Magic Sword

Chapter 252 Blood Sword

It was hard to give Alvin a fatal injury, but I didn't expect to recover in such a strange way! There are no wounds on his shoulder! But the man behind him stabbed him just now!

The injury should be more serious!

"Who are you!" I asked coldly, and I worked so hard to cause so much damage to Alvin that I was suddenly recovered by a sword! Naturally, I don't look good at the man in green and white armor.

"Marron Valodin." The man said his name with his eyes closed.

Nia! That guy!" White's face was shocked with dissatisfaction.

"Have you heard of this name?"

"Of course! Maren Valrodin! Because he is..." White paused, and there was some cold sweat on his forehead. Did I wrinkle? What kind of guy is White to show such an expression!

"Marron Valodin... a knight with the name of 'blood sword'! It is indeed one of the top ten paladins recognized by the Continental Knights Association!"

"Top Ten Paladins..." I was stunned, and my face was a little worse. The top ten paladins... Another fucking top ten paladins!

There are only ten guys in the whole continent, and a few counts, I've already seen four! Carlisle Egbert, Alnokis Riddle, Dredes, plus this Marron Valodin in front of you!

It should be a lucky thing, but when three of these ten paladins stand opposite you, how can it be a good thing!

"Be careful, that 'blood sword' is not a good thing..." White whispered to me, "I heard of his reputation when I was the head of the Knights Templar. It is said that he can take a person's life or save a person with one sword!" No matter if you are seriously injured, you won't die as long as you are stabbed by him before you die!"

How is it possible? Can a sword take people's lives?" This is too unbelievable! And the key is that the facts are right in front of us! Carlisle was indeed stabbed alive by him!

But I can't control so much! Now I have no way to deal with that guy. An Alnokis has exceeded my budget, and now there is a top ten paladins! Who knows how many more!

I stared at their figure and paused on Marlen Valordin for a while. As long as I could not be cut by that guy, there was nothing he could do!

"My battle today is only to kill Carlisle Egbert!" I straightened my chest and shouted loudly.

Mellen turned his head slightly to me, but he never opened his eyes! It seems to be capturing my position with my ears! Is he... blind?

"I'm sorry, Nia Lawrence, Carlisle Egbert is my good friend. You can't do what you want. If you want to kill him, I have to intervene in this matter. If you obediently capture him, I won't do it."

"Joke!" I snorted coldly, "I'm not afraid of an Alnokis!" So what about you!"

"Then I'll try your skills. I heard that you are also a knight." Mullen stood quietly beside Carlisle and waited with a sword in one hand. "With the strength of a seventh-order knight, it's good to achieve such an achievement at such an age. Unfortunately, although I have a loving talent, you still have done too much after all."

"Why did you take this step and force yourself into this depressed valley to fight against tens of thousands of nobles' private armies? You should also know that you are at a disadvantage in this battle, and even if you win, it only helps Biel understand the hidden dangers of the aristocracy's feeding all year round." Maren sighed and said, obviously, the emperor of Bier also wanted to borrow my hand to clear some worries!

The resourceful guy...

"Nias Lawrence, I can give you one last way to live." Mullen was silent for a moment and said, "Join the Continental Knights Association, so that even Bier can't take action against you, and the Knights Association will become a barrier for you."

"Wait! Mullen!" Carlisle turned around and looked at him and shouted, "How can that be done! Now..."

Carlisle also fell silent and looked at me. Is he hesitating?

"Nia Lawrence, this is indeed your jump." Carlisle stared at me and said, "Although you want to kill me, this behavior is better than raising a tiger. You can choose. I will still fight with you, but my friend Marlen Valodin will protect you, and you can't even die. You can successfully hide in the Knights' Association from my hands."

"No need!" I said coldly, "I don't want to imprison myself in the Knights' Association yet. What's the difference between that and death?"

Mellen was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that I would give up a life path so directly.

"Aren't you thinking about it?"


Mellen lowered his head and meditated for a while and said, "You are fearless, but I don't want this fearlessness to be resourceful,ni ya Lawrence. Maybe you should think about it for your friends. As a knight, you should not be a cold-blooded guy who abandoned his partner, right? In that case, our Knights Association really doesn't need you.

"If you are willing to join the Knights Association, I can keep all your friends leaving Bier safely."

My body trembled a little. Looking at Mellen, he was definitely not seducing me with interests. I can see his expression. He is not that kind of guy. Even with such a short contact, I can feel that he has chivalry and is also considering the interests of the mainland? Does he think I will become a pillar?

I have to say that the conditions opened by Mellen at this moment are very favorable! Buddy, that's my only tie.

"Nia, don't be shaken, this guy..." White touched my shoulder and said, "If you go in, you will be haunted by a lot of creeds, which is not suitable for you."

"If all our friends can survive..." I understand that we have a great advantage now. The enemy has tens of thousands of troops, three paladins, perhaps paladins, me and Atwood can stop it, but those tens of thousands of troops, even we are overwhelmed!

At this moment, the other end of the sea of fire channel is in full swing. Is there a roar of magic? But we can't hold it for too long. The arrows are limited, the magic is limited, and the number of people is less than the enemy...

This condition is very generous, and I am also very moved.

"Nia." Ivani spoke at this time. Generally speaking, she doesn't like to talk very much. Even when fighting, she prefers to communicate with her movements, actions and eyes.

"Do you think your friends, Hilmi, want you to exchange your freedom for their lives?"

Eweni's voice was very calm, but her words shocked me. Yes, they may still hit the Knights' Association, especially Hilmi. I don't know what crazy she will do, and I don't trust her.

The next moment, I cheered up my spirit again. Only by making a way out of life with my own hands can I feel at ease.

"I seem to feel a firm determination, Nia Lawrence, have you given up your way of life and your partner's way of life?" Mullen frowned slightly. His eyes could not see, but his perception and hearing were very good.

"No, just because I'm worried, my friends are all worry-free guys." I said with a little smile. Hilmi, Sam, Nanon, Erik, Ronley, Ena, Larry, their figures, the time we trained together is vivid, and my mood has also changed at this moment. This battle is not just for revenge!

"You have made up your mind, so I can only regret it." Maren sighed, then turned his hand and grasped the hilt of the sword. He raised the sword and stood in front of him. "I will do my best to kill you. This is respect for you."

"Your chivalry is a little better than I thought." I said and clenched the blade a little, "But I will win, because I have a reason to live, I have the will to survive, and there are friends behind me to protect, and I must win!"

Atwood, standing beside me, the tanks looked at me a little.

"Nia?" Atwood slowly spit out my name.

"What's wrong?"

"No, you're right, my illusion." Atwood shook his head and said, "You know, what you said just now, my former master, Don Adolf, also said that. At that moment, you seemed to overlap with him a little, really like..."

"What will happen to Don Adolf in the end?"

"Victory!" Atwood proudly raised his chest and said.

"That's enough." I smiled lightly, "That will also be my final end!"

Stop it! I suddenly raised the sword in my hand! A silver light then rose to the sky!


Bright golden armor, a striking fighting sword! Standing in the crowd, I am the most beautiful person!

Anyway! Don't want me to die in such a damn place!

"brush--" violent ripples! Gush out from my blade! Earth-shocking momentum! It's like a surging sea! Pounce on Mellen and the three of them!

"Go to hell!"

Carlisle, Alnokis and Mellen stood there quietly waiting for the arrival of my fight!

For a long time, when the huge momentum of fighting spirit rushed in front of them, Mellen made a move, opened his eyes slightly, and his godless eyes, but I believe that such an amazing momentum can be captured by his perception ability!

"A sword." Marlon spit out two simple words in his mouth, and then a golden light exploded on his body, and then waved the blade along him and waved a huge sword light! A blood-red sword light!

"Blood Sword." Mullen shouted, and the huge red blade suddenly enlarged and rushed to the fight spirit cut out!