Magic Sword

Chapter 110 Alvin's Message

Just as I squatted down, I suddenly heard a woman's cry from the house, which was a special kind of scream, which was different from the kind of scream that belonged to shame.

I turned my head slightly, turned my eyes to Lyle, and said with a smile, "Look, living in the monastery, that guy is obviously a believer. The temple is on the side. There is no problem with his priesthood. He is indeed a clergyman."

Lyle didn't know what to say. I continued with a smile, "And he is your Bier's clergyman."

"What do you want to do?" Lyle asked.

"Run in." I pointed my index finger at the monastery inside.

"Hey, it's not you." Lyle suddenly took a breath, "Let's put aside the identity of the fat priesthood first. It's too immoral at this time!"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not me. I'm the one who rushed in." I played with my collar and said, then grabbed the sword and stood up slightly. This posture of lying down was uncomfortable. "The people of the temple should be more powerful, and I also learned Alvin's position from his mouth."

"He is a little priest! And it's the kind bought!" Lyle stood up and said, as if he didn't want to go in. Maybe he felt immoral. Although I also felt that, who told the fat man to do things without adjusting the time, but when we were looking for him.

"It seems that you also think he bought the position." I smiled and grabbed the railing with one hand. "Congratulations on your growth."

"Do you think what will happen?" Lyle turned around and asked the other partners, "He may not know."

"It doesn't make much sense for us to discuss whether he knows or not." Ronley said calmly.

"Hee." Eric rolled up his sleeves and said, "We are here to turn the world upside down."


"Well... if it's immoral, it's immoral." Nanon waved his shoulder and then reached out to take the sword from his back.

"Let's go." I said that my arm pulled the railing hard, then climbed up and quickly turned to the opposite side.

"Nia, how did you climb up..." Hilmi looked at me opposite and said, there were sharp thorns with hooks on it, but I easily turned over.

"Hee hee, I'll open the door." I laughed, and then ran to the door. I used to do a lot of things like flipping the railings. In the place where I used to live, the railings were much thinner, with more edges and corners, and it was not easy to climb, and the spikes on it were designed to be more in place than these now. When performing the task, I climbed over that. Always be very careful with some spikes, otherwise in case they are hooked on it and the searchlight shines on you, it's over.

"Kka." Opening the door, all the friends had been standing outside for a long time, and then rushed into the monastery leading to the small gravel road. The closer they approached, the louder the sound inside. The more ecstasy they were. The friends all looked strange. Needless to say, the words of the boys, especially Lyle. A blush like a monkey's buttocks, and Eric looked forward to seeing the situation inside. Ronley coughed dryly, Nanion lowered his head, and White smiled.

"Go in?" I asked, and my friends hesitated and nodded their heads. I smiled at them and then raised my feet.

"Bum!" With a sound, I kicked hard on the thick wooden door, which was 10 centimeters thick, but under my feet, I was still kicked away and fell to the ground and made a heavy sound.

"What kind of person!" The fat man turned up with exclaim, quickly picked up his clothes to block his lower body, and saw us come up and rush up quickly, "I am..."

In the gorgeous dining room, there was a stripped woman lying on a soft leather chair, full of broken clothes, and she saw us rushing in and screaming.

"I don't need to know. Shut up." Watching the fat man come towards us, I interrupted his self-introduction and punched him in the face.

"Hm!" The fat man spit out a mouthful of blood, then covered his mouth and shouted. He quickly stepped back two steps to try to escape, but was immediately rushed up by Nanon and Ronley.

"Ah! What do you want to do?" Out of fear, the fat man quickly squatted down and shouted in a vague voice.

"Get that woman out first." I glanced at the woman on the sofa. It was expected to be the woman or the slave bought by the fat man. Just now, I saw him drive back in a hurry to enjoy the girl. Aina and Anyala rushed up and slowly took the trembling girl out of the room. When they passed Erik and them, they couldn't help looking at it a few more times. After all, they were naked...

"Well, let's use this as our stronghold for the time being." I looked around and picked up the broken clothes on the ground. "Life is really rotten. Since the clergy can do such a thing? I thought the clergy had to be abstinent for life.

"This... young master!!" Seeing that I didn't continue to hit him, the fat man immediately knelt on the ground and said with a smile, "The priesthood was bought at a high price. I'm not a monk from a monastery."

"I can see it." I took the clothes in my hand and threw them on the ground.

"Little young master!! That woman will play with you. Let me go." Seeing that nothing had changed, the fat man immediately cried and begged for mercy.

"Fuck you." I stepped forward and kicked him in the lower abdomen. "Don't think I'm the same as you."


"A few questions for you." I paused and looked at him.

"Young master, ask..."

"Alvin Charles, do you know this man?" As I said, my face was immediately a little gloomy, and the fat man in front of me stared at me and couldn't help trembling.

"I know." The fat man nodded quickly and replied.

"Where is he?" I whispered as much as possible to keep my mood calm.

"In Eastern Austria... not in Darda." Darda, of course, is here, and as for the Eastern Olympic Province, which is located in the easternmost part of Bier, almost on the border with another country, which is beyond my expectation, because in any case, the generals of Alvin and the Coltfield Empire will not be transferred from so far away to fight. .

"You're lying, that guy fought in Norman City five years ago." I leaned the sword against his neck. Well, he had so much fat that I didn't dare to get too close. Otherwise, the golden sword would not make me feel that I accidentally cut him by accident.

"Do you want to tell me that Bier's military department is so bored that he draws generals from the east to the west to fight, and then pulls back to the east to stay after the fight?"

"No, no!" Seeing this, the fat man hurriedly cried, "Five years ago... Let me think about it! It's been too long! General Alvin has indeed been guarding in the east..."

"..." I was silent for a moment, and then said coldly, "Here'll give you a minute."

"Ah!" The fat man was shocked and quickly closed his eyes and tried to recall. His forehead was full of sweat. He must have never thought that he would be so unlucky today. Well, who told you to be bumped into me on the road. The little soldier in your country also argued with me that the clergy in your country are very noble. Of course, I have to prove it. Blame that guy.

"Let me give you a hint that the Coltfield Empire was fought that year, and the Coltfield Empire was led by Ketiffen Lawrence."

"Oh! I remember it!" The fat man exclaimed, "That's it, young master! Kaidifen's Darda Province really can't deal with him. Naturally, he has to be transferred from afar!"

"It's also reasonable." I covered my head and covered my chin for a long time. I continued to ask, "What is his identity now?"


"*?" I asked doubtfully.


"What strength can he be*?" Even if my father is just a lieutenant general, there are already chicken feathers and phoenix scales in the empire, not to mention *? At least what I know from Lyle doesn't have such a big identity. The level of eighth-order knights can't be many in the empire. Is this enough?

The fat man looked at me thinking, lowered his head slightly and whispered, "Ninth-order Knight."

"What?" I turned my head with exclaim, and my friends also exclaimed. The ninth-order knights are too powerful. One step forward is the paladins like Drides, Alnokis and Carlisle!

"The one who was just promoted the year before last is expected to break through the ninth level that year..." The fat man cried, "Young master, let me go! I really don't know anything else!"

I looked back at my partner's expression and directly ignored the fat man's plea for mercy, and the sword continued to be placed in front of his neck. The partners frowned one by one. After all, the higher the level of east and west ranks of knights, the greater the gap in strength, because in the later stage, the level is basically evaluated according to fighting spirit. The role of sword skills is no longer large, and the stronger the fighting spirit is, the stronger the strength is. Our team of eighth-order knights can still barely fight together. Fight, but the ninth level is really too much beyond us!

"What should I do..." Hilmi looked at me and asked. She knew that I was eager to kill Alvin, and my friends knew it!

"Damn it, since it's so strong." Indeed, in five years, we have become stronger, but the enemy has also become stronger.

"Now is not the time to be disappointed." White squatted and said, "Nia, no matter how strong the enemy is, you have to gnaw it off, otherwise you will either give up your family or be designed to die in the future."

"I know..." I have a gloomy face. The news is too bad. I don't have much time. If I don't find out the person who designed to kill my father in time, I will either give up my status as a nobleman and hide in the countryside, or go to the imperial capital. Only by participating in the coming-of-age ceremony and being can I be can The identity of the only heir of the family continues the family!