Magic Sword

Chapter 116 Orc Tribe

"What kind of person!" I suddenly turned around, and a dark shadow stood in the trees, shaking twice, with a gloomy laugh. The light was too dark. I couldn't see his appearance clearly, but his body looked similar to Lyle, but much stronger than him.

Wait! I suddenly realized that what he was just talking about is us humans! Then he... I threw my doubtful eyes into the bush again. It was indeed the shadow of a person, but a little taller... What would it be...

"Nias, those wind wolves don't move." Hilmi whispered against me. I turned my head and looked. Indeed, every wind wolf sat on the ground with a clever look, but I didn't want to touch their heads with their ferocious expressions.

"Haha." The other party smiled and finally moved. The bushes were peeled off by his hand and came out of the small bushes, and the man also entered the area of sunlight, his eyes narrowed slightly, and we all stared! In other races!

"What is this? Orcs!" Sam jumped up and said.

"Oh? Since there are dwarfs." The other party looked at Sam in surprise, which formed a very cute height difference, because Sam was only one meter high. Compared with the three-meter-high half-high orcs, the gap was still not small... Although Bier'er's aliens aliens and civilians got along well, the dwarfs were basically not in Biel, and Bier's terrain was more For flat land and mountains, the terrain here is relatively small, so dwarves do not like to live in Biel.

"Humans, you leave all the food behind and let you go." The orc raised his chest and said to us that I hadn't seen an orc, and his whole body was furry.

"Food?" I was stunned, and then understood the reason, "So that's it. Are you here to contain the imperial business road for food?"

The reason why they contain the business road is to * human food, because the current season is about to enter winter! And what does winter mean? In the season when there is no harvest, they don't have enough food for a long time!

"That's right, human! Hand over the food quickly, or I will order them to attack you!" The orc shouted sharply and pointed at us. He still had sharp claws on his fingers and barbed thorns on his claws, which felt very aggressive.

"How many of you want to eat?" I leaned over and asked curiously.

The orcs grabbed their heads and thought for a while and said, "Well... There are more than 100 people in our tribe! There are still more than a dozen livestock, and we have nothing to eat!"

Do livestock also need to eat? You don't have enough to eat yourself." I asked in surprise and looked at my friends around me. Their faces were full of nervousness. After all, it was not easy to be surrounded by more than a dozen wind wolves.

"Of course!" The orc shouted harshly, "We orcs treat livestock like our partners!"

"Well, that's it, orc man." I grinned and said, "Do you think it's okay? You leave the business road and make sure that you don't come out to block the business road before winter. How about we send a large amount of food for you to spend the winter before winter?"

"Awe! Really?" The orc's eyes immediately showed excitement, as if their IQ was not high.

"Of course!"

"But the leader said that human beings can't believe it..." The orc hesitated and looked at us with vigilance. Since there is another leader, it's not easy to do. Originally, I wanted to cheat this goods back, but when winter comes... Who will send any food? Whoever loves to go will go! This is my original plan, because the orc seems to be easy to cheat, but since there is another leader, generally speaking, a person with such a status as the leader must be an old man. The leader is expected to be an old and cunning person, and he will never believe us.

"Well, orc brother, how about taking us to your leader? We will help you convince him that it is enough for the whole village to use a winter grain!"

"Um..." The orc touched his forehead and said with a stunned expression, "Okay."

"Nia, do you really want to send it? That leader is not good." Hilmi asked me doubtfully. I looked at my friends and almost looked confused. Only White laughed again. Well, that guy should also understand why I did this.

"Think about it, how much food do we need to buy enough food for them?"

"Well... two or three hundred gold coins, what does it matter?"

"So what is the reward for our task?"

"Ai, 2000!" Hilmi patted his head and understood the reason.

"Do you have any connection?" Eric looked around at us with an expression of "so it turned out" and asked with a puzzled face, well, this guy lacked roots in his head.

"No, there is no connection..."


In this way, the orc believed us directly, and then led us to the orc tribe deep in the forest. I shook my head slightly. The leader expected that his IQ was not high and let such a low IQ guy come to hunt and rob. This guy believed my words so easily. If he let the hearty guy Entering the location of the orc tribe, it is expected to make a lot of money. The alien residence is the favorite place for bounty hunters to know, and it is business! Naked/naked gold coins!

We chatted all the way, and I also knew that the orc's name was Renault.

"Soon we came to the orc tribe. In a deep position in the forest, a huge tribe was located in it, but that place was cut down by the orcs, and then a place was freed up to live. After all, it is normal to live as a world far away from human beings. Human beings have been the most evil since ancient times. In contrast, the evil race, the most greedy race, is much more pure and simple, so they are vulnerable to human aggression.

There is no guard at the door. The simple wooden fence encloses the whole tribe and is surrounded by tall wood. In contrast, the fence of the dwarfs seems to be able to cross it with one foot, for these orcs.

"I'll go and tell them." Renault said to me, and then pointed to a high platform not far away. It was a watchtower. Two orcs were sitting on it. One was greeting Renault beside me, and the other was taking a nap and didn't notice our side.

"Hmm." I answered, and Renault ran over.

"Nia, do you really want to send them that food?" Seeing Renault running over, Eric asked me.

I explained to Eric: "Well, we don't lose this. It's not easy to fight with them, and you just heard that they are from a tribe. We knocked down a Renault, and a pair of people who can replace him can stand up, so that our task can't be completed."

"Brother Nia, will they promise us?" Larry also asked me, frowning slightly.

"I don't know. Try to talk about it. People who can be leaders are not easy to deal with. They are very smart. Unless it is a tough means, they will feel that you are easy to bully and use their identity to suppress you." I went to Larryville and pressed her head and said, "But now we are begging others to get out of the way. Don't be too tough. Just force the leader a little."

"force?" Ina asked, "What's the matter?"

"Look at me." I grinned and said.

And Renault's guy also came back, scratching his head and laughing awkwardly.

Seeing that there seemed to be something wrong with his expression, I came up and asked, "How about it?"

"They won't let you in... say you are human beings." After a pause, Renault said, "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. It's normal to reject us." I stepped forward and patted him on the broad shoulder and said, saying that he was very tall. I almost patted him with my hand up, "Didn't you also reject us before? Well, trust is slowly built."

I said this sentence very cleverly, as if he doesn't reject us now, and this is also a psychological hint to give him that he feels that he has a good relationship with him, which is still good for a guy who doesn't use his head.

"Otherwise, Nia, I'll talk about it again."

"Don't bother, or you can see if you can call them out, take a picture of a representative or something, negotiate with us, or see if you can let your leader come out."

"I'll try it!" Renault jumped up and immediately ran back. This time, without letting me down, Renault came out with several guys who were also orcs. The one in the middle seemed to be a leader, because his figure was much stronger than other orcs, and his body was injured. Scars, mottled hair and wrinkled skin also make me understand that he is relatively old.

"Nia!" Renault said hello to me, and then helped the old orc in the middle and introduced to me, "This is our leader, Miles."

"Lead, this is Nia! He promised to give us food!" Renault introduced to Miles with an excited face.

"Reno, in this case, you should give priority to introducing outsiders first, no big or small." The old orc called Miles looked at us with a gloomy face and said to Renault, and his few words let me know that he was a difficult old man!

"Hello, leader Miles." I saluted Miles.

"Human beings don't have to put on too much tedious etiquette, which doesn't mean to us vulgar guys." Miles said calmly, and his voice was deliberately lowered to reflect his high identity. "Humans, why do you want to help us? This is too abnormal. Human beings will not do things that are meaningless to them, or you deliberately pretend to negotiate to deceive us. In fact, you want to know the location of our tribe. Later sold to bounty hunters? In this case, we must keep you!"