old man obviously jumped at my reaction, and then nodded his head at a loss, with greedy eyes in his eyes, eight gold coins! Humph, that's enough for him to live for a long time!

"Then wait!" I continued to play my play, and then reached into my pocket and took out a shriveled purse. I had already secretly put most of the gold coins inside into the space ring, then slowly took out the purse, and then took them out one by one and put them in my hand. "One, two, three..."< /P>

I've already figured it out! And the old man is now staring at the gold coins in my hand and swallowing his saliva fiercely. Hey, take the bait: "Five..."

"Ai!" When I counted five, I suddenly screamed, jumped up, and then quickly relied on my powerful acting skills to change an expression and shouted, "What's going on! My gold coins! What's going on!"

"What...what's wrong?" The old man asked doubtfully and was scared by my surprise.

"Gone! I lost three gold coins!" I shouted and then quickly turned my head and looked at my partner. I couldn't help smiling, and then I still said in a panicked tone, "Is it you! You took my three gold coins!"

The partners shook their heads one after another, and someone in the back row laughed secretly, but the old man couldn't see it because he was exposed by other people's bodies.

"It's not them... What should I do..." I turned around, quickly changed my expression, lowered my head with a depressed face, holding five gold coins in one hand and an empty money bag in the other hand, with a defeated face. "It seems that we still have nothing to do with the expedition..."

"Um..." The old man swallowed a mouthful of saliva again. Looking at the five gold coins in my hand, he was not full of light, and then coughed dryly and said, "Well, it's not easy for you. Forget it, five gold coins."

"Oh! Really?" I immediately changed my excited face and jumped up again. The old man was about to stand up and fall on the chair by my move. I quickly helped him up, "Thank you so much! Even if we lack so many gold coins, you are still willing to help us register!"

"Nothing, nothing..."

"You must accept my sincere hug!" I said excitedly. The old man was about to push me away and pull him closer to his arms, and then gave him a bear hug. "You're welcome! You are so good to us! I'm so grateful."

"Nothing, small...small things...ah..." The old man screamed, and there was a strange crisp sound in his body. It lasted for a while before I let him go.

Ah? What's wrong with you! Is everything all right?" The old man had a weak expression. I quickly grabbed his shoulder and kept shaking, "What's wrong with you? Don't die!"

"Hahahaha." The friends finally couldn't help laughing. Sam's most exaggerated thing was that he grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground, constantly pounding the floor. The tiles on the ground were knocked into one or two holes by him.

"Enough! Give me a break!" The old man is not stupid. I have changed so much, coupled with the laughter of my friends, he also realized that I was all pretending, and then hurriedly begged for mercy for the sake of life.

"Hmm." I let go of the old man and retreated. The old man shook his body and stood firm for a long time. He held his waist and howled, "My bones."

"Deed! Dare to blackmail me?" I sat on the table and said with disdain, "Aren't you just can't bargain?"

The partners behind him also put away their smiles, and Sam waved his fists cooperatively. The old man looked at the pit on the ground and swallowed his saliva and said quickly: "You can bargain, you can bargain. 10 silver coins are enough..."

"There is no oil and water." I walked to the old man and looked at him with a small face.

The old man paused and seemed to be stuck in his mouth. After a while, he said, "A little..."

"Very good, take it." I said that I had lost ten silver coins to him. After receiving them, the old man quickly received them from the clothes, then went to his own position and took out the paper and pen. "I'll help you register now..."

"11 people." I said, and then reported their names one after another with their partners, and when the old man heard Hilmi's name, he was stunned. It is impossible for people in Linobi to know the surname of the Meda family, and he just blackmailed us and could almost make him lose his life. The Meda family is in Linobi. The province is equivalent to the local emperor.

"Miss Meda... It's all registered. What's the name of your expedition..." The old man said tremblingly.

"I'm talking to you." I'm a little funny, but this guy is quite smart. Knowing Hilmi's identity, he immediately fell down.

"Ah! I'm sorry, young master." I just teased him, but he is still afraid of me.

"What's your name?" I turned around and asked my friends, "Let's take a handsome name."

"Call... Dwarf Expedition!" Sam said, but he was directly blocked. Because we are not dwarfs!

"Call it Flame Expedition!" Nanon is really interested in flames, but it's okay.

"Why don't you call it the Spark Expedition." I said.

"I have no problem!" Nanon directly agreed...

"What do you mean?"

"Starfire means: a spark can start a prairie fire. It means that we have a small group of 'flame' that can burn out the whole 'grassland' of Biel. I smiled and said that this was the world I used to live in. What a great man surnamed Mao said did burn the whole grassland with the flame of the last revolution. "How about it?"


The first update~~ There are two more!!