Magic Sword

Chapter 212 The Situation Turns Down

Ant asked with a smile on his face, "Don't you want to hear my opinion?"

"I don't have time here! My body is still outside! Maybe that elf will take me out of eight yuan after-sales service!"

"It doesn't matter. My spiritual power, everything we say here, takes very little time, and an hour is not more than a second outside, which consumes my tenacity very much. I can't talk to you for more than an hour."

I stared at him with an ill face and sat down on the ground angrily.

Ant came to me and said, after a long time, he said, "My method is very simple. Give me your body and I will help you defeat them."

"Damn it!" I stood up and turned around, "Let me go quickly."

"I'm kidding, what an impatient guy, and it won't take you a second!" Ant laughed and scolded, and then came up and pressed my shoulder. "But what I'm talking about is not all jokes, but your body exudes my breath to lead Chila over and let him deal with these guys."

"Then you can defeat Chira with my body, right?" I stared at him coldly.

"No, I told you that I don't have any strength now, even if I rob your body." Ante shook his head and said, "I just want to help you by the way. I'm going to kill with my own body, but I also want you to die with my own hands."

"You are really straightforward." I glanced at him and then took two steps forward. "How sure are you that you can lead him over?"

"I'm not sure. With his personality, even if he comes, he will only watch the battle." Ante said, "He is such a guy. Unless you are about to die, or you are the only one in that group, he will come to save you."

"Have you been watching it again?"

"No, I can only feel the breath on you when you are emotionally unstable. After all, it's a little far away, and the remaining mental strength in your body is so weak." Ante waved his hand and said, "In a word, it's very simple. Do you like it or not? At least you won't die. If you die, Kira will have no fun. He will protect your life."

"How can I use it?"

"It's not difficult to feel my breath in your body, and then put your own fighting spirit on the outside, and my breath will be released together." Ante said and then snapped his finger, and the whole dark space cracked in an instant, as if the eggshell had been knocked open. "As for other people, their lives are up to you."

After saying that, Ante's body slowly dissipated, and the space quickly collapsed! I opened my eyes in a daze. Since I just closed my eyes?

"Wow!" I exhaled. Della was still full of blood not far away. Ewini was trying her to treat her with magic. The dragon's body healed quickly, and the wound was no longer bleeding. It was also healing with the help of magic. I turned around and the Elf King stood on a platform higher than us not far away, with slightly in his eyes. He looked at Heiqiqi coldly and didn't seem to pay attention to me, which made people a little angry.

Is this the fate transformed by the sword of fate? So unsatisfactory!

"Do it again, Mo Qingyu." I looked at the golden sword on the ground and slowly walked over, reaching out and holding the blade. "Golden fate, show the tenderness of your transformation in front of my eyes! I am the owner of your new generation! Nia Lawrence! Change my unbearable fate! Whether it's me! Still my companions, all of them survived this change!"

Brush - The dazzling golden light filled the whole hall in an instant, and the eyes of the troll and the elf king moved at the same time!

"" The troll's voice was very rough, and it seemed difficult to speak, slowly staring at me, "luck..."

"Sword of Destiny." The Elf King whispered and jumped off the high platform and fell on the same plane as me, and the disdain in his eyes disappeared in an moment! Instead, it is... anger! Fucking angry!

"Finally waiting for you! The master of the next generation of the sword of fate! The heir of Don Adolph!" Atwood shouted, and a light bow suddenly opened on his arm! Then he grabbed the string with his right hand and pulled it gently. A thin light arrow slowly appeared on the bow string!

"Fate...luck...sword!" The troll roared and read it out word by word in pain! He suddenly raised his red eyes and stared at me, and then knocked on the magic barrier with his arms!

Da Damn it! Don't mess with people!

I quickly calmed down and felt his spiritual power as Ante said, but no matter how I looked for it, I couldn't feel anything! No way! I have to calm down, calm down!

"Dong! Dong!" There was a muffled sound behind him! Who knows how long the magic barrier of the Elf King lasts! The arrows in the elf king's hand also aimed at me!

Hurry up! You have to get up quickly to save me!

"I found it!" I was shocked. It was a very cold feeling, and I felt a huge shock all over my body carefully! Absolutely! Darkness! That's Ante's breath!

Bout! I opened my eyes wide and released my fighting spirit! Then condensed in the arm, although Ante's spiritual power was only a little bit, the fighting spirit attached to this little spirit became a little chilly, not that kind of cold, but fear, extremely solemn murderous intention!

"Hmm!" Atwood snorted coldly and then let go of the arrow in an instant! I quickly calmed down to catch the arrow with my shield, but when the arrow came to me with a bang! Suddenly, there was a bang, and the arrow seemed to blow up a magic array! Then the arrow turned a corner! In an instant, I bypassed the sword in front of me!

Several times in a row, the arrow instantly turned to my back! Now that you can do curve shooting! And it's a 360-degree range! Shoot at me in front of me, but now that it's behind me!

It's over! I closed my eyes tightly. But at this time, a loud noise came from behind me, and the expected arrow did not cause me pain. I suddenly opened my eyes, and since there was a huge arm behind me holding the arrow tightly!

The white light was still shining. I slowly turned my head. The troll was standing behind me, with the fangs in his mouth trembling slightly, and then his arm pinched the arrow hard.

"You..." I looked up slightly, and the troll did not look at me, but stared at Atwood in front of me.

"Lord..." The troll made a difficult voice, "People..."

"Master?" I seem to understand his expression. That's right! What he said should be the owner.

The troll's red eyes looked at me, then raised his paws and scratched his head, saying, "You, sword, master."

I looked at him in a daze. Although what he said was very brief, I seemed to understand what he meant. I tilted my head slightly and asked, "Do you mean that Don Adolph used to be your master, and I, the holder of the sword, naturally became your second master?"

"Yes..." The troll said coldly, "Ait...Wood, Lord...human, have you forgotten the words?"

"Who cares about him!" Atwood stared at the troll coldly and said, "Do you really think I regard him as the master? Just that bastard!? Force me to pull me out of the elf clan! I am the king! They are all that bastard! And let me stay here for 500 years!"

"Fat! Don't care about orders! You are a troll! You shouldn't have listened to human beings! I'm an elf! High elves! How can you obey a human being!"

"Are you... a traitor?" The troll said with a little doubt, and then his eyes became fierce.

The elf king Atwood stood opposite me, with a blue vein slowly rising on his forehead: "Fatty, you asked for it!"

Atwood shouted angrily, and the white light on his body flashed, and the gain magic was lost to himself one by one, and then launched a slam! But at this time, a flame suddenly burned in front of him! The Elf King quickly stopped and retreated!

"stinky lizard!" Atwood cursed angrily, and at this time, the troll suddenly rushed out from behind the flames! The forehead gun in his hand suddenly burst, and Atwood quickly exploded, and Black Seven Seven prepared a flame in his mouth again!

The current situation is very clear! The Elf King is the only enemy! I didn't expect that the golden sword would be shown again, since it caused the troll's resurresis! Obviously, he didn't respond at all when he used it for the first time! Maybe it is also the cause of the magic stone. Before the magic stone was destroyed, it seemed that the trolls were very clumsy in both action and thinking, but as soon as it was destroyed, the combat skills became sharp!

But these don't matter now! Very advantageous! The only enemy is the elf king Atwood!

I quickly took out the pistol from the deadline, and then saw Atwood's position and pulled the trigger!

"Bum bang!" Three loud noises! Atwood was shocked at first. He didn't know what I had done, and then he immediately realized that it was not good! As a result, the second and third were blocked by a magic barrier in an instant!

"Dong!" The troll waved his palm and his claws suddenly waved on the barrier, and his red eyes stared at the elf king as if dripping blood!

Atwood held his left arm, and I shot him in that position!

"Damn Don Adolf!" The elf king shouted angrily and suddenly exploded a magic fluctuation and sang again in a clear tone! Elf language magic!

"Is your elf magic powerful or our dragon magic powerful!" Silver Dragon Emperor Adrian said coldly and took a step forward, and then a completely different chanting was highlighted in his mouth, and the clear characters blurted out one by one!

Atwood frowned slightly, and a staff suddenly flashed with his empty finger. Atwood quickly grasped it and quickly made a beautiful move! Light rushed to the top of his head like powder, and then slowly dispersed! A magic array also quickly unfolded under his feet!

In contrast, Adrian's dragon language magic is not so gorgeous, but there is a little majestic temperament on his body, as if the eternal breath slowly drifts out!

This is a magic collision!