Magic Sword

Chapter 204 Red Dragon King

"Boom!" A loud noise! Several thunder and lightning came quickly, but my whole body was tied by the black light! What is this!

"Shadow Bondage." Doreen laughed, and at this time, the thunder and lightning had arrived!

I can't avoid it!

I stared with my eyes wide and struggled desperately, but I was tightly tied!

Rumble - a loud noise exploded directly in my ear! The next moment is in the dazzling electric light! Thunder and lightning hit my body fiercely!

"Ah!" I screamed, it hurt! Ma! Damn it! I clenched my fist tightly and my body was tied up and I couldn't move, and then a huge force pulled me directly to the ground and then stuck to the ground fiercely!

"Come again!" Doreen's eyes were full of a little enthusiasm, and then she clenched her fists and made some crackling sounds directly blowing up electric arcs!

"Thunderflame!" Doreen roared and then punched out! Arcs rushed straight out of my hand and rushed towards me! Then he pecked at my body! Pain! One electric current after another leads to the ground along my body, which is unbearable! I bowed in pain, and then another electric arc hit my back!

"stinky lizard!" I roared, and then struggled violently, and a fierce fighting spirit exploded on my arm! That's the fighting spirit I gathered before! My whole body is tied up, and I can't get rid of it at all! You can only concentrate on a forced breakthrough with a lot of fighting spirit! But it turned out to be feasible! The black light that tied me immediately opened a gap!

"Drink!" I quickly put my hands into the gap to prevent them from being closed again, and then my hands worked hard together, "Ah, ah, ah, ah!!"

"What!" Doreen has burst into several arcs on her arm and threw them at me again! However, the effect was not great. She quickly pointed her hands to the sky to attract the thunder and lightning in the clouds!

"Open it for me!" I widened my eyes and broke it suddenly!

"Swipe--!!" With a crisp sound, the black light was torn by me in an instant. I quickly rushed out, and at this time, a loud noise, accompanied by a strong light, fell from the sky and fell to my position just now! Under one blow, the black light also broke away in an instant!

"What a terrible power." I glanced back in surprise and rushed forward quickly to get closer! This is what I found immediately after the battle! This black dragon is the same as a magician, but the difference is that they are not as fragile as a magician. Once they are close to them, they will be declared dead. Dragons, their physical strength is stronger than orcs and taurers!

But in long-range combat, I definitely have no chance of winning if I can't do magic!

"Boom--" The roar was endless, and thunder and lightning chased my body and kept bombarding down, but I couldn't hit me in the state where I was rushing forward!

It's now! I stepped out and rushed to the black dragon Doreen! Then he wrapped the fighting spirit around my fist!

"Don't be arrogant!" Doreen roared and also swung her huge dragon claws! He clenched his fist and wrapped it tightly around the black light!

Dong! The two punches suddenly collided and made a harsh explosion! The yellow fighting spirit was swallowed up by the black light in an instant, but the strong impact also made the black light collapse in an instant!

"Damn it!" Doreen shouted unwillingly and slowly stepped back two steps. The huge dragon foot stepped heavily on the ground, making the earth tremble a little!

"You are not enough for me to rush." I said, "Your magic is very powerful, but your close combat is not good. It is much weaker than ordinary dragons."

"Nia." Della came slowly with a smile, looked at Doreen and said, "I didn't think about this. After all, the magic dragon is not suitable for putting pressure on the knight."

"You haven't done your best yet, otherwise I would have been hit by a thunderbolt." I bowed to Doreen, and it was true that she stopped a little bit of strength, otherwise how could I be able to withstand a black dragon and a thunderstorm!

"Your body is also very strong. Although I stopped, I am also controlled to the extent that I can basically paralyze you, and it seems that there is no restriction on you." Doreen stamped her feet angrily and shouted to Della, "Why don't you fight with him in person? There is no dragon like a golden dragon in close combat!"

"I can't put pressure on him." Della waved her hand and said, "I have fought with him once, and we have a little sense of each other's strength. I can't put complete pressure on him, because I don't have so much hatred for human beings."

"Otherwise, find another golden dragon?" I asked doubtfully, Della can't come to other dragons. Is such a big dragon family afraid that they can't find a second golden dragon?

"Don't be silly, you will die." Della said angrily, "I am the weakest golden dragon in the whole dragon clan."

"Well..." Even if I catch Mo Qingyu's power, I can't fight with Della. Other dragons will definitely kill me according to their hatred for human beings!

"Otherwise, I'll try it." Suddenly, a kind voice came to my ears at this time. I looked around and didn't see half a dragon shadow, but I found a huge dark shadow on the ground! In the sky! I was shocked and raised my head! A red dragon is flying over us! A pair of wings waved Yuri, and such a huge body flew in the sky like this!

The red dragon has a scar in his right eye. I know that dragon! Red Dragon Black 77!

"Black seven seven seven!" I exclaimed, and Hei Qiqi also greeted me with a very kind expression, but I don't know why it gives me a deep fear at this moment.

"Princess Della, why don't you let me try it with your friends? Let me help him break through the seventh level. Hei Qiqi slowly fell to the ground with a smile.

"You have no intention of killing at all. You might as well let Della come." I said, but Della stopped me.

"Niah, Black 77 may be okay, because..." Della paused and explained to me, "Because his right eye was cut by a strong man."

"What!" I skimmed my head in surprise, and the deep scar, knowing this, his smile instantly turned into a solemn killing intention!

"I really didn't feel it before. I thought it was a kind grandfather." I smiled bitterly and then put on a fighting posture.

"Hahaha, is my smile very kind?" Hei Qiqi scratched his forehead, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I have always hated human beings, especially those who are related to Don Adolf."

"Don Adolf?" I asked in a frenze, "The person who won't take your eyes away is..."

"Don Adolf." Hei Qiqi said and opened its eyes slightly, and his right eye was a white eyeball! It's already bad!

I stayed in shock. Since it was Don Adolf, that is to say, he has been to the dragon nest! His treasure must only be in the dragon's nest, or in the so-called forbidden land! It may be Longquan, or the forbidden place mentioned by Della last time, or some other forbidden place!

"It really surprised me, but in my impression, Don Adolph is a strong man, so strong that he can fall in an instant with one blow. If it is said that it will leave a wound on the fish, the possibility is still very low." I said with a bad face, what does this prove? The strength of the black seven seven in front of us will never be ordinary!

"Hahahaha, that's right, there is no reason for Don Adolf to leave a wound on the miscellaneous fish. It's only possible that he can only do this." Hei Qiqi smiled dryly and said slowly, "I used to use another name, Buman, but in the clan, everyone called me the Red Dragon King."

"Dragon King..." I looked at him sweaty and said in surprise, "That is to say, are you the leader of this dragon clan before the Golden Dragon Emperor and the Silver Dragon Emperor!"

"Ha, that's a thing of the past. On that day, I clearly remember that Don Adolf broke into the dragon forbidden land alone. I rushed there with all the good hands in the clan. As a result, when I first saw him, he sat there. I don't know why he broke into our forbidden land and met him. He waved a fighting spirit and killed my two people in an instant, and I rushed to fight with him. Heiqiqi sighed and said, "After fighting hard for a long time, all the people I brought died. In the end, I hit Don Adolf hard, but I was also taken away by him."

"What..." Even Don Adolf was hit hard by Heiqiqi? This is what I didn't expect. After all, Don Adolf is the strongest man of mankind, but the black seven seven should also be the strongest dragon clan. It's possible to think about it this way!

"I lost an eye, and my strength was greatly reduced. In addition, with the death of so many people, we were able to lead the dragon clan, so we gave up our position, but everyone was still calling me the Red Dragon King. I felt uncomfortable, so I changed my name." Hei Qiqi said and smiled again, "It was at that time when they saw the two guys Hei Qi and Hei Qiqi, they seemed to be distressed that their names were not good."

"I... I thought you were born by a mother..." Indeed, two black dragons are unlikely to be born with a red dragon.

"Ha ha ha, how about human beings? In Don Adolph's language, the next generation successor of the Sword of Destiny? If it's me, I'm qualified to put pressure on you." Hei Qiqi smiled slowly and said, "You have to be careful not to die."

"Ha ha... You are the strongest in the dragon clan..." I said with a dry smile, "You are under great pressure."

"So don't die." Hei Qiqi laughed and said with his arms spread out, "You take action first."

"Then I can't take much advantage..." I stared at him coldly, and then wrapped my fists with a layer of fighting spirit. In order not to waste it, I didn't make it very thick. It would be a bitter battle.

"Drink!" I shouted and rushed out to deal with the magic dragon. Of course, I chose to get closer first!

And at this time, a fireball suddenly flew towards me!


"Hahahaha, human beings can't trust, and there is no need for dragons to be trusted by human beings."