Magic Sword

Chapter 246 Sleep

At night, my soldiers have no sleep. In order to do what I asked for before dawn, almost the surrounding areas are full of fire, covering the whole valley.

"Are they all on fire?" Larevi put his hands on the wooden passage railing, propped himself up, and then fell to the ground, not looking at the distant scene. "What if the enemy arrives early? We know our situation at once. We don't know when they brought the news back.

"No matter how fast it is, it won't be as fast as this morning. Even if the enemy is on the side, it won't come in until tomorrow morning." I lay on the railing in the wind and felt extremely tired and full of fire. I thought that the enemies would not be in the minority at that time, and I must make sure that the position could not be exposed before Namion came to Bier, so I could not be too close to the river bank. Now this valley is a suitable place, and I must stay here.

"Is the trap useful?" Hilmi stood beside me and asked me, and the other partners were also here.

"How much can it be useful from the beginning?" I shook my head and turned around. Now the mountain is full of soldiers I am arranging fortifications. This military warehouse is like a wall made of wood. Even if there is no river, the gate seems to be used for defense in front of me, but in any case, wood can't be compared with stone walls. This kind of wall is a wall The magic fireball may open, so in any case, this thing can't become a wall to protect us, not to mention that there are 6,000 people with us. At most, the space of the military warehouse can only stand in front of us, and the observation channel at the top of the fence can't accommodate too many people. It must be above, in the grass and holes. Do all kinds of fortifications.

Of course, I also understand that it's okay for them to lose a few people in an instant, but it still doesn't have much effect.

"Nia, you were too emotional just now." Hilmi turned his head and looked at me and said, "I don't think it's appropriate. After all, the enemy may move 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of troops. In this case, even if we can fight, we can't be restrained here. There is not much time. We have to ensure that we can withdraw at any time."

"Yes, I'm sorry to make a troublesome decision." I scratched my head and did see their death. Neither I nor my soldiers could calm down. "But now we can't change this order. We have to fight this hard battle."

"It doesn't matter. We'll just follow you." Sam laughed and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong muscles. "When the enemy comes, we will leave and show them!" If it's Alvin Charles, that bastard! I'll split his head with my axe!"

"With your height, you have to find a chair to get Alvin's head!" Ronley smiled and patted Sam, and Sam waved his fist at him angrily.

"Haha." Everyone is laughing and they are helping me relieve my stress.

I sighed and straightened up my chest. Yes, I looked a little depressed under so much pressure. I tried to put aside those tired feelings as much as possible, and I put on a spiritual look again.

"Let's take a walk outside at night." I said that I left the railing and walked head to the end.

After a while, we walked out of the city gate and walked outside the military warehouse, surrounded by mountains. Except for the mountains full of trees, there was a fire.

When you come to the mountain, it smells full of soil, which smells much better than the smell of rust in the military treasury.

"It has been more than half a year since I came to Bier." I walked in front of the team, and several people kept quiet. "If only Nanion were here now, haha."

"Nia, I think I would prefer to meet in Coltfield and Namion now." Eric smiled bitterly.

"Biel's life should also be bored." I said that for a while, people climbed towards the mountain, just like an outing. I just want to take this as a relaxed mentality.

"Nia, I think this place... If the enemy comes, as long as they keep the exit, we will die... It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and these mountains go deep into the clouds." Ronley licked his lips and said, "I don't think this place is easy to guard, but it's easy for the enemy to keep us."

"Yes, so I'm bringing you out now." I said that I would continue to walk on this steep uphill. Compared with the climbing of mountains in my previous life, these mountains are difficult to climb, because there are no so-called stairs and holes to land, so I can only step directly on the steep slope wall.

"Do you have any connection?" Larry asked and walked up quickly. Maybe she was the only one who could show a playful mentality.

"Let's climb and have a look, and then we need to find a suitable channel." I explained, and then Larry's little hand held me.

"I don't have the strength..." Larry said gasping, showing a eager look, "Brother Nia, carry me on your back."

"I don't have the strength to climb myself..." I said angrily, holding her head with my big hand, "And you're not small, and you're not light on your back."

"Nia, explain first, how to open the channel?" Hilmy asked with a puzzled face.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's finish this road first." I squatted down with a smile, and then Larry also jumped up quickly.

"Larevi, you're heavy again." I stood up very hard in a difficult manner.

"Impossible! I have been eating delicious food for days! How can it get heavier!" Larry Vi shouted loudly, and then hammered my head with both hands...

I quickly begged for mercy and said some kind words: "That's growing tall..."

"Ai." Suddenly, Larry turned around and looked back, "Ronley! You are right behind, help my sister~"

Larevi shouted and winked at Ronley. White smiled secretly, while Ronley was stunned first, and then turned around and reached for Ina. Ena has now lost her left arm and left eye. It is not so easy to climb this steep hillside.

"No." Ina directly rejected Ronley's help, and Ronley looked disappointed.

However, Eric next to him immediately passed on the eyebrows of our childhood skills to Ronley. In short, it was funny to wink at each other... In the end, it was true that Aina accepted Ronley's help.

After a long time, most of the visible firelight on the mountain disappeared, and the sky turned slightly red. We also climbed to the peak of the top of the mountain. When we came to the top of the mountain, it looked like a picture. The red sun had just stretched out to our sight. The horizon is imprinted on the faces of each of us.

"I'm exhausted!" Eric lay directly on the ground and had no extra interest in enjoying the sun. "This mountain is too high!" I climbed all night before I arrived!"

"I'm not tired of carrying a burden." I walked to Eric angrily and looked at him, with Larevi behind her back. The girl had fallen asleep, but she slept comfortably.

"That's a girl on your back. If Anyala also lets me go up and down to the mountain and sleep on my back, I'm definitely more energetic than you!" Erik turned up and shouted, but then was knocked hard on the head by Anyala, who stood behind him at some point.

"The scenery above is really beautiful." After knocking Eric, Anyra turned her head to watch the sunrise and gasped sweating. As a magician, her physical strength was much worse than ours, but as Ayala as a girl, it was still easier to be attracted by beautiful pictures and forget her fatigue.

"I feel back to my childhood, haha." Sam waved the sweat from his forehead and sat on a stone. White leaned against a tree trunk with a branch in his hand, and Hilmi stood in front of me, as if it coincided with the center of the sun. Every hair was very bright under the sun, which was a wonderful picture. If this is the moment It's good to freeze forever... and live such a comfortable life with my friends every day.

However, it is unlikely in this war-filled world. It seems that there have been few peaceful days since I became aware of this world.

Soon, it seemed that in an instant, this fiery red scene had dissipated, and the sun rose high into the sky, illuminating the earth.

Hilmi didn't continue to look at the sun and turned to me and asked, "Nia, what is the channel?"

"The so-called channel is just the route." Looking at everyone's interest, I said with a wry smile, "I'm sorry to misunderstand. I mean, I need to find a suitable escape channel. When we are really unable to fight, I hope you can evacuate according to the route we prepared in advance, and I will stay to help you break it."

This is what I have been thinking about for a long time. Anyway, my friends came to this place with me through life and death. I don't want them to die in this place with me.

"What are you talking about!" Erik suddenly turned up, and his face was full of unwillingness.

"We are from the Coltfield Empire and can't die in such a foreign land." I shook my head and said, "I can't leave my soldiers. I can't leave them without saying who I am to them."

"Then we can't give up! Let's die together!" Ronley stood up and said, and Eric stood up as well.

"Yes! Let's fight to the death with Bier!"

"Quiet down." As I spoke, I slowly squeezed out a smile, stepped forward and stretched out a hand and patted them on the shoulder. "Sit down and listen to me..."

"No! Nia, you must convince us!" Erik shook his head with wide eyes and said, "No! I will never leave you!"

"Me too!"

" Me too!" Everyone put on a firm look...

"Friends, I beg you, Larivi." I said slightly over and threw it, which was the only thing I could rely on, but Larry had to be asleep before that, so I promised to carry her...

"Larevi always calls me brother. Although she is not related by blood, she is your sister, but since she is called so, I think she is also my sister."

"I, Nia Lawrence, am the only guy around me who is a relative now, and I also love her very much." I looked at them with a wry smile, "Larevi won't know about this."

"You promised me to take her away, take her away anyway, take her to the river bank, and return to Coltfield safely."