Magic Sword

Chapter 249 The Wind

The rain of arrows all over the sky! As the bow string vibrated, the arrows in the arrow barrel were sent to the sky one by one! Then he fell on the enemy's head, armor, brocade flag, body, crotch, screaming, and everyone was immersed in a look of fear!

This thousand people don't want to take it all!

"Attack!" I ordered to shout, and then there was a loud trumpet, and a huge shout quickly broke out on one side of the hillside! The enemy panicked! Before we could see clearly what was going on, a team ** fell into them!

"Kill them! Kill them!" The enemy non-commissioned officers shouted one by one, ordering the soldiers around him, but no one wanted to listen! Everyone has a fear! Especially there is a sea of fire behind it! At least 500 people lost their lives in the woods in an instant!

The Lawrence family! Go!" At the front is Ronley! He held the sword high and made a very handsome move in front of the team. The cloak danced and the fighting spirit was scattered! ** Incomparably led the team into the thousand people! Few people can really resist!

This thousand people are sure to eat. At least 700 or 800 of them have been lost in the woods. Roughly calculating this short moment, the enemy will lose nearly 2,000 people. Although there are still more than 28,000 people outside, it seems that 2,000 people are not much, but this will kill them in an instant! The enemy lost one-fifth of the number of people at once! Such a situation is rare in the era of cold weapons!

"The enemy's commander is afraid to stamp his feet in anger now." I laughed secretly, and suddenly a breeze came to my face...

I frowned. No, the valley surrounded by mountains can't be blown straight in! There is a problem!

Just when I thought so, there was a sudden noise from the trees! I have already turned my eyes away! Since the fire was broken in an instant! It's like something...wind! The wind blew up a large area in an instant! How can it be so unbelievable! Is there a magician?

"Nia, this is fighting spirit..." Hilmi looked at me, "and..."

"Arnakis..." I gritted my teeth and spit out the name. How could such a powerful wind be used without the level of a paladin!

His sword has gems inlaid with wind attributes, which will bring wind light when releasing fighting spirit, and now he has trained such an ability to perfection! I also heard about it later! One of the top ten paladins has the name "Wind Rider"! The last time I saw Alnokis Riedel for the first time in White's camp, I had already seen his power!

The last time he was with Carlisle, and as the Colterfield Empire, that is, the imperial guardian of our country... He will not come to the Biel Empire alone to kill me, Carlisle must also be by his side!

Although he is not the guardian of Colt's empire, these people standing at the top don't do everything based on their own preferences... This kind of relationship can't be the reason why he can't kill me!

"Outside, there are at least two paladin-level people!" I stood up and said to my friends, "bang" with a silver fighting spirit!

"What are you going to do!"

"Stop Alnokis! The fire has opened a channel by him! You can't let him put it all out! Otherwise, tens of thousands of troops will come up together and we won't be able to fight!" According to my original expectation, the flame burning forest enemy could not move forward. Even if Carlisle was present, it was impossible to extinguish the turbulent fire in the forest with fighting spirit! But I didn't expect that Alokis would be here without considering any possibility!

"Tank! Ewini! Atwood! Come here with me!" I quickly shouted and was directly exposed to the slope on the tunnel. The three of them rushed over when they heard my voice, and then Ewini quickly released space magic! A silver curtain wrapped us in it in an instant!

"I'll go together!" White said quickly and quickly turned over the broken face. Then the silver light flashed and we several people came to the periphery of the forest in an instant, which was also the periphery of the sea of fire. There was a long way from the passage broken by Alnokis. You could clearly see the full army and directly turned into a one-on-one small queue rushing towards the passage!

Although there is only one, it is more than ten meters wide!

Ronley is fighting with the enemy on the other side of the channel at this time!

I didn't continue to care about those people. I believe my companions will do well, and Hilmi will give the right command! My sight wandered directly among the enemy. Our position was very inconspicuous. Coupled with the flames, no one noticed the light we came.

"I found it!" I gritted my teeth secretly, obviously a figure! With armor, holding a thin and long shield in his left hand, holding the blade high, wrapped around the light green wind! You can't let him open a channel!

Take advantage of now!

He hasn't noticed me yet!

"Rend me strength! Don't dump it!" I quickly raised the golden sword, and Mo Qingyu quickly responded to me! Golden light! It spread all over my body in an instant! Then the feeling of strength surged up!

"Fighting!" The golden light rises to the sky! Break through the clouds all over the sky! The huge momentum made Alnokis quickly notice our existence!

Arnokis' eyes shrank slightly, and the light on the blade immediately turned to our side! Directly split a storm!


I shouted and waved the blow with my arms at the same time! A piece of cloud was cut open under the impact of the golden light! Then intimately connect with the green wind!

"Boom!" There was a storm, and the wind came to my face in an instant! Atwood raised his eyes and erected a magic barrier in front of us!

"Nia Lawrence!" An old voice with a little surprise. To the owner of that voice, I couldn't help clenching the blade!

Carreal Egbert!

The man who killed my mother! The man who killed Uncle Burton!

Now the revenge for killing my father has been avenged! Alvin Charles has died under my sword! He is next! I have the ability to deal with him now!

"Drink!" I rushed straight forward! Through the magic barrier! At the same time, a golden light was pulled on the golden sword, clenched the hilt with both hands, and threw the sword fiercely!

"Huh!" Alokis snorted coldly and quickly stood in front of Carlisle! Blocked in front of you with the shield on your arm!

"brush--!" The golden light is flawed! He quickly jumped on the shield!

It's blocked! Alokis just raised his body slightly and caught the blow!

"Go to hell!" I didn't stop here! 30 seconds is not much! I can't waste any more surprises! With Mo Qing's power so many times, I have been saving more and more time!

"brush--" I injected fighting spirit into my feet, and the moment I jumped up, I released my fighting spirit crazily, allowing me to burst out a strong action force in a short distance! Although it's a waste of fighting spirit! But you can quickly approach them or avoid some emergency and dangerous situations!

"It's just a waste of fighting spirit!" Alnokis snorted coldly, but the next moment the golden light flashed, and my body rushed to his eyes with a sword!

"Zhang!" A fierce split fell directly on the shield, and the shield inlaid with a fighting spirit was not so easy to break! But Alnokis took a few steps back!

Even if you can't break the outer layer! But the power he receives will not change!

"Hmm!" I snorted coldly and stepped on the edge of his shield, because it was a cross-shaped, with a short protrusion on both sides, and the edge could be settled! I stepped on that position and turned directly to his back!

"What!" Arnokis exclaimed, but it was too late! I got it! The blade was instantly wrapped with golden light, and then waved a sword forward to violently split!

"Go to hell! Carlisle!" I stared fiercely at the sound of the dark golden armor behind Alnokis, the silver hair of the steamed bread, and there was not much surprise, but a little appreciation! My illusion?

"Nia Lawrence, I'm very satisfied with your growth." Carlisle laughed and did not reach out to draw his sword! Want to die? I won't refuse!

But the next moment! A fighting spirit exploded directly on his body! I was stunned, but the blade I waved was already biased, and Carlisle moved his feet slightly and stood sideways! My blade split directly on the ground!

Bad! A good opportunity wasted! I scolded and stood up quickly! But at this time, my back is hot! I took a few steps forward! Pain!

I suddenly turned around, and there were still a few blood stains on the blade of Annoki in front of me! There is a sword in the back! Not deep! But the mouth is absolutely big!

"Nia!" With an anxious shout, Alnokis and Carlisle were stunned and quickly avoided two steps, and suddenly two beams of magic fell into the sky in their original position!

"Nia!" Atwood, Tank and Evini were forced away. They rushed to my side and protected me. Behind them were Bier's noble private armies, and in front of them were Carlis and Algeuse!

Power, the power of 30 seconds has also disappeared, and the body is full of tiredness. In an instant, the strength of the whole body is repeatedly drained, tired and trance.

"You are really brave." Carlisle smiled and looked sideways at Alnokis beside him. "It's still because I have to fight by mistake."

"I've always wanted to kill you. I know that if Alnokis is here, you must be around!" I stared coldly at Alvin and held my hands on the hilt of the sword. I had to recover this feeling of weakness first.

"Nia Lawrence, although we are from the same country, the country's policy is useless to me. Such behavior is just to help my friends. I feel guilty for you." Alnokis looked at me, rubbed the blade to the ground, then let go of the hand holding the hilt of the sword, put his fist on his chest, and made a knightly salute, "I took action once, and I won't intervene in the rest of the matter, which is worthy of my friend."

"Next is your own private time."