Magic Sword

Chapter 220 Treasure of the Divine Realm

thing? What can it be? However, since the things that the Protos want to give me can be worse, on the contrary, it's just a few steps on the side. I can't waste too much time, so I nodded and accepted it calmly.

This journey has always been a straight walk on the road, passing through those sculptures again. I looked up slightly and admired it. The tank didn't care much. After all, the troll was originally a demon creature, but there was no other attitude in Yuxi, as if there was nothing worth caring about by the troll.

Atwood has disdainful eyes. He does not believe in God, and even the natural goddess that the elves believe in is completely unfeeling. I have mentioned him several times, but it seems that he has long abandoned his faith in God after being imprisoned by Don Adolf for 500 years. On the contrary, although he superficially hates Don Adolf, He seems to be very afraid of that guy. Maybe Don Adolph has already replaced his faith.

After a while, we walked to the boundary of the divine realm, and then passed through some tall buildings and came to a very huge warehouse. We looked up and almost towered into the clouds, but it was still within a clear range. We really need a warehouse to call this place. Two bodyguards in golden armor stood at the door and looked The halberd in our hands crossed and blocked the entrance.

"You can take it outside first." West Edward turned around and said to Aatwood, "Nia Lawrence, come in with me."

"Good." I should turn around and tell them, "You are waiting for me here."

Standing beside Yuxi, a big man in the divine realm, the guards at the door did not stop us. They easily let us in and followed West Edward into this warehouse and opened the door. The scene inside stunned me. There were all kinds of weapons and equipment, as well as gold, silver and jewelry. !

"Wow!" I directly showed a look that I had never seen in the market. Indeed, such a scene is too shocking. No imperial treasure house is as luxurious as this Protos warehouse!

"Choose for yourself and choose a set of armor you like." Yuxi squinted and said to me and then stepped in. I also rushed in quickly and rushed towards the weapon stacking area.

"If you have the sword of fate, you don't need weapons..." Yuxi's voice dried slightly. I have quickly put a few swords, a shield and an axe into the space ring. Hurry up!

"Forget it, I won't come back if you put it in, but you are only allowed to take one set of armor!" Yuxi glanced at me angrily, "You can choose for yourself."

"I'm dazzle." I scratched my head and walked to Yuxi's side as if I didn't take anything just now. Looking at the scene in front of me, I said, "I want the best set!"

"Don't be greedy for you." Yuxi said, and then walked around, "The armor of the Protoss is absolutely good, and even the weapons and equipment made by the dwarves are definitely not as good as those produced by our divine realm."

"There is no such thing as the best, only relative." As Yuxi walked, I also quickly followed, and then he began to explain to me, "Well, the runes on the armor of Rutherbis, can definitely greatly weaken the physical impact. It is difficult for him to break the powerful blade and fighting spirit."

Youxi pointed to a slightly black armor, and then changed it to another thin soft armor: "Helence armor, which is only has a strong effect than ordinary soft armor, hundreds of times better than the defense of magic, and this thin soft degree can't be worn without wearing this soft armor. There will be no change."

"It's really all good things."

"That, Hills wrist guard, and the black forest armor over there, the deepest one, the Sisley leather armor..." Yuxi kept introducing me, and I also nodded vigorously. If only all these things could go back!

Suddenly, I saw a golden armor in the distance, which is generally very dazzling. That is the armor that is not so shiny, relatively dim in the corner.

"What is that?" I can't help but feel a little interested, because the armor is golden, golden, and the high-profile guards of the Protoss all wear golden armor, but no one will wear it like this on the battlefield unless you want to be besieged, it's really dazzling!

"Well, it has no name, and it is also a good armor, but it is damaged and can no longer be enchanted. It is ordinary armor, but the strength is only a little worse than those enchanted armors." Yu Xiwei opened her eyes with a smile, "Are you interested in this? This color matches your sword.

Golden sword, indeed, I'm already very high-profile with this sword... I don't worry about his color.

"This armor could originally shine with ideas, which is very arrogant, but the magic array has been broken, and there is no way to attach any magic to it, otherwise there is really no armor in this treasure house that can match it." Yuxi smiled and said, "No wonder you care about this armor and want to know who the original owner is?"

"The original master...ah, shouldn't it..." I felt a little bad...

"That's right, Don Adolf!"

"What!" Although I almost guessed it, I was still shocked to hear it, since it has something to do with him...

"This is Don Adolf's armor. Before he was cut off the bag, the armor has been worn on him. This thing is given to you, but it is also returned to the original owner. It is what you have changed."

"Wait!" I interrupted Yusi and quickly said, "I don't want this, or the armor of Rusbys just now!"

"Black doesn't match your sword, that's it." A trace of cunning flashed in Yuxi's eyes, and the corners of his mouth also said slightly, "I gave you something, that's it!"

"Hey! No way! I don't want that!" I howled! I hate that bastard Don Adolf so much now!

"Golden... Well, I'll help you match something else." Yuxi directly ignored me, and then with one big finger, wrist guard, shoulder blade, shoes, helmet, a lot of equipment quickly flew out, and the Hellens armor I just saw.

"This is all, and it also matches your color." Yuxi covered his chin and said, "It's for you."

"Hey! I said..." I said dissatisfiedly, and then the golden armor fell into my hand, and I grabbed it in a daze, this damn thing.

"Where did you get a pile of golden armor earlier?" I looked at the wrist guard, shoulder blades, shoes, and the parts of the whole body, all of which are brilliant gold...

"These are all Don Adolphe's! Full body armor!"

"Damn..." When I stared at the armor in front of me, I suddenly felt that it had evaporated. Was this also Don Adolf who deliberately stayed and waited for me to pick it up?

"No! I don't want it! I want to change! I like the one just now!"

"This is it! Don't be childish!" Yuxi shouted with a smile, "And this set of armor also has a spell that can be put away directly, which is very convenient!" You can also wear it directly!"

"What?" I'm a little stunned. Can I wear it? This seems to be good.

"I want to think about it, oh!" Yuxi seemed to think of the spell, "It was left by Don Adolph, so I have to think clearly."

"You read it, I'll try my best to remember it." I didn't continue to mess around. After all, Don Adolf still left a humanized design. Suddenly, it was very troublesome to take off the armor and wear armor.

But the next moment, my face changed again, because Xi Edward began to read it directly, but! What he hummed was not a spell at all! But... a song! Don't complain about his voice! The most important thing is! This is a Japanese song! And I've fucking heard this tune!

The next moment, those armors slowly glowed, and then a slate box flashed out, and then all the armors were put in it! And this box! Hearing that song, I already reacted to this result... This is fucking... golden robe!

And that spell! It's just the theme song of Saint Seator!

I feel that I have been fooled by Don Adolph again, standing in this airless room in the wind... staring at the holy clothes in front of me...


Slowly stepping on the snow, we did not stay much in the divine realm. After taking Eugene's gift, we left the divine realm. After all, there are two dragons behind to come back to chase, and damn Kira, my only hope that Kira has not appeared yet.

"Nia, you don't look very good." Ewini walked slowly beside me and stared at me calmly. "What's going on?"

"It's okay..." I was a little dejected. After all, I was really surprised to see some things left by Don Adolph to surprise me, but I don't want to suffer such a surprise too many times.

"Suffied, Don Adolf's armor saved many lives in those years. He couldn't live to this day without that armor. That's a real treasure, although he is still an asshole." Atwood said, looking around.

"What's good? The magic array is broken and can never be enchanted." I said angrily, but according to Yuxi, this thing can't find too many other weapons even if it is not enchanted, and the only way for me is not only to enchant, but also the paladin of Dredes! If his engraving can improve the quality of this thing again, it will definitely be more powerful than Don Adolf's armor at that time.

Although it is an armor inspired by the holy garment, Don Adolf does not set anything else, just a golden armor with magic that turns into a box.

But now is not the time to think about this matter. The most important thing is to find a way to deal with the dragon behind you.

"Ewenni, you can use teleportation magic." I suddenly thought that Adrian had used this magic and quickly asked Evini, if possible, wouldn't it be transferred directly back to Rhine City?

"Yes, but my father will also use the same magic. I won't have much advantage. My magic is slightly worse than my father." Ewini remained calm, with a little magic rippled in her hand.

"Whv, whether they can send it directly back to Rhine City! Entering the human world, we will win the game!"