Magic Sword

Chapter 129 Loyalty

"What did I think it could be?" I skimmed him and said, "In a word, you can only be a soldier in Biel. In the future, I will give you a suitable position in my country."

"You hate the Bier people, including me, I know." Lyle frowned and said, "You may kill me when you complete the goal."

"What you need to know is that now I need an ally of the giant clan, and I'm glad that you have a new value. You are the lover of Gu Anton's daughter, so from now on, your value will give you a certain position by my side again. I need the giant clan, obviously, and you can just To give me this help."

"So you will keep me?" Lyle turned his head and asked, looking a little happy. Although Lyle is a Bier and I don't like him, we are indeed partners. Naturally, I don't have much idea of killing him. Although sometimes I will scare him, it is true that from the bottom of my heart, I still regard him as a partner and really want to kill him. I can't do it at present.

"It depends on your value." I casually said, and then came to the three giants. Gu Andong said that they were mine, so he didn't take them away, except that day Jeff and they captured them. Now I'm going to ask my prisoners. Although these three giants are thin and not strong enough, their giants are much stronger than ordinary soldiers. If I can get their help, it will be another help for me, and what I need now is to make them obey me.

"Do you know what you are now? Kelding's soldiers. I walked to the three of them and pretended to be aristocratic and said, although I was originally aristocratic, but combined with my previous life, I didn't like that kind of aristocratic way. It was too troublesome. I prefer a more direct and vicious way, coupled with five years of adventurous life, which made me more arrogant.

"Captive? Slave? It's almost the same." Two more honest-looking giants stood decadently and dared not say a word, and the other more unruly guy replied to me.

"The impolite guy, how did you talk in the barracks? Now I'm your head, and I want to call you officer." I said coldly that I must have a tough attitude towards them in order to better control them in the future.

"sor." He smiled and added two words.

"Don't you know your identity? I'm an aristocrat, not an officer. I gave him a white look again, "Call me adult."

"Big...Your Excellency." He said in a stunned way.

"I'm not an adult yet. I want to call the young master." I continued to stare at him coldly.

"Young master."

"But I like people to call me prince or something." The corners of his mouth said slightly.

"Puff--" Larryvi stood behind me and accidentally smiled, and the other partners also smiled, including the two companions around the giant, who covered their mouths and smiled. The giant blushed and stared at me, as if he found that he had been fooled by me.

I continued to find fault: "Why, look at me like this and want to do it, right?"

"My son, I dare not."

"It's too embarrassing. You sweat like this. This kind of title should be called by a woman or a young master." I stretched out my hand and pulled out my ear and said.

"Young master!" The giant clenched his fists, and I think he will explode again.

"Well, it's okay. The tone can be softer. It's too hard." I squinted and put my index finger and thumb in front of my eyes and said, "You can proudly say to your mother that you have learned etiquette."

"Young master, I don't have a mother!"



"Poor guy, what's your name?"

"Sea cucumber."

"You made me think of something that is not very delicious. Well, let's not gossip about sea cucumbers. My purpose now is very simple. Just now, I had a good conversation with your target, Lord Gu Andong. You just stood aside and listened. You should also know what I'm going to do.

"Hmm." The three giants quickly nodded on the head.

"Very good, so what's your intention? I just need guys who are useful to me. If it's not useful, you can go. I spread out my hands and said, "If you stay, you have to swear allegiance to me."

"Can you go? Really?" The sea cucumber smiled and said, and then looked at the partners on both sides with a happy face.

"Yes, just leave a leg bone."

"Ah!" The expressions of the three giants froze in an instant, and the sea cucumbers showed a little displeasure, but this is what I want.

"Yes, one leg bone."

"How to leave the leg bones." The giant on the left side of the sea cucumber asked timidly.

"Saw down the feet, and the leg bones are naturally left behind. Our knives and swords are to fight. I don't want to use them to cut your thighs and blunt our swords, so we will use silk threads as saws. Don't worry, we can't cut it. We'll add a little fighting spirit. I said in a threatening tone, sawing with wire, which is different from cutting. Cutting, almost cutting, the leg fell to the ground in an instant, and sawing with silk thread is definitely more painful than sawing. There is no sharpness at all. Just use a thin line to pull back and forth on your leg, and it is still a giant. The area of meat on his legs is much larger.

"What's the difference between that and killing us!" The sea cucumber stared at me angrily and said, I think the effect I want should be achieved.

"Pay attention to your attitude. You are now my slave and my prisoner." My eyes were slightly cold, and I looked up and said.

"FUCK THE SLAVE!" The sea cucumber curled his head and spit, and then raised his huge fist and hit me.

"Dong!!" With a loud noise, the huge fist of the sea cucumber stopped in front of me, and a fist was blocked outside. Looking carefully, the fist of the sea cucumber and a slightly blue transparent light curtain, magic barrier! That was done by Anyala.

"What!" The sea cucumber exclaimed and withdrew my fist. I smiled and made a gesture to Anyala. She closed the barrier in an instant. Then I stepped out of my right foot, then slipped out, jumped hard, came to the sea cucumber, quickly released a fighting spirit wrapped around my fist, and then punched his lower abdomen. Out.

"Puff!" The sea cucumber spit out a mouthful of blood and arched its body, but I was still increasing the strength of my fists, so that the sea cucumber's huge body was brought up. Then I changed the direction of my fist and pressed it to the ground.

"Boom!" The huge body of the sea cucumber fell heavily on the ground and made a loud noise, spitting out another mouthful of blood.

"Hmm." I snorted coldly, then withdrew my fist and stood up. It's not difficult for me to knock down a giant now. He is not strong or heavy, but he is just a magnified thin man.

"Who else wants to try my skills?" I looked coldly at the other two giants. They looked at each other and were shocked. They quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

One said, "It has nothing to do with us! We don't have the idea of hitting the young master.

The other one said, "Yes, young master! It's all him! We don't know him!"

"Ha ha, you have learned to be polite." Looking at them with a young master, I couldn't help laughing. The two of them quickly laughed together and then kowtowed.

"If you kowtow, you should hit your head on the ground with a sound." I casually said, and the two of them looked at each other again, as if they had to look at each other for everything, and then did it immediately. "Forget it, get up. It's annoying to make a sound."

"This is your friends." I walked to the sea cucumber, put my hands behind my back with a mysterious smile, and whispered, "You are worthless to them."

"Swear allegiance to me." I snorted, and then walked to an open space in front of the three of them and said, "Otherwise, leave your legs."

"Ah! Yes, yes!" The two giants quickly said, and the sea cucumber also got up angrily, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and knelt down on one knee and said, "From now on, my sea cucumber will always be loyal to Nia Lawrence and be loyal to Nia Lawrence, and will not steal, hurt or betray! In the name of the god of nature!"

"From then on, I, Cassie (Doll) swear that I will always be loyal to Nia Lawrence, and will not steal, hurt or betray!" After saying that, the other two people also swore the same oath, "In the name of the god of nature!"

"Okay, it's good. I will make a vow."

"Everyone will say the oath to God." The sea cucumber turned its head and said.

"Very good, I'm still thinking about what to do if you guys can't even make vows." I laughed, but I couldn't help but lose my mind when I heard that the god of nature just now. This is said to be a gentle god that most alien gods believe in. I used to hear it from Talley, but now I haven't heard this god for a long time.

Humans and aliens do not use it. Almost all human beings believe in the god of light. Five years ago, I used Mo Qingyu to burst out golden light and became a miracle by those believers. The god of light and the strong light of nature will be regarded as the arrival of the true god. However, the god of light, which human beings believe in, seems to have a much bigger face than the god of nature, or should be said to be the nobles in the gods.

And I have no objection to the statement of aristocracy, because Kira once told me what the so-called gods are like. They are not true gods. They used to fight and farm like human beings. They are just another species, and they will be feared in the name of God.

"You have just swore, so I hope you don't betray me, otherwise..." I said viciously, but was interrupted by the sea cucumber.

"Young master, you can rest assured that if we betray you, we will be punished by the god of nature. We will not eat delicious food, smell the freshness of the air, and see the beauty of the world all our lives."

"It seems to be a powerful god, but I don't believe this. There is no such powerful god in the world."

"No, don't slander the god of nature!"

"Have you forgotten your identity and vows?" I stared at the sea cucumber before I lowered my head unconvinced.