Magic Sword

Chapter 150 Dispute

In the boring morning, a group of us slowly strolled on the way to the west of Bier, followed by two huge giants, sea cucumbers and Dole, two slave-fearing giants. We are going to the Kroll Whistling Cave, which is the last task of our trip. Four of the five tasks have been completed, and there is another one It was taken from other adventure teams, a total of six missions, and the only one left, the roaring cave, is just a simple collection task.

Leaving the Alps, although there is no white snow, the air has become a little cold compared with us. It's almost winter, and we must go back as soon as possible, otherwise orc friends can't help it.

"Nia, will you go to Alvin after the last task is completed?"

"No hurry, this time I deeply realized that we still lack some strength." Naturally, I mean the matter of Ante. It has been a week since that day, but I still remember everything vividly, especially the last words he said. He is still the emperor of the demon clan, and in the future, he will lead its army into the mainland. That is to say, he is the one sealed on the southern island of Tos immediately. Demon clan? In the future, he will come back, and all this also responds to the prediction. The future disaster is difficult to deal with. The Ante is very powerful and can be said that the severity of the crisis is deeper than I thought.

"After completing the task this time, we will go back and hand in the task." I said calmly.

Ah? Aren't you going to kill Alvin?" Larry asked in a frenze.

"Go back to get the money first. We have to make some preparations. White and your sister are seriously injured, especially Ina. Although the blood stopped and the wound healed." This is also thanks to Anyra's unstinting use of her magic, and it has not recovered until today. Otherwise, she has been in a state of lack of magic in the previous days. The magician's loss of magic is the same as the lack of fighting spirit. That feeling is more uncomfortable than starvation. Thanks to White himself, he can also have a little magic, and it's okay. Share it, otherwise how can our team of wounded soldiers continue to go? Eric was going to die in pain in those days. "But this time it's still too miserable. We went back and took money to the orc tribe, and then exchanged their people to serve as the army. At the same time, I will summon the private army."

"Private army? Nia, you're not old yet."

"Who knows." I laughed. We were in Biel, and the people of the Coltfield Empire said, "The people of the Coltfield Empire are still far away."

"Learn to be smart, Nia." White laughed and said, "But it's against the laws of the empire."

"I don't want to be told by a wanted criminal." I said angrily, "In a word, we are in Biel. Coltfield can't control us. I must have reached my age when I go back. The rest is just a ceremony. It will be a bar mitzvah immediately after my birthday."

Generally speaking, the coming-of-age ceremony will be held four times a year, and the first day at the beginning of each season will be held. My birthday is at the end of winter. As soon as my birthday is over, the coronation ceremony will be held in less than half a month. During this period, all the newly adult noble children will hold the coming-of-age ceremony together.

"It doesn't matter to form an army now. I will throw the army here before I go back and pick it up after being sealed. It doesn't matter. Just recruit in advance." I said lightly, "There is an army that at least has the strength to fight against Alvin."

"Hundreds of people, what can you fight against..." Hilmi said worriedly, "There are at least thousands to tens of thousands of people in the imperial barracks!"

"This is the afterth, and we have no other means now." I shook my head and said, "It's okay to attract a little attention. We have giants, and it's up to them to block the knife, so this time Zheng Zhao 1,000 people, I need 500 of them to be archers, and the rest can help me with everything."

"Are you crazy? 1000 people? Even if you become a real count after being crowned, you don't have the right to summon so many people!" Hilmi said in surprise that once I inherit my father's count, I can really worry about the army, but generally speaking, an earl can only gather hundreds of troops, which is almost the upper limit of *, and the more he becomes, the more powerful he becomes.

"It doesn't matter. In war, there will always be dead people. I expect ordinary people to die."

"Are you going to let so many people die?" Hilmi frowned slightly and said.

"Almost all rushing to the front will die. The 500 archers I want are what I need. In addition, *, I need them to charge into battle. The main purpose is to delay the enemy's counterattack. At the end of the war, they may not be able to survive." * Attacking against thousands of defenders is generally very likely to be destroyed.

"No soldier will want to do this ticket with you!" Lyle quickly rushed up and blocked the road in front of me and shouted, with a slight anger. Lyle's rise in front of me could block all the light in front of me. I was still relatively helpless.

"No, there will be, and there are many."

"Why!?" Lyle was full of doubts, and I gave him an answer with a smile.

Because of money, Lyle, why did you join the army at the beginning? Isn't it for money? It's just that you don't have that much desire."

"I..." Lyle lowered his head. I have heard him say about him that there is an old mother in the family, and he will send back the military pay every month. Even if it falls into my hands, he still keeps sending money back.

"Many people are in the same situation as you. Some of them have young people in their families and must make money. Some people are greedy. Money is enough for them to sleep in a brothel for a night, and as long as my offer is high enough, they will accept it no matter how dangerous it is." I patted him on the shoulder.

"These are all words later. We have to get the money first." White sank his head and said.

"That's right." I asked Hilmi, "Hilmi, how much time do we have?"

"Not much. According to the current weather, winter is coming, at most a month. Your birthday is at the end of winter, that is to say, we have to go back to attend the bar mitzvah on the first day of spring, so it is only 4 months at most." Hilmi replied to me, "It's too late, but their combat effectiveness is not strong after summoning the army."

"So that's why I asked you about the time. It can be tighter. We will return to the orc tribe with money and food in half a month at most. Then I need two months to train the soldiers. I stretched out two smiles and said.

Two months? That's too much! Do you want to go from the east with the army for a month and then return to Coltfield? Hilmi exclaimed, and everyone looked surprised. After all, it is still too compact to do these things in a month, but the army is not as convenient as our small group of personnel. The speed of the march will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

"No, after killing people for a month, and then I will go back alone." I said with a slight mention from the corners of my mouth.


"Let me make it clear to you." I think I'm going to gain some saliva. After thinking about it, I still briefly explain the general idea to my friends. "Two months of training soldiers, we don't need to stay in one place. We will train while marching, and we won't waste time on the way here. When I go back, I will throw the army in Bier, and then I will be alone. Go back to the Coltfield Empire, and when I finish the title of bar mitzation, I'll come back to pick you up. In this case, there will be more than enough time.

"No, Nia, alone, it's too dangerous!" Hilmi immediately retorted.

"One person is more convenient to move. The army needs someone to watch them and lead them in this place." I said, "Someone has to stay."

"Nia, I have led the Knights Templar, and it's enough for me to stay." White took down the branch in his mouth and said that he didn't know when he would pick the branches in the bushes, but he liked to bite the branches.

"Wait for Nia! No, I can't trust him completely." Ronley immediately caught up with me and said, put one hand on my shoulder, and then looked back at White. "Although you saved us this time and were seriously injured, don't forget what you did before. I can't fully trust you."

"Nia, you are responsible for everything you do!" Ronley said, "White, Lyle, sea cucumber, Dole, they, I can admit that they are partners, but I won't trust them easily! The sea cucumber and Dole are just slaves. Lyle is a Bier, White. He once wanted to kill us all.

It seems that except for those we played together when we were children, everyone else was sent to his partner.

"Wait." White raised his hands with his eyes slightly open and made a surrender, "I'm a mountain thief, just for money. I'm not going to kill all of you."

"Of course you can say whatever you want now, because you didn't kill me."

"Roenley, that's enough! White is our partner. I reached out and pressed his shoulder, but was thrown away by him.

"Nia." Ronley turned around and stared at me slightly, "We are partners, just partners. I'm not your subordinate. Don't order me."

"Roanley." My eyes were slightly cold, "This is not an order, just a request from my partner. I have to tell you again, White, sea cucumber, Dole, Lyle, they are our partners, because we are now in the same team, and now I agree with them, so as partners, you should also agree with them.

"Well, there's nothing you can do if you can't trust it. Otherwise, Ronley and I will stay to take care of your army. Anyway, the Knights I used to lead are only more than 300 people. Compared with your 1,000-person team, even if it is reduced after the war. Half, it's still a little difficult for me to bring it alone. White said with a smile, and then put the branch in his mouth again. Generally speaking, leading the army and leading 100 and 1,000 people is not just a tenfold difference. The difficulty during this period is more than 100 times!

Of course, there is no need to fight, but it's much easier to take care of. White is not incompetent, but just find a reason, otherwise Ronley will not agree easily and can't blame him. After all, he doesn't want his partner to make mistakes, and the starting point is still good.

"Let's do as you say, White." I nod and asked, "Ronley, do you have any questions?"

"Yes!" Ronley stared and said slowly. I frowned slightly. I would like to see what this guy has to say.