Magic Sword

Chapter 120 Absurd Feeling

Larevi's hearing is still very good. Since she can even hear the footsteps clearly, an army appears, and even if she doesn't see it, she can almost accurately judge the number of people.

"Has it appeared?" Listening to a few loud noises and the trembling of the earth, we couldn't help but get nervous. Those sounds hit our physical and mental feelings directly, as if a big hammer beating our hearts. The sound was simply shocking and looked at each other with my partners. I couldn't help but find the fears in their hearts. Breathe in.

"It can't be wrong. Such heavy footsteps can't be wrong with giants." Lyle was a little frightened, "Sure enough, it's still too forced Nia! The words of the giant..."

"Don't worry, there is no doubt that we have the strength to deal with them. Although the giants are huge, their movements are very slow. Our average strength is above the fifth-order knights, as well as temple knights like White." The sixth level can already reach the top of the world. Although I also have the fifth level, such strength can still be piled up on the mainland. When it comes to the sixth level, the number will decline sharply. There are fewer knights above the sixth level on the mainland. Knights, every time they rise to a class, it is difficult. There will be a lot, and there are only a handful of people who can succeed. You know, there are few knights in the whole temple knights who can reach the sixth level. White is one, and he is already the head of the third knights, and there are only one regiment and two regiments up. If the deputy head is included, there are only four knights in the whole temple. People's strength is above White.

And as for the Knights Association of the Whole Continent, it will naturally be much better than the Knights Templar. The Knights Association of the Continent is the authority of knights! Just as the Continental Association of Magicians symbolizes magicians, the knights there will be stronger than the Knights Templar, but since the two forces are hostile, how much better can they be? Even if it can be ten times better, there are only 40 or 40 people. There are a lot of people, but on the whole continent, it's just a cent, or he can be more, but where can he go? A hundred times? The Knights of the Temple have long ceased to exist.

"Don't forget that you, the magician, are still here." White glanced at her and didn't need to hold the wooden stick around his waist. He didn't feel any progress at all. This matter seemed to be easy, and at his sixth level, the blade of fighting gas could directly cut off the giant's limbs with all his strength!

And Anyara, don't forget that she is a magician, a magician, which is the existence of chicken feathers and phoenix scales on the continent. Is it difficult to find a guy with magic fluctuations in his body, or to find a person who can hold a sword? Naturally, it is the former. As long as your hands can move, the latter is suitable for you.

And the magician's combat effectiveness is very strong. The lethality of magic can almost replace the cannon of my previous world. A high-level magic can basically make more than a dozen people disappear in this world in an instant! That's what I've seen with my own eyes, and there are also some class distribution among magicians. I heard Talilu say that people who have just learned magic are called magic apprentices, and at this level, some powerful people can already attack through imperfect magic. At night, they are junior magicians, intermediate magicians, and advanced demons. The mage, and then the strength of my mother, the great magician, is the magic mentor and the great magic mentor, which are divided into these levels. The great magic mentor, Chira said that there are only two people on the mainland, Martin Cleo, the bishop of the temple, and Havid Keaps, president of the Magicians Association. There are still Dharma gods, but there is no such person in this era...

Senior magician, I have a little research on magicians. If senior magicians have to compare with knights, it is equivalent to knights from the sixth to seventh levels!

"Be ready! That giant is coming!" I said to everyone that everyone nodded and tried to hide their bodies in the trees. It was still difficult for huge giants to find us in the grass.

The loud sound of "Dongdong..." kept squeezing into my forehead, and the vibration of the ground became more and more obvious. I could feel that they were very close to us, and at this time, one leg suddenly landed from the sky to the ground!

Yes, that's right! Just one leg!

A dusty sole fell heavily to the ground, and before he stopped, two feet appeared in front of us!

is the Gu Andong family! Is there a family of three?

I quietly poked my head out of the jungle on the side and looked up at us, a huge humanoid creature! What surprises me is that they seem to have a clear mind! Wearing neat clothes and covering a mace in his hand, he said that it was a mace. In fact, the trunk, leaves and side branches have been cleaned up by the giant, and if you look carefully, there is another giant who is only slightly shorter. These two giants are women! And I didn't see the last giant here, that is to say, the father of the Gu Anton family didn't come?

I was stunned and didn't expect that since their children are women, and in addition to being bigger, the giant is actually quite beautiful, and the relatively flat breasts in terms of ratio also look very big!

"One is missing?" I turned around and asked, and Larivi shook his head, saying that she didn't hear other sounds mixed with the footsteps of the two giants, not near here.

"Be careful." I said to the conference.

"Nia!" And at this time, Lyle suddenly said to me nervously.

"Wen up!" I lowered my voice and patted his head and said angrily, "We are not good to be found by these two big guys!"

"It hurts..." Lyle held his forehead, paused and said, "Nia, that..."

"What's wrong?" I asked doubtfully and found that Lyle was a little blushing.

"I... have feelings for that girl..." Lyle whispered with his head down.

"Oh...h, which one?" I asked in a stunned way.

"That..." Lyle raised his hand and stretched out his forefinger and pointed to the giant in front of us, the female giant girl.

" that giant?" I asked Doyle, nodded and paused...

"What!" I exclaimed, "You're kidding!"

"I didn't! I'm serious! I think I fell in love with her at first sight!" Lyle raised his head and said firmly. Normally, it's a good thing to have a girl you like and someone you fall in love with at first sight, even if it's a noble lady, even a sister or sister!

But...that tm is a giant!

"Lyle, you're right! That's a giant!" Larry jumped up and patted him on the head and said.

"I've heard of the forbidden relationship between brother and sister, and brother. As for... giant... this is a cross-racial relationship!" I patted my forehead and said, "Lyle, first of all, let's not talk about her attitude. Let's talk further, even if... you catch up with this giant woman... How will you satisfy her in the future!"

"Well... I don't think so much... I like her!"

"I like your sister!" I said angrily, this is troublesome. What do you like? I just like such a monster... Giant! As a man, a human man, there is absolutely no one in the world who can synthesize a descendant with her!

"Why don't I talk to you first?" Lyle asked us in a stunned way, with a feeling of eagerness to try. I want to say that you will be slapped to death, even if you let other girls and their mother is still standing on the side! However, I don't think it should hit the kind of bravery that this guy treats his feelings.

"You will be shot to death!" Larry said...

"What should I do..."

"Lyle, our original mission was to kill these three giants, and we also need the bones of the giants. Anyway, between them, we must kill one person, and the three giants are family members, so no matter who dies, it is still the same for that girl, she will hate us and you. Of."

" there nothing you can do to help me?" Lyle said with her head in her arms.

"Give up! We are all thinking about her acceptance of your situation, but think about it, will the girl accept your ridiculous request? This is equivalent to when you are walking on the road, suddenly an ant blocked your way and said, "Go out with me."

That's almost the case. Will you accept the ant's request? Obviously not! Maybe I will be trampled to death!

"Give up, Lyle! We came here to kill these giants!" I shouted sharply, "We are destined to stand against these giants."

"But..." Lyle lowered his head, "Can't you give up this task for me a little?"

"This is the material that Anyala needs, and there is a reward of 2,000 yuan. Which side do you think is suitable for me, a person who hates Bier than your ridiculous feelings and partners who helps me? And they will kill you! I won't promise to go there!"

"..." Lyle was silent and he had nothing to say.

"Lyle, if you insist on liking that giant girl, the only way at present is for us to kill her parents and hijack her first. You are about to deal with the mess first, so that she will definitely hate you, and then your future feelings will depend on your cultivation." I whispered in his ear.

" can you say that! I really like her!" Lyle stood up and said, with a reluctant gesture on his face.

"According to our current situation, Lyle." I closed my eyes and sighed and said, "If we don't do this, we have no choice but to kill her. You really like her. This is the only way to keep her from us."