Magic Sword

Chapter 133 Candy Beast in the Alps

" a mountain again." Larryway gasped and said lazily, "I hate mountains the most..."

"Why are Bier's mountains so cold?" I stopped and turned to look back. Larry is slowly climbing at the end of the team. Nanon, who is the closest to her, has just come to me. We are climbing the mountain, and Larry, obviously fell out.

"Ah - I won't go!" Larry looked up at us, then breathed his mouth, stamped his foot, turned around, and sat down.

Elik: "Stop..."

Namien: "Well, stop."

Ronley: "Well, didn't we stop too?"

White: "We are waiting for her."

Sam: "She...who is she?"

Lyle: "Who...who is Larry."

White: "Vi...maintenance."

Me: "Nurse...nurse..."

Elek: "Shi...Shi...Shi! Soldier!"

Namien: ""

Elik looked at Nanon, sighed, and then replied to the initial expression: "Stop..."

Namien: "Well, stop."


In September, the weather has begun to become cold, and in the mountains, the climate is obviously colder than the sun. The Alps, located in the north of the Bier Empire, is also the coldest place in the Bier Empire, and the snow-covered scene can be seen at the top of the mountain.

In the morning, a team of us went up the mountain. It was convenient for three giants to follow us. When we encountered difficult peaks and cliffs, we let the giant brothers carry us up. I have to say that the three giants who swore their allegiance were quite obedient and would not find an opportunity to escape. They followed us all the time and did their best.

At this speed, it took us almost a day to get to the halfway uphill, and our feet can also step on the snow. It feels very strange. Whether in the previous world or the current world, I have never touched the real snow again, and when I came here, the excitement was completely unstoppable. After the snowflake touches the temperature of the skin, it feels no different from the rain, but it is colder and more refreshing.

"I've been thinking, what will it be to the north?" I stared at the snow under my feet. It was white, but it was not as soft as I thought. It felt like loose ice. If I kneaded it into a snowball, it felt the same as ice in my hand.

"What can we do to the north, permafrost snow." Nanon replied that there has always been a saying that in the north of the continent is a permafrost snow where no one can live, where the low temperature and snow creatures cannot survive.

"I'm not talking about permafrost snow, but permafrost snow to the north."

"Fight further north? Permafrost snow is permafrost snow. It is an endless snow garden!" Eric said in surprise, "Nia, what's wrong with you? How can you have a strange idea?"

"No, it's nothing." I whispered that my friends can't accept this concept. If I say that the earth is round, they will definitely think that my brain is broken.

Hilmi walked slowly to me and asked, "Nia? Why do you think so?"

"I'm just curious. I think as long as I walk through the permafrost snow, I may be able to see a new world." I said with joy, I'm sure it can't end like this and go north, because I know that the world, the continent where I stand, is a sphere, and since there is a sea area in the south, there must be a sea area to the north. I think there may be another continent on the back of the continent, in the south. Tosma is just an island like an island country. The whole world should be more than a continent. To the north, you can definitely see a new sky to the north!

"Through the permafrost snow!" Hilmi exclaimed, "This is too crazy, frozen snow. Not to mention that there is nothing on the other side, but there is really a new world. We can't go through it. It's too cold!"

"Don't you deny my point of view?" I was slightly stunned. In addition to surprise in what Hilmi just said, there was no doubt at all.

"Question?" Hilmi looked at me in a daze and laughed, "I'm your fiancee. As a wife, I naturally believe in my husband unconditionally."

"I also believe in Brother Nia!" Larryvi jumped up and said, and now she has become very active again. When she was at the foot of the mountain in the morning, she climbed to a small broken peak, and then she was still alive. Finally, my giant was captured and the sea cucumber brought her up.

"Thank you." I touched her head with a smile.


"What's going on!?" I shook my head fiercely. Since the smoke and dust rose in an instant, it was full of snow and fog. It should be caused by a sudden explosion!

"So big momentum... There is only one creature on this mountain!" White's head was dull and pulled out a wooden stick from his waist. He was more cautious. "Be careful, it's a candy beast!"

"What a fierce feeling... I thought the name would be something more gentle." I sweated coldly on my forehead, and then gently touched the ring and took out the golden sword.

"Boom!" Another puff of smoke and dust burst.

"He destroyed the monsters of seven towns in one night!" Lyle swallowed his saliva and held the sword tightly, "Look! The direction of smoke and dust! He is coming towards us!"

"All ready to fight!" I shouted to everyone and asked them to take out their weapons. Good boy, that guy is much more dangerous than I thought!

"Roar!" The voice, I heard the roar of the candy beast for the first time, was very horrible. I don't know who gave him such a funny name.

"Roar!" It's getting closer, it's slowly approaching us! In addition to the smoke and dust, I can slightly see a dark shadow in the snow rushing towards us!

"Stabilize! Hold on!" I suddenly turned around and put my hand on Ayalabi to let her wait first. As a magician, it is a medium-range attack profession. To choose the most effective blow and not too close, we must choose a good time! The candy beast is less than 100 meters away from us.

"Stabilize..." It's approaching. In the earth-shocking sound, it's slowly approaching, and there are still 90 meters!

"Stabilize..." There are still 80 meters left!

"Don't worry..." 70 meters!

"Be careful..." 60 meters!

"Stabilize... Stead..." There are 59 meters, 58 meters, 57 meters... 52 meters, 51 meters, 50 meters! Right now! I waved my arm violently, "Let go!"

"Wo!" With my order, Anyala did not hesitate to throw a big fireball! The huge fireball suddenly passed through the white snow dust and fell on the dark shadow in the distance!

"Boom!" A loud noise! The fire was shining, and the heavy snow blew up a big hole! The splashed snowdrift made a big hole around it! The temperature of the flame slightly melted the pit!

"Where's the candy beast!?" Ronley looked up and asked nervously.

"Faled into the pit!" Sam waved his axe and said, and then his little foot moved a few steps slightly, "The fireball blew up his foothold!"

"Pay attention!" I said, and then clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and walked slowly towards the pit step by step.

Anyala's fireball magic seems to be less effective in the heavy snow. After all, it is such a cold place. It is a creature that prays for more warmth. It is burned. If it rolls in the snow and freezes the wound, where will it hurt? However, it is very useful to deal with these heavy snow, and it is easy to know an ice spring on the ground. It was still warm at that time, but now it's cold.

"Wow, Anyala's fireball can make us get a hot spring here! As long as you keep heating, you won't be afraid of cold!" Eric grinned slightly.

"Believe me, you will not fall in love with hot springs in such an icy place, because the moment you leave the water, the drop will definitely make you want to die." I whispered, looked around warily, and never saw the candy beast, "Where on earth did you hide?"

"It seems that he must have run away." Eric waved his hand and put down the shield and said with the blade.

"How can it be that you dare not fight with us with such a powerful thing?" Nanon still holds the huge sword, which is constantly emitting hot air and mixed with the fire crystal sword. As long as you enter the fighting spirit, it will attach the fire attribute, which is also very useful in this place. A little closer to his fighting spirit can also be warmed by the way!

"I was scared away by Anyala's fireball. That's a blow from a senior magician." Erik didn't know what he was proud of and said with a smile, "Moreover, the Warcraft on the mountain, the first time I saw the fire, I was scared to death."

"I hope so." I looked around, but there was indeed no candy beast. I didn't look for it for a long time. It seemed that it was gone. I also slowly put down my sword, but I still paid great attention to my surroundings with great vigilance.

"Where's the candy beast?" Larry poked his head out from behind me, and then I felt my shoulder heavy, and she grabbed my shoulder and climbed up, "Where have you been?"

"I don't know, let's run away."

"Ah! But didn't Brother Nia say that there was candy? Larry looked at me in a daze, as if he had been cheated, "Is there no candy when the candy beast ran away!"

" that right..." I glanced at him and didn't know why I passively carried her on my back.

"Ah!" Larivi exclaimed, and then put on a tearful look, "But... but Brother Nia promised to give Larivi candy..."

"How did it become that I gave it to you... I mean, I have it on the candy beast!" I said, but she pulled it into my neck and looked unwilling. Well, my obsession with candy may have been the same when I was a child. At that time, I bought Talilu to let her buy candy for me...

"Okay, I'm convinced." I gave her a white look and took out a few candies from the space ring, "That's all! Save some food!"

"Oh! Brother Nia is the best!" Larry said happily, and then never jumped down on his back, reached out to grab a few candies in my hand, smiled, and smiled strangely. He was not very excited. Generally, he should be very happy to see the candy. He did smile like a second, but immediately turned into a smile.

But it seems that Larry didn't like candy before... Just as I thought so, a huge eye suddenly opened in the snow not far away!