Magic Sword

Chapter 238 Flame Fort

I carefully looked around everyone's confused eyes and asked White, "White, what kind of existence is the little devil in the demon clan?"

"Okay, let's popularize it with you." White coughed twice. After all, here is the information he knows best about the demon clan. "The words of the little devil are also recorded. The common special combat troops in the demon clan usually carry out assassination missions because they are agile, and most of the demons have the ability to fly."

"The demons often use this kind of arms to attack our army in the dark. They are small and generally difficult to find. They often fly away immediately after killing people, which is particularly mobile."

"It's terrible..." Eric said fearfully, and Namin was also pale.

"Is this the demon clan... too strong."

"How strong it is, it is still cleaned up by us." I frowned and said, but this time there were only a hundred. If there were a little more, it would be hard to say, "Hilmi, how did you deal with them at that time?"

"I found that when they fight, they will try their best to rely on crowded and weak places. After all, as mobile troops, it is easy to be counterattacked if they don't hit. So I asked the orcs and the lovers to go to the outside of the team, and then let the archers aim at the middle area to shoot. Civilians without any armor basically became their preferred target. Hilmi said plainly, but his partners were covered with sweat, because even if they knew that this method might not be used. Shooting at the middle, it was not a little devil, but a design for civilians! Which is easier to hit, tens of thousands of civilians or hundreds of little demons?

After this battle, the people should have suffered the greatest casualties. Originally, there were more than 10,000 people, but now there are less than 5,000 people. Most of them died not under the mouth of the little devil but under the knife of Bier's regular army.

"The little devil is just a relatively low-ranking arm in the demon clan. Everything is respected according to the strong and can't be underestimate the demon clan." I held each other's hands and said, "The revenge has been revenged, but I haven't got any information from Alvin."

"It is basically impossible to capture Alvin alive in such a battle." Hilmi comforted me and said that if I didn't get that information, the purpose of the trip would not be achieved. Will you go back like this?

"It doesn't matter. It's not that easy to want menia Lawrence to die." I said, "White, all the flowers on your shoulder have been caught. I'll torture them later."

"Good." White answered.

At this time, there was a noise below. The 3,000-Biel regular army was driven into a big pit. Driven by orc soldiers and thousands of people, they could not rush out unarmedly, and then slowly fell to the earth in the screams...


Biel Empire, Flame Fort.

Flame Fort, the imperial capital of the Bier Empire, is a huge castle located in the desert. The outer wall is built with red stone bricks. It is said that the wall has magic and is very strong. It was once rumored that 10,000 iron guards stopped hundreds of thousands of rebels from attacking, and the war lasted several times. In the end, he left in disgraced.

Maybe there are still many disapproval voices in the outside world, but in any case, this castle can stand on the desert for 500 years, which may be true.

And the Flame Fort, as the capital of the Bier Empire, is naturally also the place where the emperor stayed.

Marshall Chen XII, the emperor who has ruled the Bier Empire for nearly 50 years, is rumored to be an excellent swordsman, but no matter who sees him, he will never associate with the swordsman, with a fat belly and half lying on the throne with his eyes slightly open. His figure is very tall, and Bier people are common. They are all tall, but the emperor is not only tall, but also not short. His years of life have made him much fatter, and his thin hair can be faintly seen on the top of his head.

No matter who he is, when he sees him, he probably just wants to be an old man with a comfortable life.

"*·stupid, tell me what's going on tonight." Marshall lay on the throne casually. No one dared to say anything more. Although the old emperor looked like an old man, his half-open eyes revealed a lot of light. An old man who had been an emperor for decades was not an ordinary old man.

"My Majesty." A man in a dark red dress came out. He looks like Marshall Chen is of the same age and has gray hair. He is * faint and is also the leading celebrity in the Bier Empire, because he is a prince, * Prince. Any Bier knows the existence of such a prince, and he is also Prime Minister of the El Empire.

Morning and dusk, these are the representatives of the royal family of the Bier Empire, that is, the surname of Emperor Marshall Chen XII, and the surname of * · Dusk. In the morning, the two surnames govern the country together. Chen is the emperor and Duan is the king. Since the end of the Second War of Gods and Demons 500 years ago, it has maintained such a tradition until now. .

"You have a dance party in the evening. In order to celebrate the messenger from the Coltfield Empire, my majesty, I have to remind you that this is a big expense." * After a salute, I began to read it.

"Hahaha, how many times have you said that don't withdraw money from me when I'm in position." Marshall smiled and said, "It's boring. What other activities are there?"

"Your Majesty, a few letters you sent these days... I have to remind you of today's date."

Today's date? What's the matter? Is there a problem?

"The problem is very serious, Your Majesty, have you forgotten today? The time you wrote to the eighteen noble ladies was today, but the Queen came back today. You said yesterday that you would deal with it until today. * He said with his eyebrows locked.

"It's really troublesome... Let those 18 noble ladies get them all to your room at night." Marshall said casually, * the prince was about to shirk, but Marshall immediately said harshly, "This is to help me do things!" Do it! Don't object!"

"Yes..." * lowered his head.

"Is there anything else?"

"No more." *In response, he secretly scolded in his heart: Your itinerary has taken the noble girl to the room and what else do you want next?

"Well, let's withdraw from the court." Marshall waved his hand casually, as if they had just begun.

"Wait!" At this time, a hoarse voice came out of the crowd, and then a thin old man came out of the crowd, with a smiling face and a bare head, but his identity was not light.

"Your Majesty."

"Oh? My Duke of Myrken, what's the matter? Marshall sat down slightly. The man in front of him was really Abel Malken, the hereditary Duke, and a nickname - "Net Eye". It is said that his intelligence network is all over the world.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say. Some time ago, a nobleman of the Coltfield Empire sent a private army to occupy the land of our border. Rhine City has now been forcibly occupied. Some time ago, I asked Alvin Charles to go up. It will be dealt with." Meyerken paused and put away the smile on his face, "But I just received a bad news yesterday."

"What news?"

"Alvin. The city of Rhine will be killed. Abel slowly raised his head and opened his eyes slightly, and the whole audience rose up as soon as he said this.

Alvin Charles, that's a ninth-order knight! Count the whole Bier Empire! That's one of the best! But it's dead!

"Dead? How did you die? Who did it!?" Marshall has lost his lazy appearance and sat up with dissatisfaction in his eyes, "What do the people of the Coltfield Empire want to do? Violation of the treaty?"

"Maybe not, my majesty." Abela said, "It is a fallen nobleman, the son of the Coltfield Shield who died at the hands of Alvin Charles, named Nia Lawrence, the only seedling in the family, for revenge."

Rapola continued to add, "There are no politicians at home."

"Is this..." Marshall frowned. Of course, he understood what it meant. Without political figures, he could not naturally come into contact with changing politics, that is to say, he actually did not understand the situation between empires.

"Your Majesty, how to deal with it?"

"Maybe it's not weak to kill a guy like Alvin..." Marshall waved his hand and said, "My Duke of Myerken, do you have any suggestions?"

Abera nodded her head, straightened her chest and said, "Your Majesty, you can't rush to send troops to kill Alvin. Yes, that strength must be good. I'm afraid to kill one by one. My suggestion is to be dealt with by His Majesty Mahugh Elman.

Mars H. Elman, the emperor of the Coltfield Empire...

"Write to me immediately and ask him to get rid of this ignorant guy." Marshall frowned tightly, "Kill me. General, a ninth-order knight, no, they can't leave Bier..."

Duke Abela Myrken! Immediately let your child bring letters to the border guards, strictly guard against national borders, and don't let anyone go out! All those who break through will be killed!"

"My Majesty, do you still need to write that letter?"


"How many enemies are there?"

"Because the civilians were instigated by the other priest, they are now restless and turned to their side. There are 6,000 people to talk about it, but Alvin only brought 10,000 people and killed nearly 10,000 enemies."

Marshall patted the chair, his wrinkled face, was very scary when angry, and shouted sharply, "*!"

"There, my majesty." *The prince bowed slightly and answered.

"Write a copy* to the Duke of Myrken and send all the local guards from Darda Province and other neighboring provinces! I want to surround this army in the territory of Bier! Humph!" Marshall spoke, and as a prince, * immediately wrote*. Soon a crow took off and left the flame castle, and these news were quickly brought to various parts of Bier by fast horses and whips...