Magic Sword

Chapter 137 Borrow again

I looked at the residual energy fluctuations in the sky and couldn't help but feel a pain. I tried my best to hit it. Since it was so easy to follow?

"Can that guy do magic!?" That's the blow I released after draining my whole body of fighting spirit!

The candy beast looked at me, and then roared. Obviously, in the face of this big warcraft, even if we were constantly in a dilemma, and the candy beast that bit Cassie to death was slightly inferior to it! At the same time, he also stared at me vigilantly and roared demonstratively, "Roar--"

"What are you looking at! Big hamster! If you can't kill him, we will all die!" I gasped, and it was uncomfortable that the fighting gas in my body was drained! And most of my muscles now exude severe pain.

Nia! Is it okay!? Hilmi quickly held me and asked anxiously.

"Hilmi..." I squeezed out a smile, but I don't know what it looks like. I can't feel too much now. My face is numb. I don't know if my expression is in place, but Hilmi's expression is not good, with tears in his eyes, and his white red face is close at hand. "Idiot ...If you don't hide in the team, why do you come here..."

"Are you a fool? He rushed to this position by himself and forced his whole body to cast a chopping attack! And it hasn't been cut yet!"

"It's not that I want to cut... Who knows that guy can attract thunder and lightning..." I curled my lips.

"Even if there is no thunder and lightning, with your strength, you can't even cause serious injury to that big guy!" Hilmi said unhappily, and then his arms tightened slightly and held my head in his arms. "Nia... Don't be so capricious. We are all partners. None of us will feel good after Cassie's death. If we want revenge, everyone should come together!" Even if you can't stand it, everyone will help you share your feelings!"

"Sorry, I worried you..." I slowly closed my eyes, held my arms, and my head gently pressed against my forehead. Tears slowly dripped on my face. I felt uncomfortable, and my heart was absolutely uncomfortable... I think not only Hilmy, but everyone should be very worried, but I always Do something capricious... But what I can't tolerate will not change, and I won't allow anyone to hurt my friends! Otherwise, it will be reported!

"Dong..." Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and I immediately separated from Hilmi. After all, I am in danger at any time now. Otherwise, I would have wanted to continue to enjoy this kind of peace.

The candy beast has once again been in trouble with Chombra's Great Warcraft, and as I expected, the Candy Beast is slightly inferior to Chombra's Great Warcraft. At the beginning of the fight, they are on par with each other. The Candy Beast keeps biting Chombra's Great Warcraft. His bite strength is relatively poor, and then the huge palm has been patting fiercely. Chombra Warcraft, and Chombracraft didn't seem to care about the attack, with a laughing smile on his face, and then roared in a low voice.

"Dong!" With a loud noise, the candy beast was inadvertently swept to the ground by the iron tail of the Great Warcraft, and the huge body fell to the ground, and the whole mountain shook!

"I hate the roar of those guys..." I said to Hilmi, raised my head, and then quickly got up, "No, the candy beast will lose!" You can't let him lose. If he loses to Chombra Warcraft, the next target of Chombra Warcraft is us!"

"What are you going to do? Let's escape later while the big guy is busy fighting! You are all like this! How are you going to fight!?" Indeed, I have used all my body's fighting spirit, and even if I still have fighting spirit in my body now, I can't release it! However, I still have a way!

"Mo Qingyu?" I asked her in the spiritual world.

"What?" Mo Qingyu asked doubtfully.

"How long will it take to use your power?"

"It's still about 10 minutes." That can only be used once an hour, which is very painful. I don't know why there is such a setting similar to the cooling time of the skills in the game, but I asked Mo Qingyu why it can only be used once an hour, and she answered that I was cooling... The reason is that this sudden explosive improvement of strength, I The body can't stand it. An hour is just the time that my body can bear again. And this does not mean that it can't be used again in an hour!

"It's too late, just start!" I clenched her and said.

Nia! No, your physical condition has been made like this! If you use it again, it will collapse!" Mo Qingyu shouted at me harshly. Although I couldn't see her, her expression must be very angry now.

I still remember that there was a mission to assassinate a group of drug lords, which was no different from usual. I was carrying out, while Mo Qingyu hid in a car parked nearby, holding a computer, and giving me instructions through my headphones.

And the picture at that time is also vivid...

"Xiao Zheng! We can't go any further!" I nervously jumped over a grass pit with a sniper and rushed forward desperately. Mo Qingyu almost shouted in my headphones! However, I didn't mean to stop at all. I rushed to a small boat in front of me with the bulky sniper gun, and the drug lords were all on the boat.

And we ignored that the hiding place was blocked by a sign. The thickness of my sniper gun could not be shot through, which just blocked several of them. Once I fired, I shot one or two of them, and the others would be run away by them before I didn't have time to solve them, and I didn't have time to wait for them to leave the sign. Because the ship is about to leave! Don't solve them quickly!

So I made up my mind to rush up, but at that time, the gun assigned to me was a sniper gun with only 8 bullets. This is the urine of our boss, and the money for a few bullets also need to be saved. It is said that one head and one bullet, 4 main criminals, 4 thre, a total of 8 bullets.

At close range, it is difficult for a sniper rifle to shoot, and the enemy will also find me and attack me.

"Qin Xiaozheng! I order you to stop!" I have heard from her voice that she is going to explode.

"Qin Xiaozheng!" She continued to roar, but I still didn't care and kept rushing forward.

"Someone!" And by this time, the people on the boat had found me! Several foreigners in black and sunglasses shot at me with pistols. I quickly raised my sniper. Before I had time to look at the scope, I shot directly with my feelings.

"Bum!" There was a thunderous sound, and I could hear echoes even at the empty dock, and then a man on the boat's shirt turned red and fell off the boat.

"Bum!" Another shot! The other one also fell into the sea, and then I fired two shots in a row. One of them was still shot in a cool posture before falling down. Four thres were killed by me.

"Qin Xiaozheng! Go back quickly! Otherwise, I will break up with you!" Mo Qingyu threatened me anxiously, which made me hesitate for a moment, but when I saw the drug lords, they were in a hurry to set sail. The other three quickly attacked me. One of the two pistols, one of them raised a machine gun.

"Bum bang!" One fired several shots at me, and then I turned over and hid behind the unloading box on the side, and then put on a posture and pulled my index finger "bang!!"

"Main criminal: Ashley's death... Qin Xiaozheng, come back quickly! Didn't you hear what I said!"


"The main criminal: Nuran died! Shit! Come back for me!"


"The main offender: the death of cultivation. You still can't stop!"


"The main criminal Astor died. Ah! I want to break up with you!!" Mo Qingyu shouted in a long tone, but I adjusted the sound of the headphones very low to prevent this from happening.

"It's so noisy... They're all dead." I took a breath and stood on the deck, the last one who was still swinging the rudder anxiously, and then I shot directly on his back to the heart position.

"Don't think I don't know! You were shot in the arm! Come back soon!"

"How do you know?"

"Look up!" She shouted at me briefly.

Huh? Shit! Surveillance! Have you hacked into their computer!? So fast!"

"Come back and bandage in the car! Listen! I want to break up with you!!"

"Yes, yes..." I scratched my head, then moved a stool, and then took a cloth to cover the probe...

"Ah!! You bastard!! Definitely break up! Break up!!" I can imagine that her expression must be angry, but I can't see it.

And now it seems to be the same. Mo Qingyu in my spiritual world is like her hiding in the car at that time and giving instructions to me, but I always don't follow her instructions, which makes her very crazy.

"Give me the strength!" But now I think she has to rely on her to be capricious, and I can't rely on myself to launch that ability.

"No! Your body can't stand it!"

"Now! If I can't kill these two guys, I will die!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, a loud noise came from the sky, and a strong light flashed through the dark sky.

"Roar..." There was a shock and wail in the distance. I looked up and saw that the candy beast had been hit to the ground by Chombra Warcraft. There were a few burnt black bodies, and then I was bitten on the back. The blood had dyed its fur, and the ground fell on the snow and dyed red.

"Hurry up! As soon as that hamster dies, we will be doomed!" If it is a candy beast, it can still be forced, but it always disappears and appears, otherwise it would have been killed by my blow using Mo Qingyu's power! This is also the first time I've seen it hurt. He always escaped before, but this time it didn't suddenly disappear. And the words of that Chombra Warcraft! We can't deal with a 20-meter figure! The most important thing is that it will use lightning magic!

"Hurry up!" The candy beast in front of him can't hold on for another 10 minutes! I said anxiously, with a little firmness in my tone, and I have made up my mind to rely on such a physical condition to use that power!

"Okay, Nia..." Mo Qingyu's voice trembled a little, and then sighed. I don't know what kind of change her expression has made, but the next moment her voice was much firmer, as if she had made up her mind to let me use it, "You have to promise me not die!"

"I can't die! I still want to save the world!"

"Good." Mo Qingyu responded, and then a strong light burst out from me, golden! The dazzling light illuminates the snow again!

"Accept my anger, Jumbura Warcraft! I, Nia Lawrence! You must report it!"


Discover the benefits again today!! Two more update~~ I will send another update later!! I don't know why the author has something to say that I can't use that column, so I found that I had to send it under the dividing line.